Xia Feng and Zhou Fenglian were drinking tea and joking for a while. Zhou Fenglian suddenly said, "Xiao Xia, I want you to do me a favor. I'm asking you privately. I don't know if I can."

"Of course." Xia Feng nodded without hesitation. He was worried that he had no chance to get close to Zhou Fenglian again. Unexpectedly, Zhou Fenglian came to the door by herself. He hurriedly asked, "what's the matter, sister Zhou, tell me."

Zhou Fenglian said, "I work in the Discipline Inspection Department of Hengyuan. As I told you last time, I was investigating a violation of discipline, but this time I was transferred to help at zero hour."

"So," Xia Feng interrupted, "sitting in front of me is the cold-faced and selfless prosecutor."

Zhou Fenglian smiled and said, "discipline inspection and prosecutors are not the same thing."

"All the same." Xia Feng continued, "it's great. Sister Zhou, do you want me to be your undercover?"

"No." Zhou Fenglian giggled. After a while, she smiled and said, "let me briefly introduce this case to you."

Zhou Fenglian slightly coagulated her mind and began to introduce her.

There is a branch factory under Hengyuan company, which is a machinery factory. It is an old factory. The machines are aging and the products are backward. At that time, the leaders borrowed money to import a batch of machines from Japan. As a result, Japan produced upgraded products not long after the installation and production of those machines. The production of Dading Machinery Factory is too backward to sell at all.

There was no market for the products, and the loan interest owed could not be paid back, so they had to go bankrupt, and then auction the machines and the land of the factory to pay the bank interest. At first glance, there seems to be nothing wrong. There are many such factories, but in fact it is not.

"Before importing these machines, we knew they were obsolete goods, but the machinery factory had an insider and colluded with middlemen. It still bought them at a high price, which directly led to the bankruptcy of the machinery factory, put the machinery factory on a heavy debt, and had to auction the factory and land to pay the debt."

"This is a direct entrapment." Xia Feng was very angry and said, "little devil, there is no good thing."

"Mainly there are ghosts." Zhou Fenglian also looked angry.

"How did it pass at that time? Even if there was an insider, it couldn't cover up the sky. Was it the factory director who took over the power at that time?" Min Aoxue took over. The machinery factory was basically close to closing down. He didn't know what was ahead.

"It was not just the factory director who exercised power, but the collective vote at that time." Zhou Fenglian shook her head.

"You mean? Everyone has been bought or deceived?" Xia Feng shouted.

"Later, it was found out that it was basically like this." Zhou Fenglian nodded.

"Then what happened?" Xia Feng asked.

"Later, when the wages were not paid, the workers appealed to the higher authorities, and the pot was served. The factory director and several deputy factory directors all went to jail." Zhou Fenglian shook her head: "but it was too late, and the consequences had already led to the closure of the machinery factory."

Xia Feng certainly knew that the machinery factory had closed down, and it was in Min Aoxue's hands. Min Aoxue even showed his ability because of the proper placement of workers, but was appreciated by the above.

But the problem is that what Zhou Fenglian wants to check is the section where min Aoxue acts as the factory director, so he pretends not to understand and asks, "is the Dading closed down now?"

"It has been closed for several years." Zhou Fenglian sighed and said.

Xia Feng sighed with her eyes. She looked at Zhou Fenglian and said, "even though they are closed down, the former factory director is also in prison. Sister Zhou, what else do you want to check? Is there any other ghost in the factory director who wants to turn it over and punish him?"

"That's not true. What I want to check has nothing to do with the original factory director." Zhou Fenglian shook her head: "what I want to check is that in the process of bankruptcy, I collude again inside and outside to sell some high-quality assets of the machinery factory at a low price."

This is related to min Aoxue. At the same time, it is also the high-level struggle of Dahong manufacturing. Now, the general manager of Hengyuan company wants to pull the high-level of Dahong manufacturing through the case of Dading, and pull a group of people off the horse in the name of selling state-owned assets at a low price.

"It's internal and external collusion again." Xia Feng nodded angrily, "that's the investigation. Sister Zhou, tell me how you want me to help you."

"At that time, Yu Weilin, the technical director and chief engineer, was fiercely opposed to the import of machines from Japan and was forced to be laid off. Later, he also opposed the closure of the machinery factory. It didn't work, but hurt people. He had some key evidence to prove how the machinery factory packaged and sold some competitive advantageous productivity "Give it out," said Zhou Fenglian.

Some people may not understand these words, but Xia Feng can understand them. Take the cement plant as an example. Now wages can not be paid, but the cement plant has some good things. Several of the equipment imported from East Germany are quite good in China. If you really want to sell it, a large number of domestic manufacturers will rush for it.

The machinery plant must be the same as the cement plant, which is backward as a whole, but in some single items, it is an advantageous project, and the real value of the machinery plant is not imported machinery, but land.

The machinery factory used to be popular in the city. After the introduction of the new production line, those insiders planned to use the name of the factory to ask the city for land, staff dormitories and family buildings.

The city granted them two good plots of land, and when the new production line failed, these people raised funds, offset the land and introduced funds, which is called a desperate fight.

As a result, some of the funds introduced were finished. They had to go bankrupt. The factory went bankrupt. The land was offset to those capital. The land was theirs.

At that time, the so-called introduction of funds was only tens of millions, and how much was the value of the two plots? One small piece was originally used to build staff dormitories. A piece of land in the same lot was sold for 300 million at auction.

In other words, the land used to build staff dormitories is worth at least 300 million yuan.

Then there is a large lot, and the lot is better. With the economic development in recent years, the same lot is already an inch of land and an inch of money. Not to mention more, if you want to take such a whole piece of land, at least 500 to 800 million, or even more.

Then there is the factory building of the machinery factory, which covers a huge area. Although it is a little biased, it will cost hundreds of millions to auction.

All these were paid in advance. The contract was clearly written in black and white, and no one could find fault, because at that time, people just funded the machinery factory. What did you say.

If these insiders do not operate like this, even if the products of the machinery factory fail, they can turn over as long as they have these pieces of land in hand and sell them casually through the tide of real estate in recent years.

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