The two security guards frowned and looked at each other, then lit Xia Feng's face with a flashlight at the same time, and shouted, "are you the owner here? Why haven't we seen you?"

Xia Feng quickly blocked his eyes with his hand and secretly complained: these two security brothers are hard to fool!

Previously, he deliberately pretended to be fierce and angry, drinking and scolding two security guards, that is, he bluntly wanted to pretend to be the owner of Sanyuan villa.

But unexpectedly, the two security guards in front of him were very conscientious and recognized at a glance that he was not the owner of the community, but a stranger.

"I'm not the owner here, but my sister lives here."

If he couldn't pretend to be the owner, Xia Feng had to bite the bullet and make up a lie.


Two security guards stared at Xia Feng suspiciously. One of them said, "call your sister and let her pick you up."

"In the middle of the night, my sister went to bed long ago."

Xia Feng deliberately pretended to be very fierce and angry, and said, "two smelly security guards dare to take care of the young master's trouble, annoyed the young master, and let you go. Pack up and get out of here immediately."

One of the security guards smiled playfully and said, "Hey, Haige, this boy threatens us."

The security guard who asked Haige to nod his head and say with a smile: "yes, he dares to threaten us, which shows that he is brave enough, and no relatives live here."

"What should I do?"

"Beat half to death first, and then throw it out."

The two security guards said, took down the swing stick from their waist and walked slowly to xiafeng with a grim smile.

"No, no, no, two security brothers, I'm just kidding you. Don't take it seriously."

Xia Feng waved his hand in fear and stepped back slowly. At the same time, he said in his heart: it's self defeating!

"It's late, go to hell!"

Haige angrily drank and threw his stick at Xia Feng's head.

If this stick is smashed by him, Xia Feng's head will be opened.

If ordinary people are smashed by this stick, they will be disabled even if they don't die!


Swing the stick with the roaring wind and hit it on the head!

"Shit, you are the security guard here."

Xia Feng finally realized that the situation was wrong and kicked Haige with a kick.

Ordinary security guards would never be so vicious!


Haige was kicked in the chest and abdomen, howled and fell back. He couldn't breathe for a long time, and couldn't get up for a long time.


Another security guard exclaimed, swung his stick and smashed it out, straight at Xia Feng's forehead.

"Shit, you're so cruel. It seems that you're not a good bird!"

Xia Feng's eyes coagulated, drank and scolded and kicked out.

"Ah!" with a howl, the security guard stepped into Haige's footsteps, was kicked to the ground, curled up and rolled, and then fainted.

Xia Feng ignored the one who fainted and looked down at Haige from a commanding position. "Who are you? Why do you pretend to be a security guard here?"

When he asked, he had guessed that the two guys in front of him were likely to be members of the silent school and members of the eagle school.

Xia Feng kicked them to the ground like a second kill without any effort, and made them lose their ability to stand and fight. Even one of them fainted on the spot.

However, this does not mean that they are weak chickens, but that Xia Feng is too strong.

The one who fainted in the past is not what Yao Dianshi can deal with.

They are both excellent experts.

However, masters like them are as weak as babies in front of Xia Feng.

"Boy, you have seed, very seed. Even we dare to fight. You're dead, dead!"

Haige finally relaxed, forced himself to get up and glared at Xia Feng fiercely.

"One last time, why do you pretend to be the security guard here?"

Xia Feng came to Haige with an arrow step. He grabbed his neck like lightning and raised it with one hand.

He felt his hand pinching his neck like a pair of pliers. He felt suffocation, and there was a burning pain in his neck. He pulled Xia Feng's hand with both hands, squatted and kicked his legs, "let go... Let go of me..."

Xia Feng ignored Haige's request for mercy, but increased his strength.

The next second, Haige's face swelled into the color of pig liver, and his eyes stared round. He almost stared out a pair of bloodshot eyes.

Feeling the threat of death, Haige begged hard, "cough... I said, please, let... Let me go!"


Xia Feng threw Haige out.

Haige lay on the ground, coughed and gasped for a long time, then slowed down and looked at Xia Feng in horror, "brother, who are you?"

Xia Feng stared at Haige coldly, "you seem to have made a mistake. I'm interrogating you, not you."

"Boy, you'll die miserably!"

Haige said, suddenly his face showed a decisive color, then he bit his teeth hard, fell to the ground slowly, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with black poisonous blood.

He killed himself by biting his fangs!

Xia Feng's face was plain and didn't dare to be surprised at all.

Just because he guessed that Haige and others were members of the tacit Eagle school, he naturally guessed that they would commit suicide like dead men.

Mo is an enemy of the special office. He is a member of the eagle faction. It's not a pity to die.

One dead, one more!

Xia Feng didn't take another look at Haige's body and walked slowly to the man who fainted.

The reason why the man fainted was that Xia Feng deliberately used his spiritual power when kicking him, and deliberately kept him alive.

Xia Feng kicked the fainting man. Seeing that he had no response, he shook his right fist and hit him on the left side face.

Then he hit the other party's right side face with another hard punch.

Don't you have fangs?

I'll knock off your teeth and see how you bite your fangs and kill yourself.

Xia Feng pushed the fainting man out and kicked him on the back of his waist. "Wake up, I have something to ask you."

"Ah, my teeth, sizzling, painful, so painful!"

The man woke up in an instant, rolled like a lazy donkey on the ground, cried like a ghost and howled for a long time, then stopped and looked up at Xia Feng in horror.

"Is your chief dead in the villa?"

It has been confirmed that the person in front of him, like Haige, is a member of the yingzi sect of the silent organization. Xia Feng no longer goes in circles and goes straight to the subject.

"Do you know our leader? Who the hell are you?"

The man stared at Xia Feng in disbelief and horror and asked.

"Silent Terminator!"

Xia Feng replied angrily, and then shouted coldly, "say! Is your boss in the villa?"

Before his voice fell, a ghostly shadow floated down from the air, "are you looking for me?"

Xia Feng suddenly frowned at the falling shadow and shouted, "woman, aren't you the silent leader?"

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