Xia Feng said to Jin Shao. Jin Shao nodded and motioned you to go. Just give it to me here.

Xia Feng walked out of the KTV door, lit a cigarette, then looked at Xiao Li around him and asked, "do you smoke?"

Xiaoli took Xia Feng's cigarette and smoked it. Her lips puffed. It was a special style. Xia Feng looked at it for a while and then ordered another one.

"Xiaoli, where is your boss?" Xia Feng asked casually.

Xiaoli shook her head and said, "the boss is generally invisible. He rarely comes. It's all the boss's wife. The boss's wife is usually in the office on the second floor and rarely comes down."

Xia Feng said, "well, how long have you been here?"

"I work part-time here to earn some tuition fees and only have a few months," Xiao Li said.

Xia Feng asked, "are you a college student?"

"Yes," said Xiao Li.

Xia Feng said, "it's a little... A little bad for you to do this."

"No way, the work study program in the school is only enough to eat. I have to subsidize my family. I can only come out. It was a good choice to be a tutor. Unfortunately, there is no way, so I have to."

Tutoring costs a lot of money, but there is no way, there is no way.

Xia Feng asked again, "are you from Linjiang university?"

"Yes." Xiao Li had finished smoking a cigarette, put out the cigarette butt on the trash can around her, and then threw it away.

Xia Feng couldn't help saying, "the admission line of Linjiang university is not low. It seems that your grades are good. How old are you?"

"I'm a junior, boss Xia. Let's go in. If the landlady sees me here, it's time to say I'm out of business." Xiao Li said with a little worry.

Xia Feng waved and said, "aren't they all guests inside and outside? What's wrong?"

Just as he was talking, a strange voice said, "Oh, isn't this Xiao Li? Is this the introduction?"

As soon as Xia Feng looked back, he saw a young man, dressed in flowing clothes and dyed blue hair. He looked very uncomfortable.

Xiao Li's face changed slightly and said, "Mr. Wang, I won't introduce it!"

Mr. Wang looked at Xia Feng and said, "Why are you standing here? Last time you refused me, I suspected it was perfunctory. I think you were perfunctory!"

Xiao Li waved her hand again and again and said, "Mr. Wang, you misunderstood me. I'm really not..."

Xia Feng vomited out the smoke and said, "boy, don't find fault. You're here for fun. Don't be uncomfortable!"

Mr. Wang's name is Wang Bin, which is also a bully in the west of the city. He has coveted Xiaoli for a long time, but Xiaoli refused to go out with him, and this KTV is also a regular KTV. He doesn't do that. Wang Bin has never had a chance to succeed.

Wang Bin, regardless of Xia Feng, grabbed Xiaoli's small hand and said, "go, go out with my brother for two drinks!"

Xiao Li naturally refused to go. She stood up and said, "if you want to drink, drink here. I won't go out!"

Wang Bin's face sank and said, "give you a face, don't you? Really think you are a chaste martyr? You can go with me today, or you can go without me!"

Xia Feng grabbed Wang Bin's wrist and said in a deep voice, "give face, don't you want face? Get out of here now!"

(there have been a lot of things recently, so the update is relatively low. Sorry, I hope you can support it)

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