The key is that for Hua Yuna, this comfort is only intermittent. If she calms down today, she will think of it tomorrow and act like a spoiled child with him. Xia Feng had to comfort her again.

Of course, girls who can be coquettish are lovely. They won't be coquettish. They are female men. Some people will like them. Xia Feng is not interested.

It was the cement plant that really gave Xia Feng a headache. In the middle, he went back. Hu Nannan told him that the machines in the cement plant were not easy to sell. Now they can barely pay wages, which is far from turning over.

On the contrary, the tool factory began to catch fire, and many manufacturers came, including Yichang.

As soon as Xia Feng heard about Yichang, he got angry and ordered Hu Nannan: "don't sell to Yichang. No matter how high the price is, don't sell, otherwise I'll spank you."

Hu Nannan smiled at him: "I will listen to you, but I like you to hit me."

Yu dimly called Xia Feng at this time. Of course, Xia Feng wouldn't refuse and went to find him immediately.

When he met Yu dimly, he gave Xia Feng a full sense of achievement every time, lit a cigarette, hugged her, let her take a sip and said, "what's the matter with me?"

On his ethereal face, the red tide did not fade, and his eyes were like silk: "those who have no conscience can only get it once in half a year."

Xia Feng smiled and Yu dimly said, "seriously, do me a favor. It's a customer who asked you to massage before. He's been looking for you."

"No?" Xia Feng said, "haven't all the students you went to Thailand come back?"

"It doesn't work." Yu dimly shook his head. "I tried. I can't compare with you at all, especially those who have massaged you. They all say it's far from good."

This is for sure, but Xia Feng didn't have time to give people a massage, so he didn't answer.

Yu dimao, who was in this line, had a clear eyebrow and eye, and said, "I know you don't have time, so others pushed it, but this one really can't be pushed. Would you do me a favor?"

She said, twisting her waist.

In this way, Xia Feng couldn't refuse. He was also a little curious. He thought to himself, "who is so obsessed with his brother?"

A figure suddenly appeared in my mind, Wu rujun.

Wu rujun gave him a very strange impression, because Wu rujun obviously recognized him, but deliberately pretended not to recognize him. He asked him for massage several times, and then asked him to play at home, but pretended to be nothing.

Xia Feng couldn't describe what it was like, but felt special stimulation.

"Can't it be her? Do you still want to play?" Xia Feng thought.

The next day, Yu dimao called Xia Feng: "cousin, I have an appointment. Can you come tomorrow at 10 a.m.?"

"Yes." Xia Feng agreed.

Xia Feng sneaked around the company first, and then came here.

Upstairs, I didn't see Yu dimao. It was estimated that he was accompanying the important guest. Xia Feng sent a text message.

After a while, Yu dimao came over and saw him. He said happily, "you're finally here. That's great."

According to the old rules, Xia Feng changed her clothes, put on her mask and entered the massage room. There was a woman lying on the massage chair. She also changed the massage clothes specially provided by Yu dimao. Yu dimao was with her and was talking to her.

Xia Feng can't see his face when he goes in, but Xia Feng's magical eyes can't be wrong when looking at his back. He recognizes it at once. It's Wu rujun.

"It's really her." Xia Feng said secretly.

Yu dimly saw Xia Feng come in and said with a smile, "the technician you ordered is coming. Concentrate on it."

Then he stood up.

Wu rujun also looked back at Xia Feng.

Wu Rujun put a mask on her face, her eyes and Xia Feng gave it a look, and her eyes remained silent, but it was low in the nasal cavity.

Xia Feng suddenly felt that Wu rujun's voice was light, um, very sexy.

In fact, it is not Wu rujun's voice that is particularly different from others, but her identity and this strange ambiguity give Xia Feng a special feeling.

"Did she recognize me?" Xia Feng was a little confused for a moment.

Yu dimao passed by Xia Feng, winked at him and said, "this is the most distinguished guest in our shop. Take out all your skills and don't leave your hands."

Don't leave four words with ambiguity.

Yu dimly went out. Xia Feng came to Wu rujun and said in a hoarse voice, "I'll relax you first, and then massage. Don't be nervous. Just relax your whole body. When you massage your waist and neck, it will be a little sore. It doesn't matter."

"Yes." Wu rujun said again in his nose. Xia Feng couldn't help but heat up again.

After taking a breath, Xia Feng put his hand on it and loosened Wu rujun's neck and then his waist.

Wu rujun is well maintained and tempered every day. He has a very good figure.

"Your skin is good." Xia Feng couldn't help boasting.

Wu rujun lay on his stomach, buried his head deeply, and only made a slight sound in his nose.

She is obviously a little shy.

Wu rujun soon went to sleep. Xia Feng couldn't help looking back at the door. There was always a question: "did she recognize me?"

He used to think that Wu rujun might have recognized him, but he was not sure.

It was a mystery. Yu dimly waited outside. When she saw Xia Feng coming out, she asked, "how about it?"

"Sleep." Xia Feng smiled.

Yu dimly smiled and said, "I knew you were powerful."

"Then I'll go back to the company first. There's something else."

Nothing happened in the company. He got angry and called Lin Yan. Lin Yan and Dong Yumo came together.

At the end of the afternoon, Xia Feng suddenly received a call from Wu rujun: "Xiao Xia, are you free recently?"

Xia Feng jumped in his heart and said, "what's the matter?"

"There's something small, I'd like to ask you a favor." Wu rujun's tone is steady and eager, not much different from the past.

Xia Feng said, "sister Wu, you say."

Wu rujun said, "if you are free, can you go to Beijing?"

Xia Feng was stunned and said, "go to Beijing."

"Yes," said Wu rujun, "are you free recently?"

"I'm free these days." Xia Feng hesitated a little and decided to promise her, mainly because he couldn't figure out what Wu rujun meant: "if you need it, you can go tomorrow. It's just a weekend."

"That's great." Wu rujun said happily, "call me when you arrive tomorrow."

Don't we go together? What the hell? Xia Feng was puzzled and agreed: "OK."

The next morning, Xia Feng took a plane to the capital and got off the plane. He called Wu rujun. The phone soon got through. Wu rujun heard that he had arrived and gave him an address.

"Did she get to Beijing first, or what happened?" Xia Feng wondered. He took a car according to the address. It was a villa area. The guard checked it strictly. Xia Feng reported the room number according to Wu rujun. The guard called and asked, and then let him in.

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