Xia Feng asked, "can you really protect me?"

Luo Youshan smiled and didn't speak. Yao Mengqi said, "they can. They definitely have this ability."

Xia Feng sighed a little relieved and nodded.

Luo Youshan said, "OK, let's say so first. I'll take the information to the capital."

Xia Feng and Yao Mengqi were sent out. In order not to keep it a secret, they got on a black golden cup car again and were caught at Yao Mengqi's door.

Yao Mengqi and Xia Feng entered the room. Xia Feng was relieved and said, "scare me. I thought it would be dissected and studied."

"No, you don't have to worry about this. You'd better worry about Lin Feiyang. Although Lin Yue is looking for you, I feel that Lin Feiyang is still behind the scenes. Now you are involved in the dispute of the Lin family of Xinyue group, and you will be in trouble in the future." Yao Mengqi said.

Xia Feng said with a sad face, "who said no, hey..."

Yao Mengqi said: "there are about two days left before you can be considered as entering the 749 inning. What are you going to do these two days?"

"Can they really protect my safety?" Xia Feng asked anxiously.

Yao Mengqi nodded and said, "just put your heart in your stomach. They have the back of the military. What are you afraid of? Their director rank is very high. It's not too simple to protect people like you!"

Xia Feng said, "that's good. I want to find Lin Feiyang these two days!"

"Looking for him? Are you not afraid that he will take action against you?" Yao Mengqi worried.

Xia Feng said, "if they really take action, it's impossible for Lin Yue to come to me alone, and he gave me three days to think about it. I want to talk to Lin Feiyang. Isn't it normal?"

Yao Mengqi said, "the Lin family is not small. You should be careful."

"Barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes. What am I afraid of?" Xia Feng said.

In fact, Xia Feng has always been afraid of the relevant departments. Now the relevant departments are on his side, so what's to be afraid of?

It was too late. Xia Feng simply spent the night with Yao Mengqi. Naturally, it was lingering and gentle. It took more than an hour to stop.

The next morning, Xia Feng quietly got up and left first. There was no noise to Yao Mengqi to rest. Yao Mengqi was very tired and slept soundly last night.

Xia Feng drove to Xinyue building, stood at the gate and called Lin Yue directly.

After Lin Yue answered, she smiled and said, "Mr. Xia, have you figured it out so soon?"

Xia Feng didn't answer, but said, "I want to see Lin Feiyang!"

Lin Yue was stunned and said, "just tell me what you have. There's no need to see the old man!"

"I must see Lin Feiyang! Xinyue group is his company, he is the person in charge, and he is the chairman! If I don't see him, I won't help you. It's a big deal!" Xia Feng said very hard.

Lin Yue couldn't help it for a while and a half. He said, "we'd better think about it in the long run. The old man is not what you want to see. We have to make arrangements!"

"I'm an acute person, and when you came to me yesterday, I shot and recorded the scene. If I don't see Lin Feiyang today, I'll give all the information to min Aoxue, call the police and find a reporter. If something happens to your Xinyue group at that time, I'm not responsible!" Xia Feng said.

Lin Yue suddenly smiled and said, "boy, you're cruel enough! Aren't you afraid that we'll hand you over to the relevant departments for anatomical research?"

Xia Feng sneered and said, "what department are you talking about? Don't scare me with this!"

Lin Yue said, "have you ever seen a ghost blow a lamp?"

"Of course I have. Did you say 749 innings?" Xia Feng asked.

Lin Yue said, "yes, they specialize in people like you. They have a strong back and don't care about the consequences, so you have to think clearly."

As soon as Xia Feng heard this, he settled down and said, "the departments in a novel are used to scare people? Do you think I'm a three-year-old? My words have been very clear. You immediately arrange for me to meet Lin Feiyang, and there are only two of us, otherwise I'll do what I just said!"

Lin Yue didn't know that Xia Feng had been in contact with the 749 inning. He just felt that Xia Feng was really going too far. But at present, it seems that he really had no way, so he had to swallow his voice: "let me arrange it!"

"When will it be arranged? I need a time!" Xia Feng said sharply.

Lin Yue said discontentedly, "what's your hurry?"

"Stop talking nonsense and arrange it right away!" Xia Feng angrily said.

Lin Yue said, "I'll give you an answer this afternoon!"

Xia Feng said, "OK!"

Xia Feng found a teahouse nearby, asked for a window seat, sat down, ordered a pot of tea and several plates of snacks, drank tea and ate snacks, and a wasp outside the controller flew into Xinyue building.

Xia Feng used the hornet to look from floor to floor, and finally found the chairman's office on the 15th floor.

The hornet went in through the crack of the door and saw a man in his fifties with white hair sitting on his desk and answering the phone. It was obviously Lin Yue.

Lin Feiyang said in a deep voice, "you have to trouble me with such a small matter? Can't you handle it even with a salesman?"

Lin Yue replied on the other end of the phone: "old man, this boy has a special function. You know it, and he is the best person to do it for us. Why don't you meet him?"

Lin Feiyang shook his head and said: "What do you know? It's inconvenient for me to come forward. I originally wanted to blame Zhang Jiaxin, but it didn't succeed first. Did you use that step? It's just a waste. Do you want to drag me into the water? We have to work without leakage. I'm already very dissatisfied with Xia Feng. You're good. You even want me to see him, What on earth do you think? "

Lin Yue said, "old man, I don't want to share your worries and solve the chaos..."

"Forget it, don't say anything. If you can do it well, you can do it. If not, I'll find another way. Don't bother me! Do you know?" Lin Feiyang said sternly.

Lin Yue had no choice but to say, "I see, sir, I'll hang up first."

"Hang up and call again. I hope it's good news, not all this mess!" Lin Feiyang said and hung up.

Xia Feng used the wasp to wander around the building again. After learning about the arrangements and camera probes everywhere, he felt everything clearly and released the wasp.

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