Xia Feng also had a whim. In fact, these things had nothing to do with him, but Lin Feiyang threatened first and then lured. Xia Feng had already fallen into it.

But Xia Feng really doesn't want to do anything to hurt min Aoxue. Although it may not hurt min Aoxue so much to bring down Lin Zheng, it's no good to think about it. Otherwise, min Aoxue won't swallow it and endure this marriage in name only.

Whether min Aoxue thinks of her own interests or repay her kindness, she doesn't want to see Lin Zheng's story exposed anyway.

In that case, why don't Xia Feng cooperate with Lin Zheng to bring down Lin Feiyang? Ten million? Although there are many, if you help Lin Zheng get rid of Lin Feiyang, the income may be more, and you can get min Aoxue's favor. Maybe you can get min Aoxue!

Xia Feng is not short of women, but min Aoxue has a unique flavor. Xia Feng doesn't want to miss it in vain. Besides, it can also further the relationship with Jin Shao and Chen Borui.

Anyway, doing so is much more profitable than working for Lin Feiyang!

Lin Zhengzheng showed his joy and said, "what's the clue of brother Xia?"

Xia Feng shook his head and said, "I don't have a clue about you, but you can tell me."

Lin Zheng said: "in fact, it's very simple, that is, Xinyue group was established by my father and my uncle Lin Feiyang. Now my father is in poor health and has been hospitalized, so Lin Feiyang controls the whole company, and now... Slanders me that I am gay and is not qualified to inherit my father's management right. Now Lin Feiyang and Lin Yue's father and son control the whole company!"

Jin Shao laughed and said, "are you gay? I've known you for three years. I really can't see it!"

Lin Zheng smiled unnaturally and said, "of course I'm not! So they don't have any evidence!"

Xia Feng knew it, but he wouldn't say it. He said, "how many shares are you holding now?"

"My father is 30 percent, Lin Feiyang is 30 percent, I have 5 percent, Lin Yue has 4 percent, and all others, but they are all people in the family. Now some are on Lin Feiyang's side and some are on my father's side. We still have 3 percent more. But now they insist that I am gay and disgrace the family, which should not be counted In it! "Said Lin Zheng.

Xia Feng said, "in this way, you are the key to this battle!"

Lin Zheng nodded and said, "yes, it's very critical! But I can't give full play to my maximum effect. My 5% can be said to be frozen now, so in fact, we are at a disadvantage."

Xia Feng said, "do they have any evidence of you?"

"No! Absolutely not. If there were any, they would have done it long ago, and Xinyue group would have been theirs. Why are we arguing here now!" Lin Zheng said.

Xia Feng said, "this is also..."

"Brother Xia, is there any way to solve this situation?" Jin Shao asked.

Xia Feng thought and said, "brother Lin is married?"

"Married!" said Lin Zheng.

"Do you have any children?" Xia Feng asked again.

Lin Zheng hesitated and said, "maybe I or my wife are not in good health, so they can't conceive children!"

Xia Feng stretched out his hand to Lin Zheng and gave him his lower pulse. Lin Zheng was a little strange, but he didn't say much.

Xia Feng took a pulse and said, "it seems that your body is OK. The problem is your wife! Can I see your wife?"

Lin Zheng hesitated and said, "this... This..."

In fact, Xia Feng knows that min Aoxue has no problem. In fact, the key is that Lin is a real homosexual, but Xia Feng can't point it out, so Xia Feng shook his head and said: "in fact, even if he cured your wife's disease, it's too late."

"Yes, I only have two months now," Lin Zheng said.

Xia Feng looked around and said, "brother Lin, although Jin Shao and Chen Shao are trustworthy people, we'd better find a remote place to talk about it in order to avoid walls with ears!"

Lin Zheng asked, "is there any way for brother Xia?"

"There is indeed a way, but I can't say it now!" Xia Feng said.

Lin Zhengji said decisively, "take it to my house!"

Jin Shao and Chen Borui also knew that it was a big deal, so they didn't say much. Lin Zheng took Xia Feng to his house. Min Aoxue was not there. Lin Zheng and Xia Feng entered the study.

Xia Feng was very vigilant. He looked around and found that there was no camera and monitor in the study. He was relieved and sat down opposite Lin.

"Brother, please tell me what you can do." Lin Zheng said respectfully.

With the recommendation of Jin Shao and Chen Borui, Lin Zheng really has no other way, so he highly praises Xia Feng and hopes that Xia Feng can come up with a good way for him.

Xia Feng said, "the difficulty in this matter is whether you are gay or not. If so, you will lose! They have no evidence, but they swear and have a lot of rumors, so you don't have any advantage and can't tell. Is that right?"

Lin Zheng nodded repeatedly and said, "it's like this!"

Xia Feng said, "as long as you prove that you are not, this matter will be solved. Unfortunately, you can't find anything to prove, can you?"

Lin Zheng sighed, "yes, how can I prove this? There is no way to prove it!"

"In fact, it can be proved that you are married. This is the first step. Of course, it is not very persuasive, but if your wife is pregnant, your problem will be completely solved and others can't say anything!" Xia Feng said.

Lin Zheng stared and said, "my wife is pregnant?"

"Yes, you have been married for several years, but your wife has not been able to get pregnant, which inevitably makes outsiders mutter. However, if the news of your wife's pregnancy comes out, they will doubt their own judgment, not to mention others. Do you understand?" Xia Feng said.

Lin Zheng first gave a thumbs up, but then he was a little worried and said, "how can I get my wife pregnant in a short time? I don't have much time, just more than two months..."

"Fake pregnancy!" Xia Feng said.

Lin Zheng was stunned and asked, "do you mean to let my wife pretend to be pregnant?"

"Yes, it's the best way to wait for work with ease, and it's also the only way to turn defeat into victory! You can think about it! And you should plan well, without flaws!" Xia Feng said.

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