Interestingly, one of the Chinese was so anxious that he stopped in the middle, pulled left and right, and got a punch in the middle.

Xia Feng felt quite interesting, so he approached and became more interesting.

The red curly hair is Swedish, speaks Swedish, and the beard is German. These two languages have great similarities with the Germanic language family, but they are not completely interlinked. If outsiders want to listen to and speak these two languages at the same time, they have almost learned two foreign languages.

Now, the two people scold each other in Swedish and German. The voice they scold is completely different. The Chinese persuading the quarrel in the middle is a young brother with glasses. He is estimated to be a translator and can speak German, but he can't or is not proficient in Swedish. He can stop the flower beard, but he can't stop the red curly hair.

At this time, other foreigners on the side also quarreled. When Xia Feng heard it, he thought it was Swedes and Germans. In the end, there were Italians, Spaniards and Danes. You say my name is more lively than duck city.

The poor brother glasses is estimated to be a German translator, and then he can speak English, which is quite good, but these foreigners are so miscellaneous that he is blind and almost cries.

At that time, several people ran out of the office building. A middle-aged man had a square face and a big belly. He was followed by a beautiful woman. The beautiful woman wore a white professional suit and a pair of fine Phnom Penh glasses. She was very good and beautiful.

Xia Feng's eyes lit up at once. He hurried over and looked carefully. He secretly said, "Hey, isn't this Zhou Fenglian? Wow, real people are much more beautiful than photos. They really have temperament."

The square faced man seemed to be a leader. He rushed in and helped his brother glasses separate the two red curls, but he only spoke English and persuaded them to fight in English. The two red curls didn't know whether they couldn't understand or deliberately didn't understand. They ignored him at all and had to rush to fight with each other.

Zhou Fenglian followed. Fortunately, she could speak Swedish. She was a woman again. She stopped in front of red curly hair. Red curly hair finally didn't rush forward, but just crossed her waist to breathe.

Red curly hair and bearded beard were persuaded, but others were still in a mess. One of the Spaniards rolled up his sleeves again. The Danes on the other side absolutely didn't advise, and their fists raised.

The square faced man hurriedly blocked in the middle and shouted at Zhou Fenglian: "director Zhou, explain to them. If you have something to say, controversy is a good thing, but don't move your hand anyway."

Zhou Fenglian was also blind and said, "I don't understand Spanish and Danish."

The square faced man said anxiously, "isn't Denmark also Germanic?"

Zhou Fenglian was speechless, but Xia Feng was happy. He couldn't help shouting, "vernacular and Hakka are Chinese languages. They quarrel. Go and persuade one to try."

Hearing this, the square faced man took another look at Xia Feng and said angrily, "which department are you from, go back."

Xia Feng said with a smile, "I'm not from any department, so I won't roll."

The square faced man was more angry and shouted, "security guard! Security guard!"

If he was just a square faced man, Xia Feng turned and left. He didn't bother to meddle in this business, but when Zhou Fenglian was here, Xia Feng's mind turned away. He came or didn't think how to deal with Zhou Fenglian. Of course, he wouldn't give up the great opportunity at present.

"Here comes the security guard. Can you persuade these foreigners?" Xia Feng laughed: "does he know Spanish? Danish? Italian?"

"Do you understand?" the square faced man said angrily.

Xia Feng nodded impolitely, "I know a little about these languages."

Xia Feng is really not bragging. Since his last accident, he has not only strengthened his strength in the mountains and forests, but also has an unprecedented talent for language. As long as he has contacted, seen and seen it, he knows a little.

Xia Feng went directly to persuade the Spaniard first, then the non counselled Danes over there, turned around and persuaded the Italian uncle who coaxed the seedling with a fluent Roman accent.

The square faced man couldn't understand a word, but it didn't prevent him from observing his face. Seeing Xia Feng say three different words to the three foreigners, and the three foreigners all stopped, he certainly understood that the boy in front of him didn't brag, but really understood the foreign languages of the three countries.

Even Zhou Fenglian on the side had wide eyes and bright eyes. To her shock, Xia Feng turned around and talked about Swedish with red curly hair and German with huabeard.

With five foreign languages, Zhou Fenglian was stunned, while the square faced man was silly. Xia Feng didn't care about them for the time being. He casually asked around and understood the reasons for the debate among the foreigners. Originally, Hengyuan company introduced a production line, which is owned by Delphi company, but Delphi company is a joint venture. This production line is the assembly of technologies from several countries.

This is normal. Just like Boeing aircraft, the engine is general-purpose in the United States, the wing is Japanese, the landing gear is French, and the carbon composite fuselage is Italian. Finally, it uses parts from more than 70 countries.

This production line of Delphi company has also introduced the technology of several countries, but it has to be assembled by itself. Now, Hengyuan company has introduced Delphi to help with installation and commissioning, so it needs to send people from various companies. Therefore, there are a group of foreign experts who talk with each other. The quarrel between them just now is due to their uncoordinated cooperation, The middle deviation is caused by the lack of a suitable translation and poor communication.

Xia Feng roughly understood the whole story, turned to Zhou Fenglian and said, "I said beauty, you can't do this. You are such a big company. You can't find more translators. The communication is not smooth. Your production line has to be debugged until monkey years and horse months?"

Zhou Fenglian nodded and said, "you're right, sir. We didn't notice this at that time. They were responsible for the installation and commissioning. We only took care of the final acceptance, but we didn't expect that the people in their company were so noisy and their communication was not smooth. Now it's like this. It's noisy every day."

Zhou Fenglian said, turning to look at the square faced man: "manager Zhu, this problem must be solved. I only know English and Swedish, but the people in the expert group are too miscellaneous. Even if you transfer me, the role is limited, and you still have to solve the problem from the root."

Xia Feng was puzzled before. Min Aoxue said that Zhou Fenglian was a member of the enterprise discipline inspection. How did she come to accompany the expert group? Now I understand that she knew Swedish and the company caught her job.

"I know, but where can I find so many translators at one time?" manager Zhu frowned.

Zhou Fenglian turned her eyes to Xia Feng's face and asked, "which department are you from?"

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