The middle-aged man Xia Feng saw was in his forties. He had a small belly and bent his waist. It seemed that he couldn't straighten up.

Min Aoxue didn't have anything to do when she called. Of course, Xia Feng couldn't say that she was monitoring her husband near her house, so she said that she was running business, chatted a few words, and hung up.

Xia Feng followed the middle-aged man into his box. The middle-aged man thought he was a waiter, so he said, "take a bottle of sake and don't worry about serving!"

Xia Feng shook his head and said sincerely, "Sir, drinking is not good for you!"

The middle-aged man had a doubt in his eyes and said strangely, "hmm? What do you mean by that?"

"We are all from the Chinese cultural circle. You must also know that drinking goes into the liver and extremely hurts the liver. Your disease is between your waist and legs, resulting in Qi and blood. If you drink, your disease between your waist and legs will become more and more serious," Xia Feng said.

The middle-aged man was surprised and said, "how do you know I'm ill? How can you tell?"

"You can see it when you walk. It's nothing. I'll ask you again. Do you sleep and there will be a lot of dead mosquitoes in bed, right?"

This is the secret of the middle-aged man. Except for his family, even the closest people in the company don't know, but now Xia Feng said it directly. His face changed slightly and hurriedly said, "how do you know?"

Xia Feng said, "how do I know it's not important? The important thing is why it happened. Sir, are you right?"

"Oh, so why? It's hard for me to ask others. Even if I ask, no one knows what's going on." the middle-aged man sighed.

Xia Feng went to sit down, took the toothpick on the table, took a cup and said, "we can play a game. You can prick your finger with this toothpick and drop a few drops of blood into the cup, and then you will see a miracle."

"What wonder?" the middle-aged man was a little suspicious.

"Just look." Xia Feng smiled and grabbed his hand. The black shirt was a little nervous and wanted to retract. Xia Feng said, "don't you want to know what's wrong with your body?"

The middle-aged man hesitated and stretched out his hand.

Xia Feng pricked his index finger with a toothpick, dropped a few drops of blood into the cup and said, "wait a minute."

At this time, the waiter came in. Xia Feng said, "call a bottle of bar."

The middle-aged man ordered the wine Xiao Hong ordered just now and soon sent the wine. Xia Feng knew this middle-aged man. Min Aoxue introduced some Japanese businessmen and showed him photos during the case of machinery factory. Among them, this middle-aged man, named Yoshida Haoer, invested more than 1 billion in Xiangjiang city.

That is because he has such a wealth, Xia Feng will find him. Of course, it is also because he has this strange disease, otherwise there is no way to find him.

Before pouring the wine, I saw a mosquito flying over and directly into the blood dripping cup. The speed was like a moth to the fire.

However, as soon as the mosquito jumped on the blood drop, it turned over and fell down in the blink of an eye. It kicked its legs and feet twice and died.

Before the mosquito died, two more mosquitoes and a big green headed fly flew. They were so impatient that they hit the wall of the cup and made a thumping sound. They rushed into the cup and threw themselves on the blood drops.

However, no matter the size, the situation is the same. As soon as you jump on the blood drop, you will fall upside down and die in the blink of an eye.

"See?" Xia Feng asked.

Yoshida was already stunned and nodded again and again: "see, see, my blood... Kill mosquitoes."

"Kill mosquitoes?" Xia Feng laughed and said, "it's not just mosquitoes. Your blood can actually kill people."

"Kill?" Yoshida stares out.

"That's right." Xia Feng nodded, "your blood is no worse than cobra venom. If so many drops of blood drop on people's wounds and kill people, it's no problem."

"My blood is poisonous!" Yoshida looked shocked and wanted to believe it, but he saw several mosquitoes rushing over and dying in the cup without exception. He couldn't believe it.

"Your blood is poisonous," Xia Feng said.

"Why?" Yoshida asked.

"What you care about most is your disease," Xia Feng said. "At the same time, I also want to know whether this disease can be cured?"

"Yes, yes." Yoshida nodded again and again. He was a little nervous. He got up and moved the seat. He bowed deeply and said sincerely, "please help me."

"Your disease is complicated." Xia Feng nodded and said, "you got it in recent three years. Did you get it in China?"

Yoshida was even more shocked and said, "Sir, I really have a divine eye like a torch. I got this disease after coming to China, and I got it in recent three years. Suddenly, my waist and legs became colder and colder, but my upper body was dry and hot. As for dead mosquitoes, it is also a strange disease born in these three years, but I usually don't care."

Xia Feng nodded and said, "I'm entertaining a guest now. After 7 p.m., I'll contact you. I need to go to your home. Maybe your place is not quite right."

"Ah?" Yoshida Haoer had completely convinced Xia Feng. Hearing this, his face was full of horror and said, "I bought an old yard, which is said to be from the Qing Dynasty. I like it very much, but is there anything dirty in the yard?"

Even though the man was superstitious, Xia Feng added fire, put his finger to his mouth and whispered, "don't say, I'll find you at night."

"OK, OK, I understand, I understand." Yoshida nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice. After asking his name, he exchanged a phone call with Xia Feng, sent Xia Feng to the door and watched him enter the next room.

When Xia Feng returned to the room, Liu Ruyan drank half a bottle of wine. Some children's faces were red. Looking at him, he smiled and said, "if you don't come back, I'll finish all the wine."

"Order another bottle after drinking." Xia Feng smiled.

Take a look at Xiao Hong. Xiao Hong is also looking at him. Their eyes intertwined in the air for a while. They didn't speak, but they seemed to understand each other's intentions.

Xiao Hong was sneering. It was obvious that she thought your boy was scared and ran away.

Xia Feng smiled in the sun, which means that a bottle of wine is nothing. If there are any Yin and Yang moves, just let him come.

Xiao Hong said, "OK, then order another bottle."

Just about to call the waiter, the waiter himself came in and said to Xia Feng, "Mr. Xia Feng, right? A gentleman gave you a bottle of sake and a share of Tricholoma matsutake. Please use it for you and your friends."

Then he brought up the wine. Liu Ruyan cheered at the sight and said, "well, who is it? It's great."

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