Wu rujun shook his head and said, "forget it, Xiao Xia, stop talking. There are many things in it that you don't understand."

Xia Feng wanted to give an example of how he helped the special office save people, but seeing that Wu rujun didn't care at all, he didn't want to say it. In the eyes of Wu rujun, the special office was not mysterious.

Xia Feng said to Mu Qingqing, "sister mu, do you have a picture of Jin Qianlong?"

Mu Qingqing hurriedly said, "yes."

Xia Feng said, "if there is one in the mobile phone, can you send one to me?"

"Yes." Mu Qing hesitated, took out his mobile phone and sent a picture to Xia Feng.

The man in the picture is wearing a military uniform, with sword eyebrows and stars, and is full of vitality.

"No wonder Mu Qingqing is in love with him. He is really a handsome man." Xia Feng nodded secretly.

Wu rujun gently comforted Mu Qingqing. Xia Feng was never good at comforting people. At this time, the mobile phone rang. It was Hu Nannan who called. It was nothing. It was just a daily act of coquetry. Xia Feng answered the phone, pretended that there was something at home and proposed to go back first.

"Sister Mu was cured once today, and her meridians are basically connected. She is mainly a heart disease. Just try to keep her mood relaxed in the future." he told him a few words. Wu rujun was upset after discovering Mu Qingqing's secret, so he didn't leave him. Mu Qingqing also thanked, and Xia Feng left immediately.

When he came out, Xia Feng went straight to the airport. His current certificates were put in the ring and taken with him.

He could have hidden it in the ring, and then went out by plane, but to save Jin Qianlong, it would certainly come out in the end, so he decided to go out aboveboard and use the passport Yao Dianshi gave him.

As soon as he bought a ticket for this passport, the special office knew it. In fact, the special office had already figured out his domestic affairs, but it was completely unclear about his overseas affairs, but it would not check them.

Because Xia Feng and his so-called organization behind him have shown great goodwill and incredible energy in transporting goods, saving people and returning money. Now the upper level attaches great importance to Xia Feng's strength. They know that Xia Feng will go abroad, that is, prepare cases, and will not ask, stop or check.

What Xia Feng didn't know was that director Zheng got instructions. If he asked for help, the special office should do everything possible to help.

Xia Feng took a direct flight to New York. This time, it was not a detour, because Deling county is on the east coast of the United States, not far from New York.

However, Xia Feng got off the plane and went to Deling County instead of looking for Guo Wenjia first.

Now he must first find out whether Jin Qianlong is really locked up in prison No. 5 in Deling.

Took a taxi to derringshire and got off.

Where's prison five? He bought a mobile phone and searched it with brother Gu, but he couldn't find it.

"Sure enough, it's a secret prison." Xia Feng nodded secretly, crushed the mobile phone and threw it into the dustbin.

The electronic monitoring in the United States is extremely powerful. Prison No. 5 is a confidential unit. If he searches his mobile phone, he will immediately stare at it. This mobile phone will not work.

I can't find it on my mobile phone. What should I do? Xia Feng has a way.

He first found the local police station, then found no one, flashed into the ring, and the imperial envoy's ring entered the police station.

After sneaking around the police station, Xia Feng found an old policeman sitting in an office.

Ordinary people don't know about the secret unit of prison No. 5, but the local police are local snakes. They must know, especially the police who are a little old. They are all old-fashioned. Only what they don't want to do, there is nothing they don't know.

Xia Feng sent the ring behind the old policeman and sucked the old policeman into the ring.

The ring has no navigation ability and no electronic search ability, but Xia Feng believes that the old policeman should not install a camera in his own office.

Suck the old policeman into the ring, dizzy it directly, and then use psychometry.

Xia Feng has experience and only asks some simple work questions. Generally, he won't make the subject excited to blood gas. Of course, if he is angry about his work and happens to ask that question, he may also get excited.

But Xia Feng can't manage so much. It doesn't matter if something goes wrong.

His guess was correct. The old policeman really knew the location of prison No. 5, which was in a valley 30 kilometers northeast of the suburb.

Xia Feng asked clearly. He let the old policeman out and let him lie on the table. When the old policeman woke up, he would only think he had taken a nap and wouldn't have another idea.

Asked about the address, Xia Feng's imperial envoy ring went out of the police station and flew directly to the northeast. Before long, he saw a mountain and found prison No. 5 in a valley.

Prison No. 5 covers a large area and occupies the whole valley. There is a wall at the mouth of the valley, up to ten meters high, and there is a high-voltage power grid on the wall.

The whole valley is like a light bulb with a small mouth and a big belly. Except for an exit at the mouth of the valley, the whole valley is full of cliffs up to 100 meters high, and there is no grass on the red cliffs.

In other words, anyone who wants to come in or go out can only go through the mountain pass unless he takes a plane.

There are watchtowers, armed guards and dogs at the mountain pass. The guard is tight. It can be said that a fly can't sneak in.

But this is useless for Xia Feng. Xia Feng goes in. There is a huge prison, high wall, power grid, guards and dogs. Such guards are basically impossible for anyone to sneak out.

Xia Feng slipped around and looked at it first.

There are two or three hundred prisoners, of all races, but they are not mixed, but divided into many districts. Each district has famous brands. Xia Feng looked at it and found that there were three or four people in the Russian District, but they were basically old men and women.

Then there were many people in Iraq and Korea.

"It seems that there are people from all countries. They should be agents from all countries." Xia Feng nodded secretly.

In the Russian District, he sneaked in to have a look. The old men and women made him sigh.

Xia Feng scolded secretly and turned out to look for Huaxia district.

In fact, don't look. Huaxia district is next to the Russian District, but between districts, it is also separated by a high wall power grid.

A district is like an independent yard. There is no meeting between districts, but the people in the district do not have such obstacles.

In fact, the facilities inside prison No. 5 are good. Maybe they give preferential treatment because they are agents from various countries and elite figures.

Each area covers a large area and there are many rooms. Each person has a separate room, but eating is unified in a canteen. After eating, you can relax, because when Xia Feng came, it was already dark. They just met inside for dinner. After dinner, these people gathered together in twos and threes, or walked, talked, or played ball.

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