"What's the matter, Qingqing?" Wu rujun asked anxiously, "is it a severe pain? Don't be afraid, it'll be right away."

"No." Mu Qingqing shook his head and said, "yes... Yes..."

"What is it?" she hesitated, and Wu rujun became curious.

"It doesn't hurt at once." Mu Qingqing's eyebrows stretch out, but his eyes are more curious: "there is a cool breath. It's so comfortable. It hits into the body, and then it doesn't hurt at once. It's like solid ice suddenly melts."

"Miss Mu is very sensitive." Xia Feng praised, "you are angry and depressed for many years, just like the solid ice on the top of the mountain. I just dredged your meridians and melted the solid ice for you."

"It really seems to be the feeling of melting ice and snow." Mu Qingqing closed his eyes slightly and experienced the feeling in his body. He said: "it seems that spring is coming and the ice and snow are melting. It's a warm and comfortable feeling."

"A female Wenqing." seeing her like this, Xia Feng secretly screamed in his heart. He couldn't help looking at Mu Qingqing again. She closed her eyes and her face was intoxicated. It was very, very beautiful.

Wu rujun also noticed Mu Qingqing's appearance. She gave Xia Feng a thumbs up and winked at him.

Xia Feng blinked. Qing meant, take your time. Don't worry.

After massaging for about three minutes, Xia Feng changed one foot. In fact, massaging one foot is enough, but mu Qingqing not only has beautiful legs, but also beautiful feet. His muscles are soft, fragrant and smooth, and his tentacles are like cotton. He wants to experience more.

After another three minutes of massage, Xia Feng let go, got up and said, "at this time, you can drink a cup of warm boiled water, milk or fruit juice, but you should heat it."

"Well, I want juice." Mu Qingqing's tone was a little greasy.

She said, smiled at Xia Feng and said, "master Xia, thank you."

She smiles very beautifully, just like the clouds in the morning.

Xia Feng estimated that few people could see her smiling face.

"You're welcome." Xia Feng nodded and got up to wash his hands.

Wu rujun poured juice for mu Qingqing and said, "it's just cold."

Mu Qingqing slightly tooted his mouth: "master Xia said he wanted to drink hot."

"Then ask Master Xia for help." Wu rujun smiled and pushed the cup in front of Xia Feng: "master Xia, please solve your own problems."

Xia Feng knew that she wanted him to show his hand again.

Mu Qingqing blinked twice and was really interested: "master Xia can solidify coke into ice cream, but can it be heated?"

"Of course." Wu rujun said with a smile, "I said Xiao Xia is very divine. You don't believe it. Master Xia, please. If the performance is successful, you can have another fan."

Xia Feng smiled, took the cup up and put it flat in the palm of his hand. He used his spiritual power secretly. In about a minute, the juice in the cup came out hot.

"Ah." Mu Qingqing shouted, "it's hot, it's hot."

"I didn't lie to you." Wu rujun smiled.

"HMM." Mu Qingqing nodded hard.

She used to be as cold as a fairy, but now she is like a teenage girl.

A woman like Mu Qingqing is generally hard to approach, but as long as she accepts you, she often appears very innocent. Zhao ruiruirui is such a type.

At this time, the cup has been steaming. Mu Qingqing's wonderful eyes looked at it without blinking. He stroked his hands and half tilted in front of his chin. This action is very beautiful and cute.

"OK." Xia Feng put the cup on the table and pushed it over.

"Will it be hot?" Mu Qingqing stared at the cup like a curious kitten.

"You'll know if you try." Xia Feng smiled.

Mu Qingqing looked at him and shouted, "don't scare me."

This tone, unexpectedly took a little coquettish flavor.

"She's actually very feminine. If she's familiar," Xia Feng thought to himself. He didn't answer Mu Qingqing's words, but just smiled.

His encouraging eyes emboldened Mu Qingqing. He stretched out a finger and touched the edge of the cup first. The action was very cute and pleasing to the eyes.

"It's really hot," she called, "but it's not hot."

She said, took the cup up, held it in both hands and cried, "Wow, the whole cup is hot. It's amazing. Master Xia, how did you do it?"

At this moment, the former iceberg beauty has completely melted, full of femininity, and even a little young. Compared with her real age, she seems to be several years younger.

This is a woman whose heart is not much polluted. Her coldness is just a protective color. It is only on the surface. In fact, it is pure inside, not a woman with a cold heart.

"It's Qigong." Wu rujun interrupted: "your big nephew is crazy now. He told you that you don't believe it. He said that he has read too many fantasy novels. Now he believes it."

"Believe it, master Xia is really powerful." Mu Qingqing shouted exaggerated and looked into Xia Feng's eyes with a little star chasing expression. Wu rujun knows Mu Qingqing. Seeing her like this, she knows that she has been completely convinced by Xia Feng. Just like her adolescent son, he usually farts to death. Once he really likes something, it is crazy worship.

Of course, this is what she needs. Taking a look at Xia Feng, she couldn't help admiring: "this man, a pair of ghost hands are really powerful."

At this moment, she couldn't help thinking of Xia Feng's massage for her. It was like poison. She felt that she could not quit if she wanted to quit.

"Well, don't call master Xia. You're older than him. Call Xiao Xia, or manager Xia." she said and asked Xia Feng, "is mu Qingqing all right? Do you have to massage again?"

When it comes to massage several times, she winked at Xia Feng.

Xia Feng understood what she meant and took a look at Mu Qingqing. Seeing that Mu Qingqing was also looking at him, Xia Feng said: "The stagnation of liver qi in Miss Mu's body is relatively serious. It must not be possible at one time. It can be generally improved only after at least two or three courses of treatment. In addition, Miss mu, your dysmenorrhea is liver depression. Only external treatment can cure the symptoms, not the root cause. If you really want to break the root, you have to work hard and adjust your mentality."

"Yes, yes." Wu rujun immediately interrupted: "I said earlier. Mu Qingqing, you are not close to strangers. It's really bad. You should communicate more with people and open your mind. Naturally, you won't be depressed. Is that right, Xiao Xia?"

"Sister Wu is right." Xia Feng nodded and saw that Mu Qingqing didn't respond. He knew that her temperament was difficult to change easily. He said: "in fact, there is another way. You can run in the morning, and then shout in the park. It's also good to completely release yourself."

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