She cooked dinner for Xia Feng herself.

"I want to leave here." Mu Qingqing suddenly opened his mouth.

Xia Feng asked, "what's the matter? Don't you like March dew?"

Mu Qingqing took out a bank card from his bag and pushed it to Xia Feng: "there is a million yuan in it. As a treatment fee, I wanted to give up yesterday. Thank you for giving me hope. Don't refuse me."

"At least, I haven't changed my mind now. I don't want to owe you anything. But don't get me wrong. I just don't want to owe anyone. Let me keep this state, otherwise I don't know if I can wait for you."

For this reason, Xia Feng didn't refuse and accepted the bank card to make her feel better.

"Where do you want to go?" Xia Feng asked her.

Mu Qingqing thought for a moment and said, "if I can, I'd like to live in the mountain. It's the place where you picked the March dew. I'd like to see when you can make it grow again."

"OK!" Xia Feng agreed. "I'll build a villa on the mountain according to you."

"How much is it?" Mu Qingqing asked.

Xia Feng scratched her head. She really didn't want money. She quit. "Come as you ask."

"OK," replied Mu Qingqing. "Anyway, I'm fine now. I'll tell you when I design it."

Xia Feng nodded her head. She has something to do. It's much better than being idle all the time!

The next day, Mu Qingqing began to design the house. Xia Feng was more pleased that the medicine worked. Last night, Mu Qingqing didn't hear him cough.

While she still had something to do, she wasn't too worried. Xia Feng called Yao Dianshi and asked him about it.

Yao Dianshi's voice was a little tired and asked Xia Feng to go out and talk in detail.

Xia Feng said hello to Mu Qingqing and went out to see Yao Dianshi first.

"Man, you don't know how we spent this week." Yao Dianshi is really tired, with big black circles under his eyes.

Xia Feng said with a smile: "well, the medicine has been given to Qingqing. There's nothing to do for the time being. Tell me how far it has progressed and whether I can help."

Yao Dianshi briefly told him that this week, Yao Dianshi and his special office convened a lot of people and began to wantonly search for the location of Mo, but at the same time, the eagle school has never stopped and is always trying to attack.

The result was that the attacker committed suicide when he failed. There was no breakthrough at all. Yao Dianshi found the other party's nest several times, but they couldn't help it. It was useless to go.

"Is this being fooled?" Xia Feng asked.

Yao Dianshi was reluctant to admit it, but nodded: "those so-called nests have been used by some underground organizations, but Mo, they seem to have this ability to confuse them all."

"It seems that this matter is really not simple. Don't you have any harvest?" Xia Feng asked again.

Yao nodded: "yes, I caught a boy. He looks twenty-six or seven years old. He seems to be the leader of the team. He was anesthetized before committing suicide, but the boy didn't say anything!"

"Interrogating people, isn't this your specialty? You were beaten in the eye?" Xia Feng couldn't help laughing.

Yao Dianshi was really helpless: "brother, don't laugh at me. You really tried your best. Think about it. He's not afraid of death. What kind of torture will he be afraid of?"

Xia Feng said, "it's a simple question. Give it to me!"

Yao Dianshi immediately became interested: "really? Can you really help us find something?"

Xia Feng nodded affirmatively to indicate OK!

Yao Dianshi didn't talk much nonsense. He took him to the interrogation room. Xia Feng asked them to remove all monitoring and monitoring, and come in half an hour later.

Before entering the interrogation room, Xia Feng controlled the snakes, insects, rats and ants around him.

"Hello, my name is Xia Feng." Xia Feng introduced himself first.

The other party smiled arrogantly: "call me ah Hao."

Xia Feng then said, "ah Hao, let me say it directly. My way is different from others. If you say it now, there will be no problem. Otherwise, you won't want to recall that process in your life."

Ah Hao couldn't help laughing. Xia Feng didn't care. When he finished laughing first, he said, "let's start!"

Then Xia Feng used snakes and poisonous insects to scare him. Ah Hao was not afraid until a large centipede about half a meter long appeared in the window!

Ah Hao's eyes changed!

Everyone has weaknesses, no exception!

The centipede is not poisonous, but it's different for people who are afraid!

According to Xia Feng's idea, the centipede climbed up ah Hao's ankle. Ah Hao subconsciously shook: "you... You have the ability to kill me!"

"No!" Xia Feng smiled. "You know what? I know worm language. He will do what I want him to do with you! Now, climb on your thigh five times, no, ten times, welcome!"

With that, the centipede really climbed ten circles on ah Hao's thigh, and there were a lot of circles!

Ah Hao was shaking all the way!

"Do you believe it now?" Xia Feng asked.

Ah Hao opened his mouth and trembled: "don't do this. You just kill me! What about humanity? Don't you people talk about humanity? Give me a good time?"

"You say it, I promise you're all right!" Xia Feng said. "Your organization can't assassinate you. I promised you that you were all right, so I can guarantee it! But if you don't say it, I can only continue to torture you!"

Then the centipede climbed up his head and looked up on his face!

"Ah!" ah Hao shouted and tried to throw it down, but it didn't work at all!

"If you don't say it, I'll let him make more circles on your face!" Xia Feng said.

"I said! I said!" ah Hao had to surrender.

Xia Feng let the centipede climb on his stomach and didn't move for the time being. "Come on, if one word is wrong, next time, I'll entertain you with a centipede feast. You can't die directly!"

"I said! I said, don't! I'm afraid of you, okay!" ah Hao responded again and again.

Xia Feng nodded with satisfaction.

Ah Hao recruited them all. In fact, their silence is not as powerful as Xia Feng thought, but this organization has contacts with many underground organizations.

This time we have to do a special job and get the support of those guys before we put on the play!

Their real organization is in mowen city!

And it's underground. Next, they have to make a big plan, that is, let these organizations join hands to make the momentum of 10000 people attack!

In fact, they have mastered Liu Waner's whereabouts, and the real goal is there.

make a feint to the east but attack in the west!

"Thank you for your cooperation!" Xia Feng said, and the centipede climbed away. "Remember it for me. If you're wrong, you'll die miserably next time! I promise I won't be soft hearted!"

"I understand, I understand!" ah Hao responded again and again.

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