Xia Feng drove a car and was occasionally poor. After driving more than ten miles, he came to a village, which is relatively large. It is estimated that there are hundreds of families, and there are two retail stores at the entrance of the village.

"This is the source village. We should have something to eat here. There should be a hotel. We go to the market every three and every five."

Zhou Fenglian should have done a lot of homework before she came. She was very familiar with this piece and got out of the car.

There is no formal Hotel, but a retail store can provide instant noodles and boiled water. Zhou Fenglian discussed with her boss. The car stops here. Please have a look at it. The boss is a man in the mountains in his forties. He said enthusiastically, "you go to the village. Don't worry. The car stops here. No ghost dares to make trouble."

After eating instant noodles, Xia Feng set off with Zhou Fenglian. It's not far from the source village to the destination village. According to the shopkeeper, you can turn over two mountains and walk an hour fast.

The mountain is not high. It's a dense bamboo mountain. After turning over a mountain and going to the mountain depression, there is a large stone slab in front of it. Several young people are playing cards. Zhou Fenglian sees it from a distance, frowns slightly, and whispers to Xia Feng, "Xiao Xia, be careful, it doesn't seem quite right."

"What's wrong?" Xia Feng said inexplicably.

"There are no shops behind the village. What cards do you play?" Zhou Fenglian looked at the people carefully: "and they don't look like farmers."

"Isn't it?" Xia Feng also looked at it and didn't see any difference, so he said: "sister Zhou, you may have some occupational diseases at work. I think it's normal. Play cards. Young workers in our factory sometimes play cards on the mountain."

Xia Feng walked over. There were five people in the group. They were playing paper leaves and three people. One was planning to raise money and the other was watching. They might also be buying chips.

Xia Feng walked over, and those people turned their heads and took a look. One of them called, "Yo, here comes a beautiful little sister."

Xia Feng didn't think there was anything wrong before, but when he heard this, it was wrong. Network language, but there was nothing wrong when he thought about it. In the mobile phone era, young brothers in rural areas also have mobile phones and brush their mobile phones to surf the Internet every day. Network language is also used leisurely.

However, Xia Feng didn't care about it anyway. He let Zhou Fenglian go ahead and pass by the slate. The man who bought the yard suddenly shouted, "little sister, let's play together."

He not only said, but also stretched out his hand to pull Zhou Fenglian.

Xia Feng knows it's really wrong. In such broad daylight, most people don't have the courage to talk about women openly.

"Play with your sister." Xia Feng took a step ahead and slapped him.

This palm was crisp, and directly planted the man who bought the yard from the slate.

"Dare to hit people, go." the Ji chip shouted, stood up from the slate, directly jumped at Xia Feng, opened his hands, and obviously wanted to hold Xia Feng and fall over him.

Xia Feng didn't let him hold him. The smelly man was not a beauty. He slapped again, and there was another crisp sound. He directly fanned out the plan.

The three card players jumped up and rushed down one after another. The last one actually took out a dagger from his waist.

Zhou Fenglian had already retreated to one side in fear, but Xia Feng did not dodge. She slapped a few times and turned the whole fan to the ground.

When the fan turned over, he grabbed the green hair of the dagger and picked it up. He grabbed his dagger, mentioned it in front of a big bamboo, pressed his hand on the bamboo, nailed the dagger in according to the palm of his hand, and nailed the green hair's hand to the bamboo.

"Ah." green hair gave a scream like killing a pig, tears and snot.

The others got up at the moment, but Xia Feng worked so hard and worked so hard, which frightened several people. Seeing Xia Feng turn his face, the buyer shouted, "run."

If it hadn't been for Zhou Fenglian's previous words, Xia Feng would not have nailed the green hair with a dagger. Second, he didn't bother to run. But with Zhou Fenglian's words, he became suspicious and wouldn't let these people run away. Hum: "can you run?"

I grabbed the slate and grabbed the next corner.

It was a big Bluestone, very hard and smooth. I don't know how many people have damaged it for hundreds of thousands of years. Xia Feng grabbed a big piece so easily.

The green hair howled in his mouth, but he was not blind. When he looked at everything, he was stunned. The howling in his mouth suddenly stopped. He opened his mouth, but he didn't dare to hum again.

Zhou Fenglian was also stunned. She asked Xia Feng to help because Xia Feng showed his Qigong and then his magical acupoint pointing skill, which made her feel that he was a real expert. She asked him to follow. She was relieved, but she didn't expect that Xia Feng had such Kung Fu in his hand. When she grabbed it, she could crush the stone slab.

"What kind of Kung Fu is this?" Zhou Fenglian screamed in her heart, "is his hand still human?"

Xia Feng grabbed the stone and threw it out. He hit four people's heels one after another. The four people who bought the yard fell down one after another and rolled with their heels in their arms.

"Who are you? Who told you to come?" Xia Feng asked with an oblique eye on Qing.

Some of the players just shouted and didn't say a word.

"OK, let's see if you're made of special materials." Xia Feng sneered, walked over and picked up the plan. This guy was as thin as a monkey and didn't feel like two or two in Xia Feng's hand.

"Spare your life, we play cards here. We dare not dare again." the thin monkey begged for mercy.

"Playing cards." Xia Feng smiled, pulled out the thin monkey's hand and put it on the slate. He picked up a stone on the side and slapped it on the thin monkey's hand.

"Ah." the thin monkey looked at the thin and howled miserably, but it was bigger than green hair.

"It's very sexy." Xia Feng smiled and raised the stone: "come again."

"No, please." the thin monkey was completely afraid and said, "we were called by boss Xing. He said that when he saw a man and a woman coming here, he would beat them away and give us 5000 yuan. That's it. We really don't know anything else."

The thin monkey poured the beans out of the bamboo tube, with tears and snot.

Xia Feng was still a little suspicious. Hearing this, he couldn't help looking back at Zhou Fenglian. He really admired Zhou Fenglian's observation or professional sensitivity.

"Go away." Xia Feng mainly confirmed his doubts. If he asked clearly, he was too lazy to entangle with these guys.

The thin monkey jumped up with his hands in his hands, and green Mao gritted his teeth. He pulled out the dagger and ran away.

"Sister Zhou, you are a cow." Xia Feng tilted his thumb.

This time, Zhou Fenglian's face was completely dissatisfied, but she frowned.

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