Xia Feng asked, "yesterday didn't bring you any trouble."

Liu Ruyan shook his head and said, "it's all right. I went back and told my father. Then my father called last night. The boss of the company brought Matsushita Yilang to my house this morning to apologize and promise not to harass me again. Hee hee."

She smiled and spat out her little tongue. The tip of her tongue was red, just like the tender flower.

"That's good." Xia Feng smiled.

Liu Ruyan picked the flowers and then went back, like a butterfly, coming and going.

The next morning, Liu Ruyan came as soon as possible. At noon, Liu Ruyan suddenly called Xia Feng: "brother Feng, my little aunt said she wanted to see you."

"What do you want to see me for?" Xia Feng was puzzled.

Liu Ruyan said, "it's just because you fought with Matsushita Ichiro. You said you wanted to chase me. My little aunt heard it, so..."

Xia Feng understood. He was a little ready to move in his heart and said, "you can explain."

"I can't explain clearly to my little aunt." Liu Ruyan seemed a little annoyed and said, "she said that as long as it was a man, she would have an idea when she saw me, so she would help me stare. Anyone should pass her first."

"Well," Xia Feng promised.

At noon, I changed my clothes. According to Liu Ruyan's address, I met Liu Ruyan's little aunt in a Japanese restaurant.

Aunt Liu Ruyan's name is Xiao Hong. She is not very old, that is, in her early thirties. Her goose egg face is not particularly beautiful, but she has a familiar rhyme of a young woman. Her lips are thin and her eyes are very sharp.

Xia Feng knew at a glance that such a woman is hard to talk.

However, Liu Ruyan introduced Xia Feng. Xiao Hong didn't look particularly cold. Instead, she smiled a little and said, "Ruyan said you can cure diseases with flowers. It's good."

Xia Feng said, "it happens to be a folk prescription."

"It's good if folk prescriptions can cure diseases." his modest attitude seemed to win Xiao Hong's favor. Instead, he praised him: "although Ruyan's disease is not big, he has bothered the family for many years."

She said so, Liu Ruyan took the opportunity to act coquettish and said, "I knew my aunt was bothering me."

Xiao Hong said, "I'm tired of you, smelly girl."

"It doesn't smell." Liu Ruyan giggled, "now Brother Feng picks flowers and takes a bath for me every day. It's fragrant. Do you want to smell it, aunt?"

With that, Xiao Hong stretched out her arm and hit her hand. Liu Ruyan giggled, and Xia Feng also laughed. Xiao Hong seemed to be easy to talk, and he was more relaxed inexplicably in his heart.

The waiter took the menu in. Xiao Hong took a look at Xia Feng and said, "Xiao Feng, you can order."

Xia Feng shook his head and said, "I'm not familiar with Japanese food. Please order."

"I'll have some." Liu Ruyan took the menu and ordered some dishes. Xiao Hong asked, "don't you order a bottle of wine?"

Liu Ruyan said with a smile, "if you don't scold me, I'll order a bottle."

Xiao Hong glanced at Xia Feng, smiled and said, "look at Xiao Feng's face today. I won't scold you. Please order."

"Hey." Liu Ruyan was happy and really ordered a bottle of wine. Xiao Hong shook her head: "this wine is not very good. Order another bottle."

Xiao Hong said and ordered another bottle.

Liu Ruyan shouted, "ah, this wine is so expensive."

"Do you know the price? But it's rare." Xiao Hong smiled, took a look at Xia Feng and said, "it's all right, Xiao Feng."

"Nothing." Xia Feng nodded, but a touch of vigilance flashed in his heart.

Xiao Hongming is not the kind of person who is easy to deal with. Xia Feng is just a flower seller. A flower seller comes to chase Liu Ruyan. Xia Feng wants to know with his ass that Xiao Hong will oppose it.

But she doesn't have evil forms and colors, nor cold words, but she still laughs. Why is she so good?

Xia Feng didn't expect it before. As soon as he heard Liu Ruyan say that the wine was expensive, Xiao Hong asked him again and understood immediately.

The pit is here. Xiao Hong is intentional. She just wants expensive wine to let Xia Feng retreat.

Drinking with women means pursuing. Xiao Hong is Liu Ruyan's aunt. The bill for this meal must be paid by Xia Feng. But if the bill is too high, can Xia Feng afford to sell flowers? If you can't afford it, you'll make a fool of yourself. I'm sorry to chase Liu Ruyan again.

"It's called killing without a knife." Xia Feng thought clearly, looked at Xiao Hong and inhaled: "this woman is really not a good stubble."

Xiao Hong seemed to notice Xia Feng's eyes and understand that Xia Feng guessed her intention. Her mouth tilted slightly, but her smile became stronger. When she opened the wine, she raised her glass and said, "Xiaofeng, come and try this Japanese sake. It is said that it is brewed with the best snow water in futu mountain."

"The best snow water is the most expensive bar." Xia Feng secretly Tucao, but the surface can not make complaints about what to drink, like water, is this wine?

However, Liu Ruyan took a sip, but cried happily: "it is worthy of being brewed by the snow water of Mount Fuji. It's really delicious."

Xia Feng had to nod and say, "the taste is really unique."

Can't it be unique? It tastes like water.

Liu Ruyan is actually a greedy girl. After drinking one bottle, she still wants to drink. She coquettishly said to Xiao Hong, "aunt, drink this wine well."

Xiao Hong took a look at Xia Feng and said, "if it's good, order another bottle."

This is very obvious. Xia Feng can't refuse. Men don't have enough stomach. What sister are they chasing?

What, this girl is too expensive. Hey, if you have no money, go after the inexpensive one. Liu Ruyan makes it clear that it is the daughter of thousands of gold. You dare to chase after a bag of mud?

Xia Feng could almost hear Xiao Hong's silent sneer. Without hesitation, he ordered another bottle.

Today, even if you empty the bottom of the bag, you have to survive.

While drinking wine, the mobile phone rang. It was min Aoxue who called.

"Sorry, I'll answer the phone." Xia Feng took the opportunity to go out. One was to answer min Aoxue's phone. The other was because he didn't have much money with his card. He had two cards. Those with more money were kept at home.

The money I took with me was less, only tens of thousands of yuan. When I sublet the garden for 30000 yuan, there was no money in it.

So he wants to ask how much the meal costs. If there is too much money, he will call Guo Wenjia and ask Guo Wenjia to call him.

A man can bleed or cry, but he can't lose face, especially in front of his sister.

Anyway, he won't let Xiao Hong see his jokes. Of course, with Xiao Hong's temperament, even if this level passes today, there must be more difficulties behind, but let's say that we passed this level first.

Xia Feng answered the phone and walked to the front stage. However, he saw a Japanese come in and his eyes suddenly lit up.

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