After listening to Xia Feng's words, Chen Xin didn't know how. She was looking forward to it. She used to play crazy. If she really did something on these occasions, it would be very exciting.

"As long as you can do it well, I'll go crazy with you!" Chen Xin blinked.

Xia Feng said, "OK! That's it!"

Xia Feng came out of the teahouse and thought about it. He felt that as long as he got the evidence that Liu Xiyan was with Chen Xin's husband, and as long as Liu Xiyan didn't know he did it, his relationship with Liu Xiyan wouldn't deteriorate. He was slowly persuading her to leave Chen Xin's husband. Even if Liu Xiyan had nothing at that time, he could take the offer.

Of course you won't get married when you get married, but it's no problem to play with Liu Xiyan and help take care of Xiaohu.

Xia Feng didn't dare to think about it before, but now he can make money easily and help the orphan and widowed mother without any problem. Moreover, at the thought of Liu Xiyan's figure, Xia Feng feels excited. When he thinks of Chen Xin, a trendy girl, it's good to play with her!

Xia Feng then received a call from Lin Zheng and asked him to go to his house.

Xia Feng thinks of Min Aoxue again. Min Aoxue's figure is also a perfect type. Although she is not as plump as Liu Xiyan, she should be convex and warped. She doesn't know whether she will have a chance in the future. If they can pass this thing smoothly, Lin Zheng has gained control of the company. Min Aoxue doesn't have so many scruples. She wants to hook her as her same wife, It doesn't seem very difficult.

Xia Feng came to min Aoxue's house. As soon as Lin Zheng saw that Xia Feng was coming, he took him to the study. The study was closely searched to make sure that there were no cameras, listeners and other things in it. Min Aoxue was also inside. Their husband and wife seemed to be waiting for Xia Feng's arrival.

Xia Feng asked, "what happened?"

Min Aoxue said: "tomorrow, Lin Feiyang and Lin Yue, their father and son, will come to our house, and they also brought a traditional Chinese medicine, saying that they can feel my pulse, but the traditional Chinese medicine can see whether they are pregnant through the pulse. We are worried that they will be exposed in this way, so we need you to help..."

Xia Feng frowned and said, "there are many swindlers in traditional Chinese medicine now. Who do they invite?"

"They invited national player murongdu! They're not a liar." Lin Zheng said.

"Murong degree?" Xia Feng had never heard of the name.

Lin Zheng said, "Murong Du is a miracle doctor. He is very powerful and is recognized as a national player. He was originally in the capital. This time, they specially invited Lin Feiyang to deal with us!"

Xia Feng asked, "where does this murongdu live now?"

Lin Zheng said, "originally, Lin Feiyang arranged for him to live in their house, but murongdu is a strange person. He likes quiet and doesn't want to live in the city, but in a farmhouse in the suburbs."

Xia Feng said, "this is interesting."

Min Aoxue said anxiously, "what should I do? Murong Du is a very powerful doctor. I'm afraid I don't need to feel my pulse at that time. I can see that I'm pretending!"

Xia Feng comforted: "don't worry, I'll deal with it!"

Min Aoxue asked, "do you have a way?"

"I don't know. I want to sneak this Murong degree first!" Xia Feng said.

Lin Zheng asked, "do you want to persuade Murong Du? It's not easy. In fact, Murong Du doesn't love money. He can come to help Lin Feiyang completely because Lin Feiyang once helped his father, so it's a reward. I'm afraid it's very difficult!"

Xia Feng said, "don't panic when you see someone. Even if he sees something, people now still rely on the inspection of high-tech equipment. At that time, we still have some room for maneuver!"

Hearing this, Lin Zheng put some snacks and said, "my brother is right, but if Murong Du really sees it and says it, his words still have a certain weight. If it's a general traditional Chinese medicine, it's easy to deal with, but it's Murong Du!"

Xia Feng patted Lin Zheng on the shoulder and said, "brother, you don't have to be so depressed. Things are far from that! I'll find a way. Since I help you figure out this method, it will let you finish it smoothly!"

Lin Zheng said gratefully, "thank you, brother. It's all up to you."

Xia Feng glanced at Min Aoxue and said, "don't worry, there is no way for people! As long as we can deal with it in advance, we don't have to worry. We still have the road of high-tech equipment. Compared with traditional Chinese medicine, people actually believe in equipment now!"

Lin Zheng said, "that's true."

Min Aoxue asked, "how should I behave tomorrow?"

Xia Feng said, "it's very simple! Just do as you understand. What you did before, what you will do tomorrow, and I'll meet Murong Du today to see if I can find a breakthrough from him!"

Lin Zheng said, "it all depends on you, brother. Whether our plan can succeed depends on tomorrow!"

Xia Feng comforted and left. He said he was looking for murongdu. Min Aoxue sent Xia Feng to the car. Xia Feng looked at Min Aoxue in the car and said, "sister min, I do this now. Everything is for you. I hope you can remember my good!"

Min Aoxue looked at Xia Feng bitterly and said, "as long as this thing is done, you can do whatever you want in the future. I'll do what I say!"

Xia Feng smiled and said, "this is what you said, but I didn't force you!"

"Anyway, you've already done something on the island. If you're in-depth, I won't say anything more, but you still have to serve snacks for the things in front of you. Otherwise, I'm not in the mood to do that with you!" Min Aoxue said.

Xia Feng hurriedly said, "for the sake of beauty, of course I have to take care of things properly!"

Xia Feng waved and drove away. According to the address given by Lin Zheng, he found the farmhouse where Murong Du lived.

The environment here is very beautiful and farmhouse fun is also very unique. Fishing, cooking, living in restaurants and so on are integrated. There is even a hill behind. There are some prey on the mountain. Customers can catch them and eat them. Of course, the consumption is also very high. Most people can't afford to spend. They have to eat, drink and live overnight, at least thousands of people.

Xia Feng took a turn outside and learned that there was only murongdu here. Because of his strong opposition, Lin Feiyang didn't dare to send someone to live in. Murongdu didn't like the feeling of being monitored, and Lin Feiyang didn't expect someone to make his idea.

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