"These guys, don't fall into my hands." Xia Feng was cruel, but she was not confident enough, and even guilty: "if sister Zhou knew that I was actually sent by sister min, how disappointed she would be."

Thinking of this, he suddenly thought of Bai Feifei. At that moment, Bai Feifei looked into his eyes and felt a sudden pain in his heart.

"This time, I'd rather be sorry for sister min than sister Zhou." Xia Feng secretly made up his mind.

After throwing away their mobile phones, the two walked to the county and got on the national highway. They happened to meet a returning taxi and waved to get on the bus. Zhou Fenglian asked, "go directly to the provincial capital, will you go?"

It's definitely a good thing to go directly to the provincial capital and change a short distance into a long distance. The driver takes a look at Zhou Fenglian. Xia Feng is not very good, but Zhou Fenglian is more charming and has a clean and bright temperament. For the taxi driver, this is the best customer, so he nodded without hesitation: "OK, I won't go into the city. I'll go directly to the expressway later."

The driver drove so fast that he entered Xiangjiang city in about two hours. Zhou Fenglian showed the way and drove to the door of a community before he got off. Xia Feng had to pay the fare. Zhou Fenglian stopped him and scrambled to pay. He said to him, "what are you robbing? We have reimbursement."

Xia Feng smiled and said, "yes, I don't dare to take advantage of sister Zhou. I'm still rude to your company."

This remark was a little funny, but Zhou Fenglian was not angry at all. Instead, she giggled and said, "don't play a poor mouth. Go in and come to my house. My sister will cook delicious food for you."

It turned out that this was her house. Xia Feng followed in. The house with three bedrooms and two living rooms was elegantly arranged to show the owner's taste. However, the house was empty. At this time, it was already dark. It was a time of lights, and the house seemed a little deserted.

"My brother-in-law is not at home?" Xia Feng asked. In the information min Aoxue gave him, Zhou Fenglian was married, but she didn't seem to have a child.

"He's in Gao Jian's office. We don't care about him if he's often not at home." Zhou Fenglian put down her bag, quickly tied her apron and asked, "what's your taste, spicy or sweet?"

"All right." Xia Feng said, "I'm a foodie. I can eat sour, sweet, salty and spicy. Don't come if it's bitter."

Zhou Fenglian smiled and said, "don't worry, sister, I won't give you pain here."

This is an expression of closeness. Xia Feng not only helped her, but also saved her twice. If there is no Xia Feng, she can't stand the second time, but only the first time. She is sincerely grateful.

Soon three dishes and one soup came to the table, full of color, flavor and taste.

"It's a little simpler. There aren't many dishes at home." Zhou Fenglian was a little embarrassed and said, "next time, my sister will treat you to a big meal."

"This is the best." Xia Feng raised his thumb: "it has all kinds of color, smell and fragrance."

Zhou Fenglian also took a bottle of red wine and said, "drink less today. It's over. You can have a good drink with your sister."

"OK." Xia Feng deserves to be happy.

After drinking and eating, Xia Feng asked, "sister Zhou, what are you going to do about it? They're afraid they won't let go. When the evidence comes to you, they'll be more crazy."

Zhou Fenglian nodded and said, "they may or may not have discovered the truth of the car accident at the moment, but it doesn't matter. This is the provincial capital. They don't dare to mess around like rural areas. Let's eat first. After dinner, I'll sort out the information and send it to the general manager with electronic documents. It's no use even if they kill me. As for the car accident, we'll talk about it tomorrow."

It's reasonable to say so. Xia Feng nodded and said, "I'm afraid they'll retaliate against you later."

"President Yu broke their legs, hurt their waist, and broke their head several times. He has never been afraid, and I am not afraid." Zhou Fenglian's face was firm and resolute on her ice and snow cheeks.

Xia Feng secretly admired him, raised his glass and said, "come on, sister Zhou, to you! I sincerely admire you!"

Zhou Fenglian looked at him seriously and said, "without you, they would really succeed this time. I will never get evidence. Come on, let me respect you."

After dinner and chatting for a while, Xia Feng left. Although Zhou Fenglian's house has a guest room, her husband is not at home, so it is impossible to leave Xia Feng at home.

Of course, Zhou Fenglian would not keep him, but told him to pay attention.

Then he thought of another thing. He took a new mobile phone inside and said, "throw away your mobile phone and use this one. It's brand-new and unused."

Xia Feng was not polite, but he was worried about Zhou Fenglian and said, "sister Zhou, you should also be careful."

"It's all right." Zhou Fenglian smiled: "this is the provincial capital. Besides, the police car patrolling here will pass in three minutes. I'll turn around here. If I find something wrong, I'll call 110 and come in two minutes. If I'm in a good time, maybe I'll come in one minute. I really think a group of clowns can turn the sky?"

Zhou Fenglian spoke confidently, and Xia Feng was relieved.

Xia Feng left and went outside the community to buy a pack of cigarettes. He saw a chess stall. A group of people were playing chess. He went over and stood aside to watch. In fact, he controlled a bee and flew to Zhou Fenglian's window.

Zhou Fenglian's window is equipped with a screen window. The bees can't fly in, so they watch outside.

Zhou Fenglian took her clothes and took a bath. Xia Feng's respect for Zhou Fenglian is one thing, but if there is spring, he will see it.

However, just like in the hotel, Xia Feng couldn't see anything. Xia Feng didn't feel shocked. He stared with bees, mainly worried about the safety of Zhou Fenglian. The madness of those guys was beyond his imagination and successfully aroused his anger.

Zhou Fenglian took a bath and came out. Her pajamas at home are very sexy. They are pink suspender nightdresses with short skirts. They are hollow inside. Once in a while, you can see everything.

Zhou Fenglian went to the bedroom, turned on the computer, checked the information on the Internet, then sent documents, and then answered the phone. It was far away. The bees couldn't get in and hear it. It was estimated that their general manager called after receiving the information.

Until around 12 o'clock, the chess stall here closed. Zhou Fenglian also turned off the computer, turned off the lights and was ready to go to bed. Xia Feng came back to the hotel.

Early the next morning, Zhou Fenglian called and said, "Xiao Xia, nothing happened last night. Did you sleep well?"

"Not very good." hearing Zhou Fenglian's voice, Xia Feng wanted to joke.

"What's the matter?" asked Zhou Fenglian.

Xia Feng said, "I was dreaming of marrying my daughter-in-law. As soon as I took the bride to bed, my mobile phone suddenly rang."

Zhou Fenglian giggled and said, "it's my fault. Don't worry. After this, I'll introduce you to a beautiful girlfriend and ensure that she is more beautiful than the one in your dream."

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