Xia Feng smiled coldly: "it's OK to say rubbish, but if you insult, you'll regret it!"

This guy is one meter eight or so. He's totally a strong man.

In his eyes, Xia Feng is really small and pitiful, or a little bit!

It feels like you can crush it!

But he didn't dare. The man in front of him was cold all over, as if he would be frozen as soon as he approached!

"What's the matter? Big man, don't dare?" Xia Feng still sneered.

The man next to the big man couldn't look down: "just such a waste wood, you don't dare to do it. I'll come!"

Then he jumped up and punched!

Everyone saw him jump up and swing his fist, but no one saw how he flew backwards.

Xia Feng, who stood in the same place, didn't seem to move his position!

People rubbed and flew backwards and hit the ground far away!

When the big man saw his partner being beaten, he punched him: "you dare to do it to him!"



Xia Feng took his hand, caught his fist and shook it hard. The sound of bone fracture echoed in the whole area along with the big man's scream!


Xia Feng told him, "remember, no one can offend Huaxia in the future, otherwise I will make you go on your knees!"

This is not a command, but a movement guide!

Xia Feng said and kicked him on the knee!

Big loser, no matter how reluctant, still knelt down.

"Remember? I'm asking you!" Xia Feng's voice was low, with a murderous intention!

The big man nodded hurriedly: "remember, remember!"

"I'll stamp you first!"


Xia Feng held his left hand into a fist and hit the other party in the face. At the same time, he let go. A big man of more than 200 kilograms, like one without weight, was directly sent out by Xia Feng.

"What's the noise? Who made you fight?"

"Stop! Stop!"

"Say you!"


The prison guards couldn't stand it and rushed in. Xia Feng had seen it through perspective before. In fact, they were very free to visit and move freely here, but fighting was definitely not allowed!

You know, what's locked in here is either poor chest or extreme evil!

I don't know how to die in this fight!

Therefore, according to the regulations, Xia Feng has to squat in a small black house all night.

Xia Feng didn't resist. After all, he had to take people out.

In the small black room, Xia Feng looked at the situation with perspective eyes. The whole warehouse is divided into two floors, and the lower floor is almost full of prisoners who can't drag!

But the situation on the upper level is different. On the upper level, the temperament is completely different from them!

Jin Qianlong is also on the upper floor. He usually walks around, but he will never go to the next floor.

Similarly, no one dares to go up at all!

After watching the situation, Xia Feng also rested at ease until he was sent back to his cell the next day.

The prison guard also repeatedly warned him not to fight again. There is only one consequence of fighting, that is, the small black house.

I won't hit them or anything. Depending on the seriousness of the situation, it depends on how long it will be closed.

In the space of less than 30 square meters, there is no light and no one speaks. After a long time, people will really be suffocated!

Even if you don't hold it, you'll have a nervous breakdown!

It can be said that this is much more severe than beating them directly!

Xia Feng walked on the next floor. Now some people saw that he took a detour. Few people dared to talk to him directly.

"Seeing me one by one is like seeing a ghost!"

Xia Feng was helpless.

The lower level is still not fun. Xia Feng made up his mind and walked to the upper level.

As soon as I got to the stairs, I was stopped by some blacks.

"This road is impassable. It's not where you stay!"

Xia Feng smiled and asked, "how can I go up?"

"You have to be strong!" the other told him.

The third person has been sneering.

Xia Feng moved his tibia a little and asked, "what is strength?"

"You only played a few gangsters yesterday. The boss on the first floor is Luo Hao. If you can win him, you are qualified to go up."

Xia Feng looked back and asked loudly, "who is Luo Hao?"

No one answered. It was very quiet. Everyone looked at him like a clown.

"Pooh ha ha! I'm so happy! I just came here to challenge Luo Hao!"

Hearing the sound, Xia Feng turned back and looked at the smiling black man: "what?"

The black man looked up and pointed at him: "don't cross with me. If you want to go up, go and fight Luo Hao. He's in the largest room!"

Xia Feng nodded and turned to the big room, which was in the middle!

Inside sat a muscular man in his thirties, reading a magazine.

"Are you Luo Hao?"

As soon as Xia Feng's voice came out, a group of people surrounded him!

Luo Hao looked back lazily: "want to challenge me? You're not qualified! Win my men first. I'll sleep for a while and keep your voice down!"

Then he closed his eyes.




... there were fights outside.

And the sound of falling to the ground, the sound of fist collision, everything. Luo Hao couldn't sleep at all.

Suddenly he sat up and said angrily, "didn't you say it? Don't quarrel with me!... eh!"

Before he finished, a figure flashed in. He didn't see what was going on, so Xia Feng pinched his neck and lifted him up and let him lean against the wall!

"I don't need to listen to you, because now I has the final say," he asked.

Luo Hao was unconvinced and slowly stretched out his hand. Before hitting Xia Feng, he was directly thrown out by Xia Feng, fell on the wall and fell down again!

The guards outside didn't see it.

But this kind of scene, generally do not care, as long as they do not make things in it, choose what boss or the like, just let them.

Bang! Luo Hao, who hasn't got up yet, was kicked in the chest by Xia Feng again!

He reluctantly got up and said, "you... Who the hell are you?"

"My name is Xia Feng, remember my name!" Xia Feng grabbed his hair. "Now, what do I say?"

"Calculate, calculate, calculate!" Luo Hao answered repeatedly.

Xia Feng's foot almost killed him. It's the same as being hit by a truck!

It's a fool to stand up and fight again in this situation!

Xia Feng smiled, let go and touched his dog's head.

Get up and go to the stairs again.

"Can I go up now?"

The black man who was still laughing swallowed his mouth: "yes, but not now. You can't go up until the bosses above want something!"

Bang! The black man was pressed on the wall by Xia Feng: "you mean, I'm going to deliver things?"

The black man told him, "there's no way. There are all kinds of big brothers at the upper level. If we want to go up at the lower level, we can only send things and climb the relationship!"

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