Xia Feng pinched so much that the man shouted, "ah, it hurts. Let go."

It was a man in his thirties, medium-sized and slightly fat. The most striking thing was his big nose, which was crying and howling at the moment.

Xia Feng stood up and said to the girl in red, "sit down."

But the hand holding the big nose was not loose. The girl in red understood and said gratefully, "thank you, brother. I, I won't sit anymore."

"It's all right. You can sit down." Xia Feng asked her to sit down. When he spoke, his hand loosened a little and his big nose shouted, "loosen it. What are you doing holding my hand? It's crazy."

"If you don't grasp you, what will you do if you touch my ass?" Xia Feng laughed and made a fierce effort, and his big nose immediately screamed: "let go, let go, pain, break it, let go, brother, I won't touch you."

"You didn't touch me, but you touched my girlfriend. How can you count?" Xia Feng said. The girl in red blushed, but she didn't say anything at a glance.

"I don't dare anymore." big nose felt that his hands were stuck in a vice, and his bones were clucking. He didn't dare to resist at all, but begged for mercy in pain.

At this time, when the car reached a station, Xia Fengsong started: "get out."

Big nose got out of the car immediately. Seeing the door closed, he had the courage to look inside, as if he wanted to recognize Xia Feng.

Xia Feng was not afraid at all. Instead, he put his face forward and shouted, "grandson, see clearly. Your grandfather looks like this. Don't recognize the wrong person."

Xia Feng was so arrogant that his big nose stepped back and didn't dare to look at him again. The car continued to drive forward. The girl in red stood up and said, "brother, come and sit down."

"Nothing, just sit." Xia Feng shook his head and said, "go to the wharf?"

The girl in red nodded and said, "I have a sister working there. Let me go and have a look. What about you, brother?"

Xia Feng said, "I'm the same. I have a brother over there, and then I said to recruit there. I'll try my luck."

"You can definitely apply." the girl in red is very talkative, and she obviously has a good image of Xia Feng. She said, "brother, do you have wechat? Add a wechat."

Xia Feng reported the micro signal. The girl in red looked at his number and said with a smile, "distracted? Wow, your number is so interesting."

Xia Feng said proudly, "my original name is Xia Feng, and you?"

The girl said, "my name is Zhaiqian."

Xia Feng asked, "Zhai Qian, aren't you from Linjiang?"

"No." Zhai Qian shook her head and said, "but I have been in Linjiang for several years. Why, my accent is still different?"

The car shook all the way and the two chatted all the way. Zhai Qian got off at the wharf and made an appointment to contact Xia Feng's wechat.

"Brother, my level of picking up girls is rising." Xia Feng was secretly proud and sat until he got off at the wharf station.

Find a tulip nightclub with a luxurious front face. Although there are no neon lights during the day, the design is quite high-grade.

Xia Feng saw the sign board standing at the door and went over to have a look. It was really a security guard. The application room was on the third floor. He went in, the elevator just came down, and a woman came out.

This woman is Bai Feifei.

Bai Feifei is even more beautiful than in the picture. She is about thirty-two or three years old. She wears a slim rice flour medium skirt, flesh colored silk stockings and red thin heel sandals. She wears a pair of thin edged glasses. When looking at people, she looks indifferent and calm, with a very elegant temperament.

Generally, women in nightclubs tend to be enthusiastic or publicity in temperament. For example, sister Zhou, the boss of the club, is like this, but Bai Feifei looks like a university teacher at first.

Bai Feifei glanced at Xia Feng and walked over. Of course, Xia Feng didn't say hello, because in theory, he came to apply for a job. He couldn't recognize the boss's wife at a glance and step into the elevator. The faint fragrance smells very good, comfortable and elegant. It's not warm. It matches her temperament very well.

Xia Feng went to the third floor and looked around. There was a sign at the left door. When he looked over, it was really a security guard. Xia Feng went over and the door was open. There sat a man in his thirties, half bald. He lowered his head and played with his mobile phone. His half bald forehead was facing Xia Feng, as if he were a big light bulb.

Xia Feng knocked on the door. The half bald man looked up. Xia Feng said, "I'll apply for security."

The half bald man looked at him, nodded, put down his cell phone and said, "what's your name? Do you have a discharge certificate? Those with a discharge certificate are preferred."

"My name is Xia Feng. I have a discharge certificate." Xia Feng nodded.

Xia Feng has never been a soldier, but he not only has a Veterans' certificate, but also an electrician's certificate and a welder's certificate. It's just a fake certificate. Xia Feng has been prepared for it for a long time, but he hasn't made up his mind. Of course, he took all these certificates when he came out this time, and the first thing to apply for security is the Veterans' certificate. So he turned it out last night and took it with him.

Xia Feng handed in his ID card, retirement card and even a third-class merit certificate. Of course, it was also false.

The bald man looked at his meritorious service certificate, smiled and said, "meritorious service for feeding pigs?"

Xia Feng said with a smile, "when I was a three-year soldier, I fed the three-year pig. The largest one fed me 880 kilograms, breaking the division's record, so I made a third-class merit."

Xia Feng wrote it on purpose. Most people laugh when they see the meritorious service of raising pigs, and they won't tangle with others.

Sure enough, the bald man laughed and said, "OK, it's also good to feed pigs. You passed. My first three months' monthly salary is 2200, two meals, accommodation and uniforms, but I have to pay a deposit of 200 yuan or mortgage my ID card for one month."

"I'll pay the deposit." Xia Feng knows that some uniformed people will have this rule, for fear that you won't come to work after you get your uniform.

The bald man took the deposit, wrote a note to Xia Feng and told Xia Feng that his last name was Yu Dagang, the security manager of tulip.

Several people were recruited for unified training in the afternoon. They went to work that day and started at 6 p.m. in theory, if there were no guests in the store, the security guards could rest. However, the nightclub may have guests at two or three p.m., so the working hours are very long, but there is no way. The so-called eight hour working system basically does not exist outside.

Xia Feng reported his name and called Yao Mengqi first: "I applied."

Yao Mengqi told: "OK, I see. After you go in, pay attention to yourself. Don't be too obvious. Don't inquire about anything first to avoid exposure, but you can show it at an appropriate time. Don't you know kung fu? If you have the opportunity to show it, it may attract Xu Xiangshan's attention."

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