Xia Feng was kicked and immediately said, "OK, OK, I know your legs are long. Let's stop fighting, OK?"

"No." Yao Mengqi kicked Xia Feng again, but she smiled, turned on the computer and a nightclub appeared.

Xia Feng looked and said, "tulips seem to be on the other side of the wharf. It's far away."

Yao Mengqi said strangely, "have you ever done business?"

"No." Xia Feng shook his head and said, "I heard it's quite popular over there, but it's a little far away. I didn't go."

"That's good." Yao Mengqi nodded and called out another woman. She was in her thirties, wearing a white martial arts suit and was actually dancing a sword.

"Wow, this is a beautiful woman." Xia Feng exaggerated, "and she is a female Xia."

Yao Mengqi said: "her name is Bai Feifei, the boss of tulip. She sent a message in the local information port yesterday to recruit security guards."

Xia Feng deliberately said, "I'll be an undercover at her place. This can have, this big long leg."

Yao Mengqi glanced at Xia Feng and said, "virtue! Your eyes are falling off!"

Xia Feng said with a silly smile, "this is Bai Feifei. Her name is chivalrous. What do you want me to do under her bed? She won't be the eldest sister of the underworld, will she?"

"She's not." Yao Mengqi shook her head. "Her lover is."

Yao Mengqi said, and called up a group of photos, a bald man in his thirties, not tall, but very strong, with a cross face.

Yao Mengqi explained, "this man's name is Xu Xiangshan. He is Bai Feifei's lover."

"Make complaints about the pig's camping."

Yao Mengqi did not make complaints about his Tucao. He said, "Xu Xiangshan has been in prison for two times, second times, and has been chopping a dog to feed a dog who bullied Bai Feifei."

"Eh, this is still a man." Xia Feng couldn't help but raise his thumb: "so Bai Feifei followed him."

"It is said that this is the reason." Yao Mengqi nodded.

Xia Feng asked, "what do you want me to investigate?"

Yao Mengqi said: "Xu Xiangshan is the leader of a large tomb stealing and smuggling gang. They steal and dig antique culture and smuggle it to Hong Kong and Southeast Asia. This matter should have been handled by the police because our client asked us to solve this case, so..."

Xia Feng exclaimed, "the ghost blows the lamp. This cow, do you mean to ask me to join the tomb robber gang of Xu Xiangshan?"

Yao Mengqi nodded: "Xu Xiangshan usually plays cards in tulip. Tulip nightclub keeps a security team. We suspect that the people of his tomb robber gang are in this security team, and they just recruit security guards recently. Therefore, I want you to be a security guard and find a way to attract Xu Xiangshan's attention. If you can take advantage of the situation to join, it's best not to join. Keep an eye on it. They have action. When the time comes If you give me information, we can have first-hand information. "

Xia Feng nodded and frowned, "but what if they want me to join and take me to steal the tomb?"

"That doesn't matter." Yao Mengqi shook her head. "Just follow me. I can go to the police to put you on record."

Xia Feng shouted, "I don't mean that. I mean, stealing tombs is so scary. Red hair green ghosts and big zongzi are frightening to death."

"Dare you be a little more timid." Yao Mengqi squinted at him: "coward."

Xia Feng was angry and said, "try again."

"Coward." Yao Mengqi glanced at him: "what's the matter?"

The words didn't drop. Xia Feng rushed up and threw her on the sofa.

Yao Mengqi's body suddenly stiffened, as if she had lost her strength and didn't move at once. She made a low noise in her mouth, but at this time, her mobile phone suddenly rang.

Yao Mengqi was shocked, immediately struggled and said, "let go of me, phone."

Xia Feng had to let her go. Yao Mengqi sat up, pulled down her clothes, stared at him, picked up her mobile phone and connected: "what, Yulan community, OK, I'll come right away."

She got up, went inside and closed the door. She changed her jeans. Xia Feng was still stunned there. Yao Mengqi stared at him: "go."

Xia Feng regained consciousness, went downstairs to get on the bus and drove out. Yao Mengqi drove very fast. It took more than 30 minutes to stop at a street corner and said to Xia Feng, "if you go to tulip tomorrow, you must hire a security guard, otherwise you will wait."

"OK!" Xia Feng nodded.

Yao Mengqi snorted and Xia Feng got off. Seeing that Xia Feng was still staring at her, Yao Mengqi couldn't help laughing and closed the door.

"Hey, since I got in her car, he asked me to do something, and I can't refuse." Xia Feng also rushed to have some helplessness. Since they had a relationship, even if it was a little difficult, I couldn't flinch.

The next morning, Xia Feng went to tulips. Tulips are near the wharf, which is Xicheng District. It takes more than an hour to take the bus. Although it is far from the urban area, there are many nightclubs and hotels because of the wharf. However, there are many messy people because of the wharf, so Guo Wenjia specially told Xia Feng not to come here to make orders.

I'm afraid of Xia Feng. I just haven't had a chance, so I've never been there.

The bus was staggering, walking three steps and stopping one by one. Slowly, there were more and more people, and there was almost a feeling of crowding.

Xia Feng closed his eyes and suddenly heard a cry. The voice was very nice. Xia Feng opened his eyes. In front of him stood a girl in her twenties. She was not very beautiful, but she was very fashionable. Her upper body was a small red suspender and a white Capri Pants below. She felt very young.

She held the back of the seat in front of Xia Feng with one hand and leaned towards Xia Feng. Xia Feng was happy. He didn't expect such a good thing. He looked up at the girl in red and the girl looked at him. Her face was red. Suddenly, she shouted again and looked back, but because she was so crowded that her body was tilted and there were people behind, she couldn't see anything at all?

Xia Feng was stunned for a moment and suddenly understood that the girl in red was not looking at him, but because someone was touching her behind.

Xia Feng kept silent, turned his head a little and looked behind the girl in red. His posture was actually indecent. He thought he was looking behind the girl in red, but the girl in red didn't think so. It was staring at her between her legs.

The face of a girl in red is as red as fire. She is ashamed and angry, but she doesn't dare to say anything.

However, Xia Feng didn't see the girl in red's face. He stared at it for less than half a minute. Sure enough, he saw a hand stretched out and touched the girl's hip. He not only touched it, but also pinched it.

The girl in red shouted. Before her cry fell, Xia Feng's hand was extended like lightning. He grabbed the hand and squeezed it.

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