"It's all dead. There's only old woman and girl Mo who depend on each other!"

Talking about the miserable situation at home, the old lady still had a smile on her face.

It seems to be talking about other people's things, without a trace of sadness.


Xia Feng wanted to say something to comfort her grandmother. It could be seen that she had a smile on her face and had to stop.

Mu Qingqing sat next to Xia Feng and looked around with beautiful eyes.

The house is very old, and the mud and stone walls have long been yellow. It seems that it has been for at least 20 or 30 years, giving people a feeling of lifelessness on the whole.

The old lady smiled, and the pleats on her face piled together. The more Mu Qingqing looked at her, the more she looked like an old witch.

She couldn't help thinking of Xiaoqian and grandma.

Si Mo is Nie Xiaoqian!

Grandma is grandma!

The more he thinks, the more he is afraid, and the more he is close to Xia Feng, he wants to get into his arms directly.

Xia Feng looked at Grandma's smiling face, but felt amiable.

The centenarian is a long-lived old man!

Feeling that Mu Qingqing was still shivering beside her, Xia Feng turned to look at her, leaned to her ear, and gently comforted: "grandma is a centenarian with many wrinkles on her face. It's normal. Don't make a fuss, and don't be afraid."

Mu Qingqing nodded silently, but he was still scared.

"The old woman is old and sleepy at night. She can't entertain and accompany you two young dolls. Help yourself."

The old lady saw that Mu Qingqing was afraid of herself, said happily, and trembled to the left bedroom.

As soon as the old lady closed the door, Mu Qingqing pressed her voice very low and trembled. "Centenarians, how can there be 17 or 18-year-old granddaughters? Great granddaughters are almost the same. Xia Feng, why don't we go? I always think it's strange here. I'm afraid."

Xia Feng said softly, "if there is something strange here, isn't it more terrible outside."

He insisted on staying. Mu Qingqing didn't dare to leave alone, so he had to stay with him.

About half an hour later, Simao came out of the kitchen with steaming food and put it on the vegetable table around the living room. He said apologetically, "the countryside is not as good as the city. I don't pay so much attention to what to eat. I made a big pot of mountain food hodgepodge. I hope the two distinguished guests won't introduce me."

Xia Feng quickly smiled and waved his hand and said, "don't mind. It's a luxury for us to eat steaming food."

With that, he filled a big bowl of rice for mu Qingqing and sent it to him, "eat."

Mu Qingqing still had fear in her heart. She trembled, picked up the dishes and chopsticks and reluctantly ate.

However, she just tastelessly ate the rice in the bowl without moving the Fragrant Mountain hodgepodge in the big basin.

Xia Feng ate like a hungry ghost.

While eating, he also vaguely praised: "delicious, fragrant, Sima beauty's cooking is great."

Si Mo was praised very happy. "Your name is Mo'er. It's simple and kind. By the way, I don't know how to call you."

Xia Feng quickly smiled and said, "my name is Xia Feng. The summer in summer, the mountain peak, the Mu surnamed mu, Mu Guiying around me, and the green grass along the Qingqing river."

"Brother Xia, sister Mu!"

Simo smiled happily and greeted again.

The smiling face looks beautiful.

Staring at Si Mo's smiling face for a while, Mu Qingqing was not as scared as before. He nodded slightly and responded with a light smile, "Mo Er is good."

Then, seeing that Xia Feng and Si Mo both ate very delicious, she subconsciously put a piece of mushroom in her mouth and suddenly stared at a pair of beautiful eyes.

Delicious, very delicious.

She is proficient in cooking and has eaten a lot of delicious food, but she has never eaten such a delicious mountain product hodgepodge.

"Delicious, just eat more."

Xia Feng smiled and put a piece of meat that looked like chicken into Mu Qingqing's bowl.


Mu Qingqing nodded gently, answered, put down all his fears and enjoyed the delicious dinner.

"Moll, where do you go to school? When we get back to the city, we'll find time to see you."

Thanks to Sima's warm hospitality, Xia Feng thought to repay her afterwards, pretending to ask casually.

"Look at the fairy one middle school!"

Simao replied without hesitation.

Xia Feng was stunned at the speech and turned to Mu Qingqing. "Have you heard of this middle school?"

Mu Qingqing thought seriously and shook his head slightly. "I haven't heard of it. I haven't heard of such a middle school in mowen city."

Si Mo smiled and said, "Oh, sister mu, we are in Wangxian No. 1 middle school, in Wangxian City, not in mowen city. I haven't heard of mowen city."

Wangxian city?

Xia Feng and Mu Qingqing looked at each other and saw the color of confusion from each other's eyes.

The current village is called Wangxian village. The country is big. I don't know how many unknown mountain villages there are. It's not surprising that they haven't heard of them.

However, Wangxian city sounds like a municipal city, but it's also a county-level city, and it's near mowen city. They haven't heard of it, which is unreasonable.

Also, Si Mo has never heard of Mo asking the city, which is even more unreasonable.

Xia Feng asked indecisively, "Mo'er, have you really never heard of Mo asked the city?"

Si Mo thought and thought seriously on his face and replied, "I haven't heard of it. Adjacent to our Wangxian city is the near Xian City, and a little farther away is the real Xian city. I haven't heard of it. There are other cities."


Xia Feng and Mu Qingqing asked in unison.

They looked at each other again.

Is what Si Ji said true? This is a small world like a blessed land opened up by ancient Da Neng, an isolated world.


Shocked, Xia Feng talked with Si Mo while eating.

Finally, it is determined that they are really trapped in the small world of Dongtianfudi according to the facts mentioned by Si Ji.

He and Mu Qingqing simply can't accept this incredible fact.

Si Mo's family has only two bedrooms. After dinner, she arranged Xia Feng and Mu Qingqing to live in her bedroom.

She ran to squeeze a room with her grandmother.

"Xia Feng, I still feel too unreal. It's like a dream."

Lying on Sima's small bed, Mu Qingqing whispered in disbelief.

"Don't think so much. Go to bed early. When it's dawn tomorrow, we'll go around and further confirm whether what the two surnamed Si said is true or false."

Xia Feng still couldn't accept the facts in front of him. He thought it might be that Si Ji and Si Mo colluded and deliberately lied to him and Mu Qingqing.

"Xia Feng, i... I..."

Mu Qingqing looked at Xia Feng, his pretty face flushed slightly, and wanted to stop talking.

"What's the matter? Just say something. Don't hesitate."

Xia Feng smiled softly at Mu Qingqing.

Mu Qingqing took a deep breath, so he bravely said, "I'm afraid. Can you sleep with me?"


Xia Feng exclaimed with great surprise.

I can't wait!

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