Looking at Liu Yueru's back, Xia Feng couldn't help admiring her courage, her courage and her wisdom, which still made him feel fresh and uncertain.

For ordinary women, in the face of gang leaders like Ruan Xiong, I have to go deep into the gang to confirm Xu Xiangshan's life and death. Who can be so calm as her.

"What a wonderful woman." Han Qing secretly praised and ordered the bees in the tree to send a group of bees to follow Bai Feifei.

He can't remotely control the swarm just by his spiritual sense. He can't borrow an eye if it's too far away. He asks the swarm to follow. In fact, he leaves a line. The swarm will fly back one by one to form a tracking line. If something happens and Bai Feifei doesn't come back, the swarm can take him to find Bai Feifei in the shortest time.

Sure enough, when Bai Feifei got on the bus, he could borrow an eye. He couldn't borrow an eye when he drove a few blocks away. He only felt a little bit. If he was farther away, he didn't feel any more.

"The skill of this eye is still not strong." Xia Feng was a little upset and said in his heart, "if only he could keep following and borrow an eye."

All the people brought by Ruan Xiong withdrew from the house, but two people were left outside the hotel. Xia Feng didn't care. If necessary, he can let the bees sting them into pig heads, but it's not necessary now.

Within half an hour, Bai Feifei called and told him that he was still on the way. After another half an hour, Bai Feifei told him that she had seen Xu Xiangshan and was discussing the exchange. After another half an hour, she said she had come back. Before the fourth call, Bai Feifei returned to the Hotel.

"How about sister Feifei?" Xia Feng asked, "is president Xu okay?"

"It's all right." Bai Feifei shook her head. "They're all right."

Xia Feng said, "how can I exchange it in the hotel?"

Bai Feifei said, "no, Xiangshan means to go to the beach. After the exchange, we'll get on the boat immediately and leave directly. Ruan Xiong is a local snake here, so as not to make ghosts again."

Xia Feng nodded and said, "that's a good idea. Xu always has experience."

"What's the use of his experience?" Bai Feifei sighed and said, "you'd better listen to my advice, give the relic tower to the country, and an Ansheng manages tulips. It's good. He doesn't listen to me."

Xia Feng was silent about this. He didn't know how to say it. Bai Feifei was a courageous woman, but in her heart, she longed for the most peaceful and ordinary life. If she could choose, she still wanted to be a teacher.

At this time, there was a knock at the door. A black and thin man in his thirties came in. His left ear was gone. This ear spoke humbly and Feifei said, "Mrs. Xu, get ready. I'll take you to the beach."

Bai Feifei raised her head and said, "I see. Go down first. We'll clean up and come."

One ear saluted again and went out.

Xia Feng said curiously, "we can trade by ourselves at the seaside. What way do you want him to take?"

"This is what Ruan Xiong meant. He was afraid that we might have contact with the police. He took us for a while to see if the police followed us, went to the beach, and then decided on which coast or island to exchange." Bai Feifei explained.

Xia Feng said "Oh" and said, "he's cautious."

Bai Feifei disdained: "people like him just live with their heads pinned on their belts. Can you be more careful?"

Xia Feng and Bai Feifei cleaned up. Xia Feng was still carrying the password box with the relic tower. Xia Feng was still a little uneasy. He quietly gave orders to the wasps outside the window to let them follow behind, just in case, if the other party was in trouble and there were no animals nearby, Xia Feng was not fully sure to deal with it.

One ear took Xia Feng and Bai Feifei to the car and drove towards the sea. As soon as Xia Feng got on the car, he felt something wrong. He felt that there was a box in the rear window, and there was a poisonous snake in it!

Moreover, there is a small hole at the edge of the box, which can let the snake drill out. It is a king cobra. It is very toxic. Once bitten, it will die in a short time. It can be said that Ruan Xiong has extremely sinister intentions.

Xia Feng sneered in his heart. When the car drove out of the city, Xia Feng suddenly patted the driver on the shoulder and said in a deep voice: "stop!"

At this time, he had not turned his face, so the driver stopped the car and one ear said, "what's the matter?"

Xia Feng pointed to the box in the back window and said, "it's nothing. What's the matter with this snake?"

When one ear heard that Yan's face changed, he immediately whistled. He was a snake keeper. He fed the snake. As long as he got his signal, he would burst and hurt people,

The snake heard the whistle and got out of the box. Bai Feifei screamed and hurried to the side. However, the king cobra didn't attack when he heard the whistle as usual, which surprised one ear. He whistled again.

"If you want to die, then you can do it." Xia Feng sneered and felt a move. The little red snake suddenly shot out and took a bite at one ear and neck.

"Ah." one ear uttered a terrible scream, opened the door and ran out. His hand went into the bag to touch the antidote, but the snake was so toxic that he fell down before he touched the medicine. He twisted twice on the ground and died.

The driver was stunned and shouted, "it has nothing to do with me. I'm just a driver."

The driver said, trying to escape from the car. Xia Feng shouted, "don't move."

The driver stopped moving immediately. Bai Feifei looked at the body of one ear and said to Xia Feng, "this is arranged by Ruan Xiong?"

"It must be." Xia Feng nodded, "the goal should be to deal with me."

"Fortunately, you found it first." Bai Feifei grabbed Xia Feng's hand, was shocked and angry, and felt lucky.

If at the critical moment, one ear suddenly starts and the little red snake bites Xia Feng to death, not only can Xu Xiangshan not be rescued, but the relic tower will fall into Ruan Xiong's hands, and she can't escape.

On the way, she had already felt Ruan Xiong's lust for her. She was just a little wary, but unexpectedly, Ruan Xiong had such a hidden move.

"Xiaofeng, I owe you, otherwise I..." Bai Feifei's hands trembled at the thought of the terrible consequences.

"Sister Feifei, don't be afraid." Xia Feng comforted, "soldiers will block their hands and drown the earth. If you dare to play Yin with me, I'll kill him."

Xia Feng's words gave Bai Feifei confidence. She dialed Ruan Xiong's phone and directly scolded: "Ruan Xiong, the person you sent is dead and killed by your own snake. What else do you have? Just say it."

Ruan Xiong was obviously stunned there. One ear was one of the best players in his gang. Many people had been plotted under his instigation and never lost their hand. He didn't expect to miss this time and lose his life. Why didn't he be surprised.

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