"That's OK." Wu rujun said with a smile, "just like a crazy girl. By the way, didn't you go crazy when you were a child? How did you change later."

"I didn't." Mu Qingqing blushed and said, "didn't you know anything when you were a child?"

"I like the way you looked when you were a child." Wu rujun snorted, suddenly stretched out his hand and scratched Mu Qingqing's armpit.

"Ah." Mu Qingqing immediately smiled and shrunk on the sofa: "No."

After a while, Wu rujun said to Mu Qingqing, "call Xiao Xia from Linjiang thousands of miles to treat you. Just say thank you. Go cook with me, get some good dishes and have a toast to Xiao Xia."

He also said to Xia Feng, "Mu Qingqing's cooking is super first-class. The so-called chefs in the hotel don't deserve to give her shoes."

"No." Mu Qingqing is cold to strangers. When he is familiar, he is actually quite modest.

She really cooks and makes four dishes and one soup. Her craft is really first-class. Many of Xia Feng's women are expert cooks, and his mouth is tricky, but after tasting Mu Qingqing's craft, she must admit that she is no worse than Guo Wenjia and Zhao ruiruirui.

After lunch, Xia Feng left first. He can't live in Wu rujun's villa. He lives in a hotel. Wu rujun originally said to accompany Mu Qingqing around the capital. Xia Feng said that Mu Qingqing's breath is unstable. It's best not to think about it. Wu rujun didn't insist. He said, "you can't go back these days. You have to cure Mu Qingqing's disease completely before you can go."

Then he winked at Xia Feng again.

Xia Feng understood what she meant, nodded and said, "OK, my company is fine anyway."

Mu Qingqing was a little embarrassed and said, "thank you, manager Xia."

"Come over for dinner in the evening." Wu rujun said with a smile, "you can cook some good dishes to thank him in the evening."

"Then I'll wait." Xia Feng smacked his mouth. Mu Qingqing covered his mouth and smiled. It was beautiful.

Out of Wu rujun's villa, Xia Feng wandered around the street. In fact, he knew a lot of people in Beijing, but he didn't want to find one. Well, Liu Simin didn't dare to find it. As for others, he was not interested.

After a stroll, I went back to the hotel to have a rest. I thought to myself, "Mu Qingqing is so depressed. What's the matter? She's not married, her work is not accurate, and she's beautiful. What's dissatisfied?"

Then I thought of another thing: "sister Wu only asked me to provoke her, but didn't say the consequences. What will I do to her then?"

When you think about Mu Qingqing, you feel warm. She is really a first-class beauty and has a unique temperament. When you think of Mu Qingqing and Wu rujun, you can't help saying: "It turns out that she really recognized me early. Hey, hey, it's interesting. Women really can act. She asked me for massage several times. Is it just to test my massage and help Mu Qingqing find a doctor? Is that really all?"

After a confused thought, as time passed, Wu rujun called and asked him to have dinner.

When Xia Feng passed, Wu rujun said, "we slept at noon. Xiao Xia, look at Mu Qingqing. Is the spirit much better?"

"Yes." Xia Feng took a closer look at Mu Qingqing's face and nodded: "there is a feeling of radiant and vigorous upward."

"Why is it like this?" asked Wu rujun curiously.

Xia Feng explained: "the liver governs relaxation, like the tree of spring, vigorous and upward. If the liver Qi is depressed, it is like spring. The tree does not grow leaves and looks depressed and uncoordinated. I helped her clear her liver Qi before. Her liver Qi is unblocked and relaxed, just like spring and plants sprout, it looks vibrant."

"So it is." Wu rujun nodded, "it makes sense."

Qingqing also nodded and said, "it's true. I used to feel bored and didn't have interest in doing anything, but today I seem to be a little excited."

"That's good." Wu rujun was happy: "let's have dinner first, have dinner, go dancing and sing karaoke."

She said, twisted her waist and made a dance movement: "speaking of it, I haven't played it for a long time."

She kept a good figure. This dance movement had a great sense of rhyme, and Xia Feng couldn't help brightening her eyes.

Mu Qingqing was also excited: "OK, I'll simply get some dishes."

It's simple, but I also got four or five dishes, which are a little richer than that at noon, and they are not the same as that at noon. Each dish has its own taste, and its workmanship is really first-class, which makes Xia Feng praise it repeatedly.

After dinner, Mu Qingqing drove and found a dance hall to dance.

Wu rujun's dancing posture is very unrestrained. She is a woman with great spirit. Even dancing can show this.

Mu Qingqing is relatively much more restrained. With the dynamic of youth, he is not as publicized as Wu rujun, but has a unique aesthetic feeling.

Both of her are beautiful women, especially Mu Qingqing, a rare beauty. As soon as she ended, she attracted the eyes of countless evil wolves. One of them, a little gangster, jumped and crowded over and wanted to lean on Mu Qingqing.

Mu Qingqing frowned and took a step away, and the little gangster posted it again.

Xia Feng certainly saw it. Don't make a noise first. It depends on Mu Qingqing's reaction.

Unexpectedly, Mu Qingqing didn't make any drastic moves, but Wu rujun took an arrow step to Mu Qingqing's side, raised his hand and slapped the little gangster. After the fan was finished, he pointed to the little gangster and shouted, "get away, dare to lean over again, and let you go to the Bureau to feed mosquitoes tonight."

She stared round and looked like a female tiger. The little gangster was frightened, took two steps back, didn't say a word, turned and slipped away.

Xia Feng almost looked silly on one side. With Wu rujun's slap, no one dared to get close to Mu Qingqing. He danced happily for a while, rested for a while, and the dance music started again. This time it was a slow dance. Wu rujun was very interested and said to Xia Feng, "Xiao Xia, you go dancing with Mu Qingqing."

Mu Qingqing shook his head and said, "I'm a little tired. I'll have a rest first."

"OK." Wu rujun nodded and said to Xia Feng, "Xiao Xia, you dance with me."

"OK." Xia Feng got up and invited Wu rujun to end.

She held her hand in one hand and gently put the other hand on her waist.

Although Wu rujun is well maintained, she is a woman who has given birth to children. Her waist can't be compared with the girl's family. She should be plump, but her tentacles are soft. Compared with the tight collapse of the girl's family, she has a different charm.

During the dance, Mu Qingqing could not be seen. Wu rujun said to Xia Feng, "can you give her a massage tonight?"

"But yes." Xia Feng nodded.

Wu rujun looked at him and saw that he didn't go on. He said, "you helped her massage that night. In the morning, you showed your hand. She is very fond of you now. She can strike while the iron is hot."

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