"Change cards." Xia Feng smiled, "look, this card has changed again."

Chen Xin looked at the table. The deck of cards really changed back to the flush of hearts.

Chen Xin was surprised. The hot air blew in his ears, and half of his body seemed to be sour. Xia Feng was looking at her with a smile. Chen Xin felt a little rippling in his heart.

"Your technique is really fast." Chen praised: "what else will you change?"

"I will change a lot." Xia Feng smiled, glanced at her hand and said, "sister Xin, have you seen the Spring Festival Gala? Liu Qian can change Dong Qing's ring, so can I, and his technique is better than him, because sister Xin, you are more beautiful than Dong Qing."

"Ah, I don't dare to compare with Dong Qing." Chen Xin immediately smiled. Women love to listen well, whether true or false. Besides, Chen Xin is really confident. He is really three points more beautiful than Dong Qing, but he can't praise himself. Xia Feng's words are scratching her itch.

"I'll see if you change." Chen Xin wore three rings in her left hand and right hand. One was blue treasure, the other was red treasure, and the other was made of unknown material. She had a strong sense of modernity. She stroked down the ruby ring in her left hand and put it on the table.

Xia Feng looked at Chen Xin's white finger with the ring and said with a smile, "would you be distressed if I lost this ring?"

"That's not good. You have to change it for me. After all, these rings have a certain commemorative significance!" Chen Xin said discontentedly.

Xia Feng said, "but it's gone!"

Chen Xin was stunned. He looked down and found that the ruby ring was gone.

"How is this possible?" Chen Xin was shocked. Although her attention was on Xia Feng just now, the ruby ring was on the table. Yu Guang could see it. But Xia Feng's hand didn't come this way. How could it be gone?

Chen Xin looked down at the table and was stunned for a long time. He asked, "how did you do it?"

Xia Feng spread his hand and said, "this is the charm of magic."

Chen Xin couldn't accept the result all the time. He stayed for a long time and said with an exclamation on his face, "your technique is so fast that it just disappeared?"

"It's so magical! It has nothing to do with the technique. In fact, it's the card. The magic just now is called the kid moving. It's this kid who stole your ruby ring, not because I'm fast. No matter how fast my hand is, it's faster than your eyes. Don't you think so?" Xia Feng said proudly.

Chen Xin said, "well, I admit defeat. Can you tell me how to replace it? Why didn't I see it clearly."

Xia Feng took the card and washed it on the table. Then he flipped the card and turned it into a kid.

"The kid moved?" Chen Xin looked surprised and pointed at the kid. "You mean this kid is playing tricks?"

"Yes." Xia Feng smiled and nodded, "don't believe it."

Xia Feng smiled and washed two more cards. Suddenly his face changed and said, "no, sister Xin, you don't believe it. The kid lost his temper."

"Oh." of course Chen Xin didn't believe it. He smiled and said, "he still has a temper."

"Of course he has a temper, and he has a big temper. If he wants to lose his temper, I don't know what the consequences will be." Xia Feng said solemnly.

"Yo." Chen Xinjiao shouted, "that's really a kid, but I want to know what happens when he loses his temper?"

"Ah, I don't know." Xia Feng looked strange: "why don't I ask it."

Said flop, but with a sigh, the kid disappeared.

"The kid is gone." Xia Feng looked surprised, looked around, shrugged his nose twice, and asked, "where have you been?"

His expression was too realistic. Although Chen Xin didn't believe it, he also giggled: "I really ran away."

"Yes." Xia Feng pretended to be afraid: "I'm afraid it will run out and make trouble, but it was angry with you just now and won't run to you."

"How is it possible?" Chen Xin smiled.

She sits obliquely opposite Xia Feng. The distance between them is a little longer across one hand, that is, she can't touch Xia Feng's shoulder. Even if Xia Feng's technique is fast, it's impossible to put the kid on her.

But Xia Feng pretended to be very afraid and said, "it's behind your ass and climbing towards you."

His voice was too frightening. Although Chen Xin didn't believe it, he couldn't help but half got up and looked back. He was frightened. The little ghost was impressively placed on the stool under her ass, smiled at her, and seemed to really climb on her with Xia Feng's words.

"Ah." Chen Xin was really frightened, screamed and jumped up.

Poker was not scary, even if it was a ghost, but the problem was that the kid appeared too strange, and then added Xia Feng's statement, so he scared Chen Xin.

This jump was urgent. Her high-heeled sandals were not stable and staggered.

There was only one body position between her and Xia Feng. She stumbled and bumped into Xia Feng, and her body was shaking to fall.

Xia Feng wanted this effect. He was not polite at the moment. He stretched out his hand and grabbed her waist. Chen Xin fell and sat in Xia Feng's arms.

"Ah." Chen Xin shouted again. In a hurry, he was unstable and hooked Xia Feng's neck with one hand.

This posture was very ambiguous. Chen Xin's face flew red and said, "I'm sorry."

Xia Feng looked at her with a light in her eyes. In Chen Xin's feeling, Xia Feng's two eyes were clear, just like two 100 watt bulbs. She felt her face hot and her heart beat. She was a little flustered and wanted to get up. Xia Feng's legs deliberately retreated, making her unable to borrow strength. Chen Xin's half raised body fell down again.

"Ah," she cried softly, her face like a red cloth.

Xia Feng looked at her with bright eyes, and his face approached slowly.

"Don't." Chen Xin was a little alarmed. He supported Xia Feng with his hands. His red lips were slightly open, but he gasped. His voice was so delicate. His hands seemed to refuse, but he didn't have any strength.

Xia Feng was trying, but Chen Xin refused firmly. He was not polite. He leaned over his lips and kissed Chen Xin's lips.

Chen Xinwu's voice seemed to want to hide, but Xia Feng kissed her lips and she gave up resistance.

There are some reasons why Xia Feng is so impulsive. First, of course, Chen Xin is beautiful.

Another reason is that Xia Feng has a feeling that Chen Xin seems to be testing him.

Yes, it was a test, not a seduction, which made Xia Feng feel very strange and uncomfortable, because the discomfort triggered his rebellious mentality.

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