The guard just watched from the high wall sentry and did not interfere.

"This is much more advanced than Yao Dianshi's prison, and the supervision is much looser. Why? They are all agents, so they should be closely watched? Don't let them communicate with each other?" Xia Feng was a little confused, but he was relieved when he thought about it.

"It is estimated that those who are locked here will never be released. Communication and communication are of no use. Instead, they will be given a slightly relaxed and comfortable environment, which is more convenient for management."

Of course, he is only guessing. He doesn't know or need to know what the United States thinks.

Xia Feng slipped around the Huaxia district and counted roughly. There were twenty-three or four Huaxia agents locked here. They were neither few nor many.

And he also found Jin Qianlong.

Jin Qianlong is tall, about one meter eight, thin and has thick eyebrows, but his eyes are not as heroic as those in the photo.

Also, I have been locked up here for ten years, and if there is no accident, I will be locked up forever. Even if the tiger is locked up for ten years, there will be no tiger power, not to mention an individual.

However, his situation is better than Meng Youyi. Meng Youyi was locked up in a cave, like a savage, and with injuries. Jin Qianlong looks like a man, not to mention how powerful he is, at least.

Xia Feng didn't lean over, but looked at him from a distance.

What he was most worried about was that Jin Qianlong was dead, but he didn't die. For the rest, he had to figure out how to save him.

If you use a ring, it's very simple. Suck the Golden Dragon into the ring. No one can stop it.

But it won't work.

First of all, the prison is full of surveillance. Jin Qianlong is magically missing. If he can't see anyone alive or dead, it will become a supernatural event. The United States will investigate it to the end.

Secondly, Jin Qianlong's miraculous rescue will also be checked in China. Without a reasonable statement, Xia Feng may be exposed.

Xia Feng respects these people and is willing to contribute to the country, but the premise is not to expose himself or let himself become a creature under the microscope.

Therefore, Xia Feng thought repeatedly before coming. Saving people can be done, but it must be justified. We can't make it into a supernatural thing. In particular, we can't let the domestic suspect him. Instead, we should think of the mysterious organization behind him like helping the special office, rather than being suspicious.

It is not easy to do this.

The last time I saved Yao Dianshi, I had a good chance. The prison organized a field trip. There were guns in the woods. Although it was strange, it made sense to think that there was a secret organization behind Xia Feng. Then Xia Feng took Yao Dianshi over the mountain to Mexico. It was also very reasonable. No one would think about mysterious events, but could only sigh that the secret organization behind Xia Feng had strong energy.

It's impossible to go out of the field. Obviously, the United States spends a lot of money to support Jin Qianlong. It doesn't want these people to generate income at all.

Without going out of the field, the valley is closed. Not only the valley is closed, but also the prison is closed. What is the way to reasonably save Jin Qianlong?

"Unless it really comes from heaven." Xia Feng thought a little and could only think of this way.

But this method also has defects. If you use a plane, it's easy to make a helicopter. There are two ready-made ones in the ring, but he can't drive them yet.

Rescued from the air by an eagle?

That would expose his ability to drive animals.

At first, Xia Feng thought it didn't matter to expose this, but he made several contacts with the special office, which misunderstood that there was a mysterious organization behind him. He thought it was very good and beneficial to himself.

Therefore, he didn't want to do any powers, even if it was understandable that he didn't want to drive animals.

To save people without exposing yourself is the principle set by Xia Feng. So how do you do it?

After thinking for a long time, I couldn't think of a way.

But it's not urgent. Anyway, Jin Qianlong has been closed for ten years. It's okay to close more than half a year and eight months.

Xia Feng stared at prison No. 5 for three days, which can be regarded as a thorough understanding of prison No. 5.

Prison No. 5 has more than 200 agents from various countries, more than 80 guards, and more than 30 guards in Taniguchi. They are divided into two teams and rotate day and night.

There are about 50 people in the prison, responsible for guarding and living.

The custody of detained agents is strict and loose. Yan is an agent division. Everyone can only move in the division and can't go out.

Song is in the District, almost laissez faire. He closes Yao Dianshi's detention center and strictly stipulates when to get up, eat and turn off the lights.

Here, there is no such thing at all. Xia Feng looked at it. Jin Qianlong and others got up when they wanted to get up, stayed up when they wanted to stay up, and chatted casually when they wanted to go through the door. No one cared at all.

This looseness makes Xia Feng strange. But just think about it.

Jin Qianlong these people, that is, prisoners, but not ordinary prisoners. The United States is the country with the largest number of agents, monitoring the world. Their agents also run around the world. Naturally, countless agents fall into the hands of others.

If they maltreat the agents of other countries, other countries will naturally retaliate equally. On the contrary, if they treat the agents of other countries better, other countries will naturally treat their agents better.

"It's ok except that I can't go out." Xia Feng thought for a moment: "it would be better if I could open the door to visit."

But it's impossible to think about it. It's still that sentence. These are not ordinary prisoners. They have special tasks. They are likely to master some secrets, even if they don't master anything, because they lose their hands and are caught, at least they have experience.

If visits are open and peers come to see and ask, they will naturally sum up their experience and it will be difficult to catch the latter. Therefore, any country will watch this kind of prisoners, let alone open visits, and even refuse to recognize the existence of this person at all.

Although Jin Qianlong and others are very free in the area, the lattice communities are heavily guarded. If there are no supernatural events, Xia Feng has almost no way to save Jin Qianlong.

Even if, like the United States, it is extremely difficult to get a group of special forces to rescue.

In fact, the special rescue of the United States is a gimmick. There are seals and deltas. The cowhide blows banging. It is all slag when it really plays. Vietnam shot the first drop of blood, Somalia shot the fall of a black hawk, and Iran made a big joke. It is nothing more than a pile of film themes.

"What's on your mind?" Guo Wenjia took a breath, climbed up and stroked his face.

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