Liu Simin was stunned when she heard Xia Feng's words, and then swept Liu Ruyan. Xiao Hong is also a beauty, but she doesn't like this type. When she saw Liu Ruyan, although she only saw her back, she saw that it was a delicate little beauty.

Originally, Liu Simin hadn't noticed. When Xia Feng said this, he was interested and dissatisfied: "if I have to come over?"

Xia Feng stood in front of Liu Simin, opened his hands, half joking and half seriously said, "then you have to pass me first!"

Liu Simin's face sank and said, "how dare you stop me?"

Liu Simin did have a sassy feeling. At this time, he was even more majestic. If someone else had been scared, he would have been stupid. However, Xia Feng was not afraid of her and raised his head: "why not?"

Liu Simin went straight past. Xia Feng reached out and pushed it directly towards her chest. Liu Simin also practiced martial arts. He immediately reacted and hurried back a step, reaching out to block it. However, it was too late. Xia Feng's hand had bypassed her arm, but his palm stopped abruptly half an inch away from her body.

Although he didn't touch this distance, Liu Simin only felt chilly, and those who were a little farther away thought they had touched it.

Liu Simin took a step back and opened the distance. Xia Feng's face smiled, his arm shook, and a bright rose suddenly appeared in his hand.

Xia Feng put the roses in front of Liu Simin and said sincerely, "flowers add beauty and make amends to Miss Liu!"

Liu Simin was still angry with Xia Feng's rudeness and didn't like others to call him a girl, but the flowers were right in front of him. He subconsciously took them over and asked, "how did the flowers come out?"

Xia Feng is wearing short sleeves and his arms are bare, which is really a little magical.

Xia Feng said faintly, "magic, I want to present flowers to Miss Liu, so I'm sincere and complacent!"

In fact, Xia Feng's action is fast enough. Although he has magical eyes and can control animals and plants, he can't change a flower out of thin air.

Xia Feng saw a vase on the table before. There were several roses in the vase, and one of the flower buds had not yet opened. Xia Feng took the flower bud and intended to amuse Liu Ruyan. Unexpectedly, it came in handy at this time. Although Xia Feng could not change a flower out of thin air, it was not too simple for him to want the flower bud to blossom in an instant.

Xia Feng's skill really restrained Liu Simin. Of course, everyone present was restrained. Liu Simin looked up and down at Xia Feng and remembered what he had encountered when hunting together. Liu Simin thought a little and thought it was better not to provoke this man. He smelled the flowers on his nose and said: "The flowers are very fragrant. I'll give you face and leave you this charming sister!"

Liu Simin said, really no longer insist on going to see Liu Ruyan, but turned and left.

The people present were shocked when they saw this situation. They didn't expect that Xia Feng would have this energy. They all swept towards Xia Feng and turned into a flower. It's not a small magic. The problem is that he dared to stop Liu Simin and succeeded.

Xiao Hong almost collapsed and said to herself, "he knows so many foreign languages, medical skills and Kung Fu, and the ninth childe seems to give him face. Where did he come from? What's more, the boy even pedals a tricycle to sell flowers! Is this an international joke with me?"

Liu Simin stayed in the hall for less than ten minutes, and then left here surrounded by several beautiful women. Xiao Hong also proposed to go. Originally, she wanted to use this cocktail party to humiliate Xia Feng. Unexpectedly, Xia Feng was not humiliated, but was in the limelight. This made Xiao Hong a little confused and didn't know how to treat Xia Feng.

Xia Feng and Liu Ruyan followed Xiao Hong out and got into the car. Liu Ruyan whined, "I want a flower, too..."

Xia Feng snapped his fingers and said, "no problem. I'll pick a big handful for you back!"

First send Xia Feng back. Xia Feng really picked a large handful of flowers for Liu Ruyan in the garden. Liu Ruyan smiled. Xiao Hong was not happy when she saw them talking and laughing.

Xiao Hong can't see through Xia Feng. She really doesn't understand Xia Feng's origin.

Xiao Hong drove the car. Liu Ruyan sat in the co driver's seat. Xiao Hong asked, "Ruyan, what's the origin of this man? Do you know?"

Liu Ruyan stared and asked, "who is it?"

"Xia Feng! Don't you think he's strange?" Xiao Hong said.

Liu Ruyan said disapprovingly, "what's strange? Don't you know more and know more? Although you are selling flowers now, you may have lost your talent before, don't you think so?"

Xiao Hong shook her head and said, "that's not right. He can speak several foreign languages, and he looks particularly fluent. He can be called proficient. In addition, the ninth childe gives him face. Don't you think it's strange?"

Liu Ruyan didn't think so much and didn't think so.

Xia Feng doesn't know this and doesn't care at all. He is still monitoring Lin Zheng's trend every day, but there is still no clue. Xia Feng once wanted to give up. He has invested too much experience in this matter. If Liu Ruyan hadn't been there, he would have abandoned it.

That night, Xia Feng suddenly received a call from min Aoxue and asked him to go to a place.

Min Aoxue said the address. Xia Feng took a taxi. This is an apartment building. Xia Feng rang the doorbell and min Aoxue came to open the door. She was wearing a simple home skirt without makeup. She usually wore some light makeup. At present, her face is facing the sky, but her skin seems to glow.

This is the natural beauty, but Xia Feng keenly felt that min Aoxue seemed a little haggard.

Xia Feng asked, "sister min, are you okay?"

Min Aoxue nodded: "I'm fine. Have you eaten? Have you had a drink with me."

There are two dishes, one soup and a bottle of red wine on the table.

"You haven't eaten yet." Xia Feng asked.

"I didn't want to eat before." Min Aoxue opened the wine, poured a cup for Xia Feng and said, "I have no appetite."

"Your house..." Xia Feng was a little strange, that is, he had no appetite. Why didn't he go home.

Min Aoxue also sat down and explained, "I bought it myself before I got married. I come back from time to time to live for a few days. Almost no one knows this place!"

Xia Feng said, "well..."

Min Aoxue raised his glass and said, "come on, have a toast!"

I touched Xia Feng and dried up.

The wine was a little fierce. Xia Feng also saw that her situation was wrong and said, "sister min, what's the matter, what's the matter?"

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