Xia Feng was officially at work. He ate a few meals in the canteen at noon and trained at two o'clock in the afternoon. It was no different from his application in duanyun company at that time. Yu Dagang was the one who took the class. Five people were recruited this time, two of them were nearby. When he went home to eat and live, he could get 200 meals, and the remaining three people had a dormitory.

Xia Feng also chose to live out. He also wanted to rent a house every day. After all, eating Yan Xiangxiang's rice there and looking at her as a beautiful woman is not a hundred times more comfortable than living in the dormitory?

So Xia Feng said that he rented a house with his girlfriend outside and didn't eat here. He also received 200 more meals. After the training, he received security clothes and put them on at the back. Although Xia Feng hasn't been a soldier, he had military training in the cement plant and normal school before, so his military posture is still standard,.

Yu Dagang nodded and praised: "those who have been soldiers are different, although they say they are just raising pigs! Do a good job!"

Xia Feng laughed, stood upright and said loudly, "Captain! I'll do a good job!"

As a security guard, he can go to work on the day of training, and there is no technical content. Xia Feng takes up his post at night. His post is patrolling in the parking lot. He doesn't need to do anything to guide the car. There is a special guide. Xia Feng is just walking around at night. It's no different from a mobile mosquito bait.

Xia Feng wore security clothes and walked around with his head held high. He had never been a security guard before. He just felt a little novel. Suddenly, he felt that someone was peeking. He suddenly turned back, but there was no one.

Xia Feng muttered, "is it my illusion?"

However, Xia Feng's body has undergone earth shaking changes since his last adventure. His consciousness has never been missed, but Xia Feng doesn't care about it. Who can peek at himself? Asking himself, he didn't show any tricks. He is a small security guard. According to the truth, no one should pay attention to him.

At this time, it was more than seven o'clock. A security guard came, who was also a new recruit today. He seemed to be called Niu Shanhuang. He was tall and thin, just like a telegraph pole, which was impressive.

Niu Shanhuang came to Xia Feng and said, "Xia Feng, the manager taught you to go. It's in the back warehouse. I think it's OK here. You go."

Xia Fengqi said, "what did the manager ask me to do?"

Niu Shanhuang shook his head and said, "I don't know. The manager didn't say it. Go quickly."

Xia Feng inexplicably came to the back warehouse. Just at the door, a security guard waved and said, "come here!"

Xia Feng trotted in and saw four or five people standing inside. Xia Feng thought he was coming to the warehouse to move things, but when he saw the four or five people in front of him, he was stunned. It turned out that one of them was the big nose old boy who took advantage of the bus.

The eagle nose looked at Xia Feng, sneered, and then said to the big man with bulging arms in a white vest: "it's this boy who dares to hit me, but he didn't expect to apply for security. It's really unexpected."

Those people burst into laughter. Looking at that, they seemed to regard Xia Feng as fish on the chopping board.

Xia Feng was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said, "it's really unexpected! I didn't have fun, but my hand is itching. I didn't expect your old boy to come to the door, so I won't be polite!"

Xia Feng was so arrogant that they were stunned. The white vest looked at Xia Feng up and down and said, "aren't you scared?"

Six people surrounded Xia Feng at the scene, and the white vest was obviously practiced. In this case, Xia Feng could still laugh. Isn't it silly?

"Whether he is scared silly or arrogant, beat him for me! Beat him to death!" said the eagle nose fiercely.

The white vest waved, and a small man in a security suit rushed up. Although he was small, he obviously fought a lot, quickly and fiercely, and hit Xia Feng's chin.

Xia Feng smiled faintly and didn't dodge. Instead, he punched out first. He punched the little man on the nose. The little man screamed and squatted down with his face covered. Blood overflowed from the gap between his fingers.

At this time, another person hugged Xia Feng from behind. Xia Feng was short, pulled his arm back, and slammed the other party over his shoulder.

The man fell to the ground and couldn't get up. Others were going to get up, but they were stunned to see Xia Feng's fierce hand and didn't dare to come forward.

The eagle's nose looked at the white vest and said, "boss Zhao, this boy seems to have some skills. It's up to you!"

Boss Zhao in the white vest looked at Xia Feng up and down, nodded and said, "good boy, you have some skills! I've done something with you! Come on!"

Xia Feng stood there proudly, motionless and said, "come on, I'm not afraid of you!"

Boss Zhao roared and rushed over at once. He was worthy of practicing. He was fast, fierce and accurate. When he was close to Xia Feng, he took a horse step, protected himself with one punch, and blasted at Xia Feng with one hand and one punch.

Both offensive and defensive, hard bridge and hard horse, full of strength, looks really good, but in Xia Feng's eyes, this action is too hard. Obviously, he doesn't know how to adapt. Is it stupid to practice?

Xia Feng waited until boss Zhao rushed over and kicked him out right in the stomach.

Boss Zhao's posture is good, but it's a pity that he can't use it. This kick only makes him seem to turn over all his internal organs. It's very uncomfortable. His feet are soft and fly backwards. He fell seven meat and eight vegetables, regardless of North and south.

Boss Zhao covered his stomach and knelt on the ground. He practiced Kung Fu by himself. He always bullied others. Now he can't moan in front of others. He can only hold it and sweat.

Xia Feng came to yinggoubi with a smile. Yinggoubi had suffered from Xia Feng's loss. Now he was so brave and scared that he stepped back.

Xia Feng disdained and said, "big nose, didn't you expect? Continue to laugh!"

With a loud cry, yinggoubi punched Xia Feng. Xia Feng was short and hit yinggoubi's stomach impolitely.

The eagle's nose rolled around in pain. Xia Feng grabbed his hair. The eagle's nose reached out and pressed Xia Feng's hand. He didn't want him to grasp his hair. Xia Feng's index finger and thumb clamped one finger of the eagle's nose and clamped it hard. The eagle's nose screamed like killing a pig and shouted: "Big brother, let go... Ah... It's over! Give me a break, I won't dare again! Big brother!"

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