In the afternoon, Xia Feng went to take his bag to the garden, settled down temporarily, and sorted the garden in the dark.

The couple do have some skills, but they can't compare with Xia Feng. He has magical eyes. He can talk directly with flowers and plants. Flowers are thirsty, hungry, basking and blowing. He can hear them directly and take corresponding measures. The couple can't do that.

The next morning I got up, cleaned up the garden, stood in the flowers for a while, and punched again. The fragrance of flowers surrounded me. I felt quite good.

After breakfast, I stepped on a tricycle and went out. Around 10 o'clock, I also sold for about 200 yuan, which was a little worse than yesterday. It was OK.

Take a break and smoke a cigarette. The brakes make a noise. A red BMW stops on the side and a girl comes down.

Xia Feng's tricycle just stopped at the driver's side. The first thing I saw was the girl's legs, wearing flesh colored silk stockings, thin, long and straight.

"Wow." Xia Feng whispered and looked up from his legs.

Pink hundred fold skirt, the upper body is a white T-shirt, the age should be small, this is the firmness of youth, and then up, it is stunned. It is really a young girl, with shawl hair and a trace of red at the tip of her hair, which is very fashionable.

But I couldn't see the girl's face, because the girl was wearing a big mask, almost covering the whole face, and almost only her eyes were exposed.

Her eyes are very beautiful, her pupils are like morning stars, her eyelashes are also very long, with a little cute meaning in the clarity.

The pink skirt girl came over, took a fancy to a pot of Narcissus and asked, "how do you sell this flower?"

The voice is tender, with a little nasal sound and a little whine.

But Xia Feng heard something wrong and immediately said, "you're not suitable for raising flowers."

"Why?" the pink skirt girl looked at him with a little doubt, but not a question, because she asked so, with a little taste of coyness.

She certainly won't be coquettish to a strange man, but she speaks like this.

"You are allergic to all pollen." Xia Feng already knows why the pink skirt girl wears a mask.

"How do you know?" she said. The ending sound was really wonderful.

"Of course I know, because I'm a flower seller." Xia Feng also imitated her and said, well, it's not nice and awkward.

"Yes," nodded the pink skirt girl, "I'm allergic to all kinds of pollen, but I just like flowers."

Xia Feng said, "why don't I cure you."

"Really." the pink skirt girl looked at him in surprise: "can you cure my disease? I have seen many hospitals since I was a child. I have no choice but to wear a mask."

"Take off your mask and let me have a look." in fact, don't look. Xia Feng also knows what the pink skirt girl's disease is, but the girl is delicate. He wants to see what she looks like.

The girl in pink skirt didn't hesitate, but she stepped back a little and took off her mask.

Xia Feng took a slight breath.

He expected that the pink skirt girl was a beautiful woman, but the beauty of the pink skirt girl was still beyond his imagination. At first glance, he almost thought that he saw Lin Xiaoxian. His skin was even a little tender than Lin Xiaoxian, and he was not very old, up to twenty-two or three years old.

Almost all the women Xia Feng met recently were older than him. She was annoyed by her sister. At this moment, it's hard to see a first-class beauty younger than him. She's really happy in her heart.

"I see." Xia Feng nodded, picked a flower, tore off the leaves, pulled out the two flower cores in the flower, and said to the pink skirt girl, "your disease belongs to pollen allergy, so you should treat it with flowers. Now I can treat you on the spot, let your nose breathe, and then cure it."

"OK." the girl in pink skirt nodded repeatedly and caressed her chest with her hands, especially delicate.

Xia Feng asked the pink skirt girl to raise her face, get close and send two thin flower cores into the pink skirt girl's nostrils with Lingli.

"It's itchy." the girl in the pink skirt covered her nose, stepped back, then blinked her eyelids twice, turned around quickly and burst into tears.

She hurriedly took out a paper towel from her bag and wiped her nose. Xia Feng was watching.

"EH." the girl with pink skirt shrugged her nose: "it seems that it's really through. Ah, it's not always stuffed."

She likes to end her speech. Ah, ah, they all sound very good.

The pink skirt girl sucked her nose a few more times and showed a surprised look on her face: "yes, really yes, wow, you are really a miracle doctor."

Her series of modal particles were not artificial, just like the innocence of children. Xia Feng was almost drunk and said with a smile: "I'm not a miracle doctor, just a flower seller."

"My father said that the one who can cure the disease is a miracle doctor." the pink skirt girl praised and asked, "am I all right?"

"No." Xia Feng shook his head: "I just used the flower core to give you a temporary pass. It's troublesome to completely cure it. I need to take a bath with baihualu."

"Baihualu bath?" the pink skirt girl's eyes showed a happy look: "it's so romantic."

"Are you free now?" the girl was so cute that Xia Fenghua was too lazy to sell flowers. "Why don't you come with me now and I'll match you with hundred flower dew."

"OK." the pink skirt girl nodded immediately, "I'm on vacation today. Nothing's wrong."

Xia Feng actually took a little temptation. Unexpectedly, the pink skirt girl should be so happy. She sighed in her heart: "it's really brave."

"Then come with me, not far." Xia Feng stepped on the tricycle in front, and the pink skirt girl's BMW followed.

When she got to the garden, the pink skirt girl stopped outside and followed her into the garden. She shouted, "Wow, so many flowers, so beautiful."

She ran out two steps, but stopped again. She wanted to wear a mask. It seemed that she didn't need it. She looked back at Xia Feng: "do I have to wear a mask?"

"It shouldn't be necessary." Xia Feng shook his head: "you try."

"OK." the pink skirt girl smiled happily and ran to the flowers. She looked here and smelled there. It was like a pink butterfly in the garden, adding a third of spring.

Such a girl looks comfortable. Such a girl should be happy. It's good to be free from disease and disaster.

Xia Feng went to the house and took out a plastic basin to pick flowers and dispense medicine.

"Ah." the pink skirt girl saw him pick flowers, but she cried, "how can you pick all the flowers? It's a pity."

"I want to match you with hundred flower dew. Of course, I have to pick flowers." Xia Feng smiled: "the flowers grow again after picking for a few days. What a pity."

"It's still a pity." the girl in pink skirt put her hand on her chest and frowned slightly, but then she was interested: "I'll help you pick flowers, too."

There is a faint fragrance on her, not the fragrance of flowers, but it seems to smell better than the fragrance of flowers.

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