Because there was progress, Xia Feng was in a good mood and soon fell asleep.

At six o'clock the next day, Xia Feng got up. Because he wanted to go out to play, Liu Xiyan and the nanny got up early. Only Xiaohu was still sleeping. After the nanny made breakfast, Liu Xiyan woke Xiaohu up.

Xiaohu wanted to continue sleeping. When he heard about going to the playground, he got up at once. He was very happy.

After cleaning up, Xia Feng drove to the amusement park. The amusement park in Linjiang city is not big. It can be said that it is far worse than those first tier cities in mordu, but the equipment inside is relatively complete, including roller coasters, skyrocketing clouds, pirate ships, jumping machines, etc.

However, many tigers can't play yet. They can only play some less exciting games. The nanny and the tiger are playing the bumper car. There is a roller coaster not far away. Xia Feng was itchy when he heard other people's screams, so he touched Liu Xiyan nearby and said, "Sister Liu, why don't you want to play the roller coaster?"

Liu Xiyan was also bored. Xiaohu played bumper cars with the nanny. She was very happy and nothing would happen. Anyway, there was a nanny watching, but she was still a little afraid and said, "I'm a little afraid..."

Xia Feng said, "it's not easy to come here. Let's go and have fun. Otherwise, you came in vain. You were with me at that time. In fact, I didn't dare!"

Under Xia Feng's persuasion, Liu Xiyan finally agreed, so they talked to the nanny and went to play the roller coaster.

The roller coaster was very high. When it rushed down, Liu Xiyan couldn't help screaming and grasped Xia Feng's hand. Xia Feng was not very afraid, but felt that Liu Xiyan's small hand was soft and comfortable.

Hands are so comfortable. What about other places? Xia Feng has begun to fantasize.

After getting off the roller coaster, Liu Xiyan patted his chest and said, "it's really terrible!"

"How about playing the jumping machine again?" Xia Feng suggested again.

Liu Xiyan was also excited and didn't refuse. When playing the jumping machine, Xia Feng always held Liu Xiyan's plump body. Liu Xiyan also noticed it, but he was a little afraid, so he didn't move.

After coming down, Liu Xiyan was a little embarrassed and didn't dare to look at Xia Feng with his eyes. Xia Feng had been aftertaste the wonderful feeling just now and didn't think about anything else.

Play until the evening, and then go to eat Western food. Xiaohu ate two large steak and ate it.

Today, he had a good time and ate happily. Xia Feng drove the three people home. Liu Xiyan sincerely said to Xia Feng, "thank you!"

Xia Feng waved his hand and said, "you're welcome. I had a good time today!"

Xiaohu cheered and said, "we agreed to go to the zoo tomorrow!"

Xia Feng nodded and said, "well, you can!"

Because we have to go out to play tomorrow, Xia Feng lives in Liu Xiyan's home again. Liu Xiyan also defaults and doesn't say much.

In the evening, Xia Feng couldn't sleep, so he went out of the bedroom and took a bottle of drink. While drinking, he was ready to go out for a cigarette. Before opening the door, he heard Liu Xiyan ask at the entrance of the stairs, "Xiaofeng, what are you doing?"

Xia Feng didn't look back. He continued to open the door and said, "have a cigarette."

After hearing this, Liu Xiyan also came out. Today, Liu Xiyan's pajamas are very thin. Although she still wraps her body tightly, because they are too thin, they still give people a very sexy feeling, especially when the night wind blows, her perfect body is drenched and panoramic. Xia Feng looks at it in her heart!

Liu Xiyan stretched out her white little hand and said, "I want to smoke too!"

Xia Feng was a little surprised, but he still handed Liu Xiyan a cigarette. Liu Xiyan put the cigarette on her red lips, and Xia Feng lit a fire for her.

Liu Xiyan swallowed the clouds and puffed the fog for a while. Unexpectedly, Xia Feng ordered one himself.

"Sister Liu, you used to smoke too?" Xia Feng looked at Liu Xiyan smoking skillfully and couldn't help asking.

Liu Xiyan said, "well, I only smoked in the past two years. I'm really in a bad mood, but I don't smoke a lot..."

Xia Feng nodded, "I can understand..."

Liu Xiyan asked, "what do you think of women smoking?"

Xia Feng said: "smoking is bad for your health, but I think you smoke very sexy..."

"Sexy? How can it?" Liu Xiyan said with some confusion.

Xia Feng smiled and said, "don't say it. I really think so. The smoke flowing out of the red lips is really sexy and gives people an impulse to kiss."

Liu Xi Yan was stunned and said, "really?"

Xia Feng said positively, "of course it's true! I don't need to lie. However, smoking is not good for your health, so I advise you not to smoke too much. When you're bored, just smoke one or two."

Liu Xiyan said with a smile, "well, I listen to you!"

Xia Feng took a smoke and spit out a smoke ring. Under the light of the street lamp, he actually formed a heart shape.

"Sister Liu, send your heart!" Xia Feng said.

Liu Xiyan looked at the heart-shaped smoke circle and gradually dissipated. After staying for a while, he sighed in his heart and said, "Xiaofeng, why didn't I meet you earlier..."

Xia Feng said affectionately, "Sister Liu, in fact, it's not too late..."

"It's late, really late... Forget it, Xiaofeng, do you really look down on me?" Liu Xiyan asked.

Xia Feng shook his head and said, "you're a victim. Why should I look down on you? I look down on that man! If possible, I really want to teach that man a lesson! I dare to deceive such a beautiful woman! Of course, if you're not beautiful, he doesn't have to deceive you. Frankly, beauty has caused you trouble!"

Liu Xiyan looked at Xia Feng and asked, "you've been saying I'm beautiful. Am I really so beautiful?"

Xia Feng glared and said, "you don't know? No matter what looks or figure, it can be called perfect!"

Liu Xiyan said with a bitter smile, "where is the exaggeration you said? And I think I'm a little fat..."

"It's not fat. It's plump, sister Liu. You know what? When I first saw you, I thought you were the reincarnation of imperial concubine Yang. In English, that's whether you got it or not! It's really beautiful! If you're single, I'll definitely have the cheek to chase you!" Xia Feng said.

Liu Xiyan said sadly, "your words are exaggeration. Where am I so good? Moreover, I have children, so everything is late!"

But Xia Feng also saw that Liu Xiyan was very happy about his exaggeration.

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