Xia Feng stood up to pay, and then went straight to Xinyue building.

Bypassing several security guards, he smoothly came to the elevator. After getting up, he pressed 15.

After arriving at the 15th floor, Xia Feng pretended to be as if nothing had happened and came to the chairman's office. There was a fingerprint lock on it. It seemed that no one opened the door from inside. It was very difficult for Xia Feng to get in.

Xia Feng reached out and knocked at the door. Lin Feiyang said strangely, "who?"

Generally, if someone wants to come, he must say hello to Lin Feiyang first, and then Lin Feiyang's secretary will come with this person, and the Secretary will brush his fingerprints in.

It's rare to knock directly on the door.

Xia fenglang said, "Mr. Lin, this is Xia Feng!"

As soon as Lin Feiyang heard the word Xia Feng, his heart also trembled. He didn't expect Xia Feng to come to the door. He immediately said, "someone will come right away and drive out the people at the door of my office!"

Soon, four security guards came. Seeing Lin Feiyang, they came forward to hold his arm. Xia Feng smiled and knocked the security guard down.

"Dong Lin, I think you'd better call the police. These people are obviously not my opponents, but after calling the police, you may not be able to hide those things!" Xia Feng shouted loudly.

Lin Feiyang didn't want to call the police. If he called the police, his entrapment of Min Aoxue would be exposed. When the public opinion came out, it was really bad for him and dealt a great blow to the whole Xinyue group. This was not what he wanted to see. Secondly, Xia Feng shouted so loudly that it was not good for the people of the company to hear. Since Xia Feng came to the door three times, what do you want to say, You can close the door and say it well. There's no need to make it known to everyone.

Lin Feiyang opened the door, smiled and said, "Mr. Xia!"

Xia Feng looked up and down at Lin Feiyang and said, "well, there is some temperament of the chairman, but the fact is not bright!"

Lin Feiyang let Xia Feng in and closed the door.

"Mr. Xia, if you have anything to say, don't yell. It's not a good thing for both of us." Lin Feiyang said.

Xia Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "you know this is not a good thing? Can you do it? Is it interesting to threaten and bully and use indiscriminate means? All this is really incompatible with a company as big as your Xinyue group!"

Lin Feiyang made a ha ha and said, "yes, it's really incompatible. Haven't we changed it now? We have deleted the video of you and Guo Wenjia, which means that we hired you to do things."

Xia Feng sat on the sofa, crossed his legs and said, "but what you want me to do is not inferior? You still threaten me with relevant departments. You really think I'm scared?"

Lin Feiyang said with a wry smile, "Xia Feng, you came today to accuse me, didn't you?"

"What you did is wrong, can't I say? Of course, how you do things, no matter how much you do, it has nothing to do with me. As long as you don't find me, we won't offend the river. But now that you find me, it won't be so simple!" Xia Feng said.

Lin Feiyang sat opposite Xia Feng and said, "what? Listen to what you mean, do you want to kidnap me?"

"I am a good citizen, unlike you. For money, relatives are not relatives, friends are not friends, and all I have is interests. I came here today to let you know that if you find me, you will provoke the wrong person! And don't move any of the people around me! Otherwise, I will double my return! I think you know today that I can find you at any time! And anyone Can't stop it! "Xia Feng said.

Lin Feiyang looked sideways and said, "are you threatening me now?"

"First of all, I'm an activist and will never threaten people. I do what I say, and I will do what I say. I'm absolutely not sloppy. I'm nothing more than a person without shoes, but Dong Lin, the shoes on your feet are very new and good. What do you think?" Xia Feng said.

Lin Feiyang instinctively looked down at his shoes, with a smile on his mouth. He looked up and said, "Xia Feng, since everything is said about this, I won't hide it. How can you help me?"

Xia Feng shook his head and said, "under no circumstances will I work for you!"

"Isn't there any room for maneuver? I said I would give you two million before, but now I'll double it for you, four million! What do you think?" Lin Feiyang said.

When Xia Feng first heard four million, he couldn't help but move. Four million is not a small number, and its temptation is still great.

"Six million!" Lin Feiyang added the price again, and his tone was full of temptation.

Xia Feng took a deep breath and said, "you don't have to say. I won't promise you."

"Ten million!" Lin Feiyang shouted.

Xia Feng said with a grin: "don't you have a better way? For a min Aoxue, it costs so much? Seriously, it doesn't seem so necessary."

Lin Feiyang shook his head and said, "you don't understand these things. Of course, you don't need to understand them. As long as you know, as long as you do this for us, 10 million is yours! 10 million is not a small number, enough for you to struggle for a long time! Don't you want this 10 million at all?"

Xia Feng said, "a gentleman loves money and takes it wisely. Like this kind of money, I'm afraid I'll earn my life and spend it. I'll never do anything that damages Yin and morality."

"Oh? As far as I know, you deceived a lot of people. It's ridiculous for you to say so high sounding." Lin Feiyang said.

Xia Feng didn't agree. In fact, it's not to damage Yin morality. The main reason is that he doesn't want to hurt min Aoxue and his own woman. It's really hard to feel. He still has some resentment about Bai Feifei. Even Zhou Fenglian is ashamed.

Xia Feng doesn't want to taste this taste anymore.

"Anyway, I won't promise you unless you can think of a way to have the best of both worlds!" Xia Feng said.

"The best of both worlds? What is the best of both worlds?" Lin Feiyang asked puzzled.

Xia Feng said, "it's very simple. You don't have to use this indiscriminate method to get all the control of Xinyue group through formal channels! It's normal for you to do business without paying attention to family affection. His brother and your nephew, don't you have any other way besides this method?"

Lin Feiyang frowned and said, "what do you mean? Do... You have feelings for min Aoxue?"

In addition to this reason, Lin Feiyang really doesn't know why Xia Feng protects min Aoxue so much, but it's true.

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