The horsetail girl only felt a great force coming from her hand, and the Double Barrel Shotgun in her hand flew out. Liu Simin on the other side was almost the same. Liu Simin's reaction was slower than the horsetail girl. The muzzle turned and there was no time to aim and release the gun, so she bit the barrel of the gun by a wild boar. It was the same throw and threw out the Double Barrel Shotgun in her hand.

"Nine childe, get back." the horsetail girl took off her shotgun and pulled out the dagger on her leg with her backhand.

The dagger was useless to deal with the boar with thick fur, but she was very loyal. Although she was surprised, she took out the dagger and protected it in front of Liu Simin.

Liu Simin quickly turned around, but there was another scream. It turned out that there were wild boars behind him, led by a mother wild boar of two or three hundred kilograms, about five to six wild boars.

Liu Simin's mind suddenly had an extremely absurd feeling: "the wild boars have become sperm, they are in ambush! Why is it so strange?"

These wild boars are really strange. They will not only quietly wait for the enemy, but also ambush back and forth and attack left and right. It's too smart. She doesn't know that these wild boars are controlled by Xia Feng.

The horsetail girl turned back when she heard the sound. She was so surprised that she stood upside down. She looked around and said anxiously, "nine childe, run this way and I'll cover you."

The ponytail is on the left, pointing obliquely to the mountain bag on Xia Feng's side. There is a vacancy here. Liu Simin doesn't hesitate and runs away. The ponytail girl follows and then covers.

It's strange that those wild boars didn't rush to bite people. Seeing them escape, the wild boar scattered into a half surrounded shape and followed closely behind. The king of wild boar was the one who followed closely.

After running two or three hundred meters, you can almost see two summer peaks on the mountain bag with the naked eye. Suddenly, three wild boars are standing in the middle of the road.

There was no way to go before, and there was a pursuer after. Liu Simin was terrified. When she was eager to insert into the oblique stab, a small wild boar suddenly sprang out of the nearby grass and tripped on her foot.

"Ah." Liu Simin screamed, fell and fell. When she was about to get up, several wild boars rushed up. One of the female wild boars arched her with a big mouth.

Before she got up, something more strange happened. One left and one right wild boar opened their mouths at the same time and bit her hand.

She was wearing long sleeved hunting clothes and gloves in the mountains. In fact, two wild boars bit her sleeves without pain, but they couldn't let go. It was like pressing her in a big word on the ground.

"Save me, save..." Liu Simin shouted halfway and suddenly stopped, because the boar king was forced in front of her, Liu Simin's heart seemed to jump to her throat, and she couldn't make a sound any more. Her body was close to the ground. She seemed to see that the boar King opened his huge mouth and bit her head.

However, the boar king was not so rude. The boar king looked at her for a while with ugly and strange pig eyes.

When Liu Simin was stunned, the boar King opened his mouth and stretched out his huge tongue. Unexpectedly, she licked her face. Liu Simin wanted to scream, but his throat seemed blocked and couldn't cry out.

"Ah," Liu Simin screamed, "Bai Feifei, come and save me."

She didn't want to ask Bai Feifei and Xia Feng for help when she was dead, because it meant that she completely conceded defeat, but now she couldn't hold it. Of course, Bai Feifei had already found out. Liu Simin and them ran here, followed by wild boars. Bai Feifei was anxious to rescue Liu Simin. Xia Feng grabbed her and said slowly: "There are so many wild boars. You want to die. Let's watch first. When the nine CHILDES get to the foot of the mountain, we'll shoot down a few wild boars. Naturally, the wild boar is afraid and runs away."

Xia Feng is right to say so, but Bai Feifei is no longer strong in the nightclub, and subconsciously is willing to listen to him, so Bai Feifei takes a telescope to watch on the mountain, watching Liu Simin chase after the wild boar group and trip up the little wild boar, and then two wild boars bite Liu Simin's sleeves. Bai Feifei is stunned: "what's the matter, what's the wild boar doing?"

"Maybe the boar king has become a sperm." unlike her, Xia Feng is happy.

After watching for a while, she found that the boar king was licking Liu Simin's face. Now Bai Feifei was completely not calm. She turned to Xia Feng and said, "hurry to save the ninth childe. She is so proud. If she goes on like this, she can't stand it anyway. We still ask her."

Bai Feifei said and ran down the mountain first, and Liu Simin's scream came at the same time. Now she ran faster, and Xia Feng had to run down.

At this time, Liu Simin and the horsetail girl were separated. Liu Simin was pressed, and the horsetail girl was surrounded by seven or eight wild boars. When she heard Liu Simin scream, there was no way to rush over, so she had to follow Liu Simin and shout, "President Bai, come and save people."

Bai Feifei had rushed forty or fifty meters away. She immediately shot a wild boar.

Bai Feifei had never fired a gun before. The waiter of the villa taught her for a few minutes and never fired a live bullet. Of course, it was impossible to hit the gun. Instead of hitting it, the gun fell to the ground.

Bai Feifei almost cried. She quickly picked up the gun and turned to Xia Feng and shouted, "Xia Feng, save them."

"OK, look at me." Xia Feng rushed over and knocked over a wild boar with a thumping shot. A thumping shot knocked over another wild boar.

After two shots, Xia Feng reloaded and rushed more than ten meters away. Liu Simin lay in the grass. When she saw Xia Feng rushing over, she was happy and shouted, "save me, save me."

But Xia Feng stopped. Bai Feifei closely followed Xia Feng and almost hit him. However, she stopped at the scene in front of her.

More than ten meters ahead, a dozen wild boars, and a huge wild boar king. Liu Simin lay in the middle, his hands biting his sleeves and pressing his clothes open. This situation is really strange.

Although Liu Simin was unprecedentedly frightened, she did not collapse. Seeing Xia Feng and the boar King confront each other, she immediately warned: "be careful, the boar may... Become a sperm."

Don't blame her for thinking so. The behavior of the boar king is too strange. Although she can't believe that there are ghosts, she can't help believing the facts in front of her.

Hearing that the boar king might become Jing, Bai Feifei immediately shook her body. She had this feeling before. At this moment, Liu Simin said so, but she was frightened. If it's an ordinary wild boar, she believes Xia Feng can spell it, but if it's a wild boar who has become an elite, Xia Feng can't deal with it.

Bai Feifei leaned closer to Xia Feng and shouted, "Xia Feng, what shall we do now?"

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