Zhou Fenglian collected the documents and assured Yu Weilin, "I will personally hand these evidences to the general manager. I believe they will be severely punished."

"Good, good." Yu Weilin said three good words and waved, "you should go at once while it's still early, so as not to be noticed by them. Be careful on the road. They have too much power."

Zhou Fenglian didn't talk nonsense. She told Yu Weilin to take care, and then went out of the village. They went up the mountain. Looking back, they found that Yu Weilin was still standing on the hillside behind the village, leaning on a hoe and looking at them from a distance, as if he had stood like a statue.

When he went up and down the mountain, Xia Feng let go of his mind. His spirit felt like a tide and scanned around like a radar, but boss Xing didn't send another ambush.

I think so. Boss Xing sent five people, but there were only two people on Xia Feng's side and one woman. I think it's enough. Under normal circumstances, the two Xia Feng had already fallen into their hands. How could I think that Xia Feng would have such Kung Fu? Naturally, it's impossible to send more people.

Xia Feng estimated that boss Xing should not be the person of the relevant stakeholders of the machinery factory, but the irrelevant person they were looking for, that is, he gave money.

However, these summer peaks are too lazy to think. In a word, soldiers will block and water will flood the earth.

Go all the way to Yuanyuan village and pick up the car. The people in the mountains are still plain. Zhou Fenglian wants to pay for the car. The shopkeeper doesn't want it. Zhou Fenglian buys a box of mineral water.

Xia Feng secretly said, "she has great strength in doing things. She is very flexible in dealing with the world. She is as smart as sister Wen Jia."

Xia Feng found that the longer he spent with Zhou Fenglian, the more he appreciated Zhou Fenglian and looked more beautiful.

In fact, in terms of appearance, Zhou Fenglian is not as good as Lin Xiaoxian, and her figure is slightly worse than min Aoxue, but her body seems to shine. The persistent righteousness gives her a halo bonus, which makes people dizzy.

"I'll drive." Xia Feng offered, and he was always worried.

Zhou Fenglian did not object. She put the small bag containing evidence in front of her and sat in the co pilot's seat.

When the car passed Feihua Town, nothing happened. Xia Feng was a little relaxed. Seeing a truck coming from a distance, Xia Feng slowed down a little. This section is dangerous and the road is narrow. Drive slowly.

At this moment, he felt a sudden chill in his heart, as if a cold wind suddenly blew into his neck in winter, and his hair stood up all over his body.

Xia Feng did not want to. He immediately braked and opened the door on his side. Before he could speak, he directly hugged Zhou Fenglian and rolled out of the car. Xia Feng had no time to stand up. The truck had rushed up and hit the car head-on. With a loud bang, the car was crooked. The truck still didn't stop when it hit and pushed the car off the road.

Although the road below is not a cliff, it is also a gully of more than ten meters. The car rolled down and made a loud noise.

Zhou Fenglian rolled out of Xia Feng's arms before. Her brain couldn't react at all. Until this moment, she didn't understand what was going on. She was so scared that the whole person was soft.

The truck driver bumped his car down the gully, but saw two xiafeng at a glance. Unexpectedly, his eyes were fierce. He hit the steering wheel and wanted to hit two xiafeng again.

Xia Feng's anger started from his heart, and he was evil to his courage. He hugged Zhou Fenglian to the side of the road. He jumped up, stepped on the front car cover with one foot, and kicked the driver in the car with the other foot.

The driver didn't expect him to be so skilled. His eyes suddenly widened and his mouth shouted, "No."

In the driver's scream, Xia Feng had kicked the broken glass and even the glass on his head. The driver shouted with blood all over his head and face.

Xia Feng didn't kick the second foot, but hung the steering wheel with his feet and hit outward. The truck rushed down the gully. When the truck fell, Xia Feng suddenly jumped out of the car. The truck roared down the gully. Even if the driver didn't die, he couldn't breathe.

And if it's checked afterwards, it's a car accident.

Xia Feng stood by the side of the road and watched the truck roll to the bottom of the ditch. The driver didn't come out of the car. He snorted coldly and turned back.

Zhou Fenglian had stood up and looked at him in a daze.

"Sister Zhou, are you all right?" Xia Feng walked over.

"Woo." Zhou Fenglian suddenly jumped into his arms and cried. Obviously, this time she was really frightened.

Xia Feng hugged her, patted her on the back and comforted, "well, it's all right."

Comforting Zhou Fenglian, Xia Feng was actually a little shaken in his heart. If he didn't respond in time, he would hit the bottom of the ditch with Zhou Fenglian. Even if he didn't die, he would be seriously injured.

"The previous sudden shiver is the sixth sense in the legend. Yes, this magical eye seems to have some potential to tap." the longer the magical eye stays on the body, the more Xia Feng finds the potential.

Zhou Fenglian cried for a while. She was a little calm. She went to the ditch and looked. The driver didn't come out. She may have died. Even if she didn't die, she was seriously injured.

Zhou Fenglian made up her mind and said to Xia Feng, "this car must have been sent by them again. Your Kung Fu is good. They can't stop us on the mountain, so they just wait on the road to create a traffic accident. This is a traffic accident. He bumped up head-on. You jumped with me, the two cars collided, and the truck and car rolled into the bottom of the ditch."

This is an oral confession, because Zhou Fenglian's car has an accident here. Even if Zhou Fenglian doesn't call the police, the traffic police must investigate. In fact, Xia Feng made the truck roll down the ditch. If you don't give an oral confession in advance, there may be a leak.

Xia Feng didn't think of this. After listening to Zhou Fenglian, he nodded and said, "that's it. What shall we do now?"

Zhou Fenglian turned her head and said, "you should be on the main road not far ahead. See if you can catch a ride."

Zhou Fenglian said, concentrating slightly, took out the mobile phone in the bag, took the card and said to Xia Feng, "your mobile phone also took the card, throw it away and throw it away."

Xia Feng was stunned and understood. He asked, "you mean they might use mobile phones to locate?"

Zhou Fenglian said, "well, their power is greater than you think."

Xia Feng took out his mobile phone, took out the card, took Zhou Fenglian's mobile phone, threw it far across the gully and into the forest opposite. Those people located it through their mobile phone and thought Zhou Fenglian had been hit by a car and stopped here.

"Sister Zhou, you are so smart. My admiration for you is like a flowing river..." Xia Feng couldn't help praising.

Zhou Fenglian's face did not look pleased, but slightly shook her head and said, "needless to say, I have dealt with these guys more and seen their ghost tricks."

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