Rural Dad

Chapter 97

In the morning, Zhao Han was woken up by a phone call.

"Hello, Bingbing, what's the matter with you calling so early?" Zhao Han yawned and answered the phone.

He reunited with a few brothers after a long time. He played until late last night, so he was still a little confused.

Wang Bing's voice was crisp: "Brother Zhao, didn't I say before that I would bring a few friends to play? We are already on the way to the village and will be there soon."

"So soon, OK, I'll get up right away." Zhao Han suddenly woke up and sat up from the bed.

After hanging up the phone, he got up and started to wash.

By the way, he called Zhang Dabiao and others.

Last night, because there were not enough beds at home, Zhang Dabiao and others scattered to sleep in the homes of several relatives.

This is a very normal thing in the countryside. After all, who doesn't have guests and not enough beds?

The village is not like the city where there are hotels.

After calling them to get up, Zhao Han started to make breakfast. Today, just cook noodles.

Mix all the leftover stir-fried vegetables from last night into the pot and stir-fry them. Pour them into a clean bowl.

Boil water in the pot and cook noodles. After the noodles are cooked, pour the soup into the bowl and mix with the stir-fried vegetables.

The noodles cooked in this way are particularly delicious and have enough flavor. The only way to cook them with soul is to use leftover vegetables.

The noodles are cooked, and Zhang Dabiao, Ye Ziliang and others also came one by one dressed neatly.

"Let's sign the contract in the afternoon. I have friends coming later and I will accompany them to the mountains."

Zhao Han said to everyone while eating noodles.

Ye Ziliang took a bite of garlic and a bite of noodles, and replied without raising his head: "Okay, anyway, I'm free."

"Dad, I want to go too!" Guoguo said.

Xingxing also said: "Dad, there's me."

"Haha! There's me too." Xiaoba echoed.

Zhao Han nodded: "Let's go, let's go."

"Anyway, we have to sign the contract in the afternoon, and we will go back early tomorrow morning." Zhang Dabiao reminded.

Zhao Han frowned: "So anxious?"

"Uncle Da Biao, can you play for a few more days?" Guo Guo blinked her big eyes and pouted.

Zhang Da Biao touched her face: "Uncle will come to see you in the future. Uncle is very busy recently."

"Okay." Guo Guo sighed.

Ye Ziliang explained to Zhao Han: "The army has just been established. It can be said that we are indispensable everywhere."

Zhao Han nodded to show his understanding.

Before he retired from the army, he heard that the higher-ups wanted to break up their ace team and form a larger special operations force as the backbone.

This is a real elite, not only in quality, but also in quantity, a special operations brigade.

All members are top soldiers selected from various military regions after many selections.

Building this army is the top priority. It is not easy for them to take a few days to see me.

"Brother Zhao, are you at home?"

Wang Bing's voice sounded outside the yard.

Then she walked in with two people.

The two people were a man and a woman, both were blond and blue-eyed foreigners, with cameras on their chests.

When the two foreigners walked into the yard and saw so many officers in uniform, their faces froze for a moment.

But they soon returned to normal.

"So soon, have you eaten?" Zhao Han asked.

Wang Bing smiled slightly: "I ate a long time ago."

She looked at Zhang Dabiao and others in confusion.

"These are my friends, and they will go into the mountains with me later." Zhao Han explained casually.

"Oh oh." Wang Bing nodded, then pointed to the two foreigners behind him and introduced: "These two are Jack and Jenny, reporters from the Ugly Country."

"Hello, Mr. Zhao, it's an honor to visit you, I love the scenery of Taoyuan Village." Jack forced a smile on his face and stretched out his hand.

There were so many Xia officers in the yard, making him feel like a sheep falling into a pack of wolves. Now he was panicking, but he had to pretend to be calm on the surface.

Zhao Han shook hands with him and praised him with a smile: "You speak Chinese well, man."

"They studied abroad in Xiaguo and were my college classmates." Wang Bing explained with a smile.

"You sit down first, go in and wash the dishes." Zhao Han ate the noodles in two mouthfuls and went into the house to put the bowl away.

Ye Ziliang followed him in, pretending to put the bowl away while whispering: "Those two people are not right."

"You also found it?" Zhao Han raised his eyebrows.

Ye Ziliang sneered: "Not only me, I guess Deputy Captain Zhang and the others have all seen it."

As a group of people who have carried out many escort, ambush and decapitation operations, they can be called all-round players.

As the best in this industry.

They are very sensitive to "the same kind".

From the posture, position, and the way their hands are placed, the two reporters can be seen to have received military training in all aspects..

Although they hid well and seemed natural, they probably never dreamed that they would meet a group of devil-level seniors today.

I saw through their foundation at a glance.

"That Jack has touched a gun. I felt it when I shook hands with him." Zhao Han said.

If Jack's hand only had traces of using a gun, it would not mean anything.

Because the Ugly Country is a country that does not ban guns.

In the free Ugly United States, gunfights happen every day.

But all the traces overlap.

That can explain a lot of things.

Wang Bing said that they studied in Xia Country, and it is obvious that the Ugly Country specially trained spies for Xia Country.

Modern society seems to be calm, but in invisible places, the spy war has been going on.

There is no such thing as a peaceful life in the world, but there are always people carrying the burden for us.

Ye Ziliang chuckled: "The Ugly Emperor is determined to destroy China, and he must be coming for you."

"To be precise, he is coming for the method I can grow Taoyuan Lingguo." Zhao Han said.

After all, how could the Ugly Country not want to find out how such a magical fruit is grown?

While pretending to wash dishes, Ye Ziliang asked calmly: "Tell me, how to deal with it?"

"Leave it to me." Zhao Han smiled playfully.

Two spies came from thousands of miles away. If they are not used properly, wouldn't it be a waste of their trip?

The construction of Taoyuan Village still needs funds.

Let the evil Ugly Imperialism also contribute to the development and construction of China's grassroots economy.

After using them, we will deal with them properly.

Zhao Han hates this kind of spy.

Because this is a life-and-death enemy!

"Captain, you smile so sinisterly." Ye Ziliang shuddered and moved away from Zhao Han.

Zhao Han's face darkened: "Sinister is used to describe villains. Obviously, I am now a decent person."

After a brief discussion, the two of them joked and walked out as if nothing had happened.

Zhang Dabiao and the others understood it instantly.

This is the tacit understanding they have developed over the years.

Do not act rashly, and follow orders.

Whose orders?

Of course, Zhao Han's!

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