Xia Feng didn't have a perfect grasp of taking Si Ji. Thinking about the future, he stopped talking nonsense with her and protected Mu Qingqing to the exit of the channel.

"Be careful, it's all thorns. Don't be scratched."

Protecting Mu Qingqing, Xia Feng reminded him thoughtfully while walking.

Mu Qingqing raised his head slightly, and Ling looked at Xia Feng's side face from a close distance. The original calm heart rippled again.

At the same time, she couldn't help thinking of what Si Ji had said earlier.

If Xia Feng can come to save her regardless of her own safety, he is worth her love and trust all her life.

Is that what she said?

Xia Feng didn't know the inner change of Mu Qingqing, so she carefully protected her through the thorns, came to the mountain wall and looked for the exit of the channel.

He clearly remembered that the exit of the passage was hidden on the mountain wall beside the thorns, but he couldn't find it after looking for a long time.

The passage suddenly disappeared out of thin air!

"The exit is clearly here. Why is it missing? Stand here and don't move! I'll look for it again!"

Unable to find the exit of the passage, Xia Feng was a little anxious, but he didn't forget to remind Mu Qingqing. At the same time, he glanced at Si Ji with vigilance.

Si Ji was still sitting by the campfire, calmly eating the roast hare.

Mu Qingqing's beautiful eyes flashed, looked at Xia Feng and nodded silently.

The exit of the passage is very low, close to the ground and leads to the underground, just like the underground nest of some cave animal, which Xia Feng remembers very clearly.

He felt around the mountain wall and read the memory of small animals nearby, especially the poisonous snake that had previously explored the way for him.

The small animals nearby don't know why the passage exit suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

"Shit, what the hell is this special place?"

After looking for a long time, Xia Feng couldn't find the exit. Xia Feng angrily kicked a fist sized stone at his feet.

"I advise you not to waste your energy. As I said, if the channel is sealed, it will be sealed!"

Siji's voice was slightly gloating. Xia Feng felt very harsh and turned to stare at her angrily, "say, are you a dead woman? No, the ghost woman is playing tricks here. Tell me where the mechanism is, otherwise, you will be responsible for the consequences."

When Xia Feng came, he saw the mechanism of the stone chamber and passage, and determined that the driver was playing tricks in secret.

She must have touched the mechanism before the channel suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

"Don't stare at me with that fierce look!"

Si Ji smiled and said, "there are mechanisms here, but they are not under my control. They are controlled by time. They are opened every three months. Now the channel is closed. It's useless even if you kill me."

Xia Feng naturally didn't believe Si Ji's nonsense. He dodged and quickly crossed the thorns, jumped up to the campfire, grabbed her neck and said fiercely: "cheat the ghost! Open the mechanism and let us out, otherwise, break your neck."

With that, he also slightly increased his strength in his hand to show his threat.

Si Ji didn't show a trace of panic and said, "it's still that sentence. The mechanism is really beyond my control. Even if you kill me, it's useless. Besides, I'll introduce you into this small world. My task is completed and I'll die without regret."

Then she closed her eyes.

Although she is still wearing a grimace mask and can't see her expression at this time, it's not difficult to imagine that she must look like death at home.

"Why don't you hide?"

Xia Feng let go of Si Ji suspiciously.

"To win your trust."

Si Jimei's eyes were slightly curved, full of laughter, turned and looked at Xia Feng.

Look at each other!

Xia Feng suddenly felt a shiver and lost herself: with these beautiful eyes, she should not have lied.

Vigorously shaking his head, Xia Feng turned back to Mu Qingqing and asked softly, "do you believe what she said?"

Mu Qingqing shook his head silently, "I don't know."

Xia Feng thought and thought, hugged and protected Mu Qingqing, returned to the campfire and sat side by side.

"I told you that this small world is a blessed place with great ability to open walls in ancient times, isolated from the world, but you think I'm talking about Arabian Nights. You don't believe it at all."

Si Ji threw a roast rabbit meat to Xia Feng across the campfire and whispered to herself.

"Don't tell us fairy tales. I ask you, what's the matter with the stone chamber and the mechanism in the passage?"

Xia Feng took the roast rabbit and chewed it hard. He asked vaguely as he chewed.

"The inner stone wall of that stone chamber is the mechanism for opening the secret door. As long as you strike hard, the mechanism will open."

Si Ji replied truthfully.

Xia Feng recalled that he really opened the stone secret door with a big punch on the stone wall, nodded approvingly, and felt puzzled: "the stone chamber looks very conspicuous on the cliffs more than 200 meters high, and there are lights at night. It is so obvious that it should have been discovered long ago. It can't be hidden and isolated from the world."

Si Ji said, "as you said, the entrance of the stone chamber is on a cliff more than 200 meters high. Ordinary people can't see the entrance of the stone chamber at all. Even if they see it, they will mistakenly think it is the cave of some large birds. They won't care too much."

"Even if some people are curious and have the ability to climb up and enter the stone chamber, they simply can't turn on the mechanism of the stone chamber. The oil lamp needs oil to burn. When the oil is burned out, the lamp will naturally go out. The reason why the two oil lamps are on tonight is that I added lamp oil in them. It is estimated that the lamp oil has been exhausted."

Xia Feng ate roast rabbit meat and nodded again. "Indeed, when I entered the channel, both oil lamps went out."

Suddenly remembered, he asked, "as soon as I entered the stone gate, the stone gate suddenly closed quickly. What's the principle?"

According to his understanding, since the mechanism is opened, the stone gate will open to the end, and should not be closed quickly in the middle, which is unreasonable.

Si Ji answered every question, "that's because you stepped on the gravity mechanism on the ground as soon as you entered the stone gate."

Xia Fengxin said, is that true?

If you still have a chance, you must try next time. Wait until the stone gate is fully opened before entering the channel to see if the stone gate will be opened to the end.

Then, he asked curiously, "why can't ordinary people open the secret door mechanism even if they enter the stone chamber?"

Xin said: I can open the secret door mechanism by mistake, and others can certainly do the same.

According to Si Ji, the stone chamber has existed for thousands of years. Many people must have entered it, and someone must have opened the secret door mechanism like him.

Si Ji stretched out a big stretch, stood up, twisted her waist and hips, tempting her to join Feifei's activities. After meeting her muscles and bones, she replied with mysterious and amazing words: "ordinary people are mortals. How can mortals open the mechanism set by the gods! You and I are not mortals, but the disciples selected by the gods!"

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