"Did Xia Feng buy it for her?" Dong Yumo guessed in his heart and praised: "this car must be good. It's all imported. That's the price."

"Every penny is worth every penny." Lin Yan seems to be indifferent to the price. She turns around the car and says, "that's it."

She said, took out her cell phone and made a call. Sure enough, she called Xia Feng in a particularly charming tone: "well, I want it. I want to die. Well, thank you. You can thank me as much as you want."

The tone was charming and angry. Hearing that Dong Yumo's ears were red, he couldn't help thinking about yesterday.

"I can't see that she is so brave." looking at Lin Yan from the side, she was timid and envious.

Lin Yan hung up the phone. Within a minute, the message rang. Lin Yan turned on her mobile phone, looked at the message, and cried out, "Yeah."

He showed Dong Yumo his mobile phone and said proudly, "look, the car money is coming."

Dong Yumo looked at it and saw a long string of zeros with a 4 in front.

She didn't know how to count the time, but she didn't have to count it, because Lin Yan had already started swiping her card.

"Xia Feng gave her four million yuan directly." Dong Yumo understood in an instant.

After thinking about it, she stayed there, and the whole person had a moment of blank. In her mind, the scene of yesterday appeared again.

That scene appeared many times in her mind. Every time she threw away quickly, she didn't dare to see or think.

But at this moment, the scene was like a slow motion picture of a movie. It clearly appeared in her mind. Everything, every detail, was clear.

There was a car in stock. Lin Yan paid for it, issued a temporary license plate and asked Dong Yumo to test drive it.

Dong Yumo was still dizzy when she sat in the car. For a long time, she was a little sober and asked Lin Yan, "Xia Feng bought it for you."

"Well." Lin Yanxi nodded, "it must be him. I can't afford it myself."

Her eyes were full of pride. The whole person seemed to be shining like the moon on the 15th.

Dong Yumo can understand that when she first bought a BMW, it was like this. Her BMW was still a national car, only more than 500000, while Lin Yan's one, more than 3 million, nearly eight times more than her.

Your heart is envious and jealous. Looking at Lin Yanxi Zizi's words, her red lips open and close. She suddenly thought of yesterday's scene. She couldn't help asking, "your husband saw it, won't he ask?"

"What if you ask?" Lin Yan was so proud at this time that she didn't care: "I said that the store's business was booming and the boss won the prize."

Dong Yumo said, "your husband won't doubt it?"

"So what about doubt?" Lin Yan raised her chin and disdained: "I don't care about divorce at most. I've had enough. I don't have the ability to fart. I spend thousands of dollars a month and often get drunk. On my shirt, I bring back women's hair, aroma and lipstick prints from time to time. I bah. As long as he dares to say a word of separation, I won't wait a minute."

Her momentum was like a rainbow, but Dong Yumo was completely silent.

Her husband's situation is more excessive than that of Lin Yan, because her husband has been used to drinking and drinking since childhood. After marriage, she has not restrained much. She has also cried. Her husband has a bigger temper. He cries and ignores it. He goes back to his mother's house. Later, she is numb.

Today's Lin Yan seems to have opened a window for her.

Lin Yan was very excited about buying a car and testing it, but she never mentioned the topic yesterday. Dong Yumo went home and had another dream in the evening. She dreamed that she had bought another BMW, which was also more than three million yuan.

Later, I suddenly woke up. It was not dawn, but I couldn't sleep anymore. I tossed and turned. When it was dawn, I slept again. I suddenly woke up. It was the mobile phone ringing.

She received it from Lin Yan: "Yumo, where is it? I'll pick you up."

"Where are you going?" Dong Yu's ink head was still dizzy.

"I asked Xia Feng to open a shop for us. Are you at home? I'll come right away."

Lin Yan said and hung up the phone directly.

Dong Yumo was stunned for a moment, jumped up suddenly, took a quick bath, went to the wardrobe, turned for a long time, and finally wore a short cheongsam of self-cultivation. This cheongsam is especially good for her figure.

In the dressing mirror, a pearly young woman with a narrow waist and slender legs would turn around 100% if she walked on the street. However, she was still not enough and put on a pair of black bright pantyhose.

When she went downstairs, Lin Yan was already waiting. She secretly noticed that when Lin Yan saw her, her eyes suddenly lit up, some amazing and a little envy.

It made her secretly proud.

She did not know that Lin Yan was really a little amazing, but she was not envious, but secretly shouted in her heart: "it seems that you are ready to dress up so carefully. I knew you were serious."

Pulling Dong Yumo into the water was a special pleasure in her heart.

This time, she changed a Japanese club. Lin Yan has a kind of sneaky foreign Seduction in her bones. She used to have no money. Now Xia Feng spends money anyway, so she will choose the best and most expensive place for every date.

To the room, not long after, Xia Feng came.

At the sight of Xia Feng, Dong Yumo's face turned red and her body looked like a fire, but she secretly paid attention to Xia Feng's expression.

Sure enough, Xia Feng's eyes lit up obviously when she saw her. It was obviously amazing to her, which made her secretly happy.

Sitting down and ordering wine and vegetables, Xia Feng asked Lin Yan, "have you bought a car?"

"Yes," said Lin Yan with a smile, "and your sister Dong helped me choose it."

"Really." Xia Feng looked at Dong Yumo: "then you have to thank sister Dong."

Lin Yan told him that if she couldn't make another appointment with Dong Yumo, there was no way. As long as Dong Yumo was willing to come, it would be the dish in his bowl.

He also thinks that Lin Yan's clarity is right. Looking at Dong Yumo's dress today, his heart is also hot. Looking into Dong Yumo's eyes, it seems as if he can spit fire.

"No, I accompanied Yanyan to have a look, which was mainly chosen by her." Dong Yumo could feel the heat in his eyes and felt a little ashamed in his heart, but more than that, he was happy.

This shows that her charm has a strong temptation to him.

"My vision is OK." Lin Yan is also a little proud and says to Xia Feng, "you haven't seen my car yet. Look, it's not beautiful."

She picked up her mobile phone, called out the photo, stood up at the same time, went to Xia Feng, sat down in Xia Feng's arms and showed him the photo.

"It's not beautiful. It's nice." Lin Yan shows off. It's not to lure Dong Yumo. She really likes the nearly four million BMW, which she didn't dare to dream of before.

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