Xia Feng enters the farmhouse, finds Murong Du's room and knocks on the door.

After a while, an old man in his 60s and 70s opened the door and saw that he had the feeling of immortal bone and Taoist style. He was like a character coming out of a martial arts novel, wearing a Taoist robe and a bun on his head.

Xia Feng asked politely, "is this old Mr. Murong Du?"

Murong Du looked at Xia Feng strangely and said, "I am. Who are you?"

Xia Feng said, "I am a fan of traditional Chinese medicine. I recently encountered a difficult and miscellaneous disease. I want to discuss it with you. I don't know if I can?"

Now it is very rare for young people to like traditional Chinese medicine. Murongdu was surprised at Xia Feng's words, and then was a little happy, so he let Xia Feng into the house.

As soon as Xia Feng entered, he stopped talking nonsense and said: "Elder Murong, I recently encountered a difficult and complicated disease. She had a cold in her body. It was the root cause of the disease when she was born. Later, when she was pregnant and gave birth to a child, she was aggravated by wind and cold. I first used ordinary cold expelling drugs to expel the cold, and then when I was acupuncture, I encountered a great problem. I don't know what happened. I really can't think of the solution!"

Murong Du asked with interest, "Oh? What's wrong?"

Xia Feng said, "Twelve acupoints, such as Zhongji acupoint under the Dantian, Tiantu acupoint under the neck and Jiantou Jianjing acupoint, are inserted. Zhongji acupoint is the meeting of foot three yin and Ren pulse, Tiantu acupoint is the meeting of Yin dimension and Ren pulse, and Jianjing acupoint is the meeting of hand and foot Shaoyang, Foot Yangming and Yang dimension. Am I right to do so?"

Murong Du was still a little suspicious, but now he heard Xia Feng's words, and the reasons for these acupoints were clear. He was overjoyed and said, "there's nothing wrong with you doing this!"

Xia Feng sighed, "but I didn't succeed in driving out the cold. I don't know what happened. That's what my former teacher taught me!"

Murong Du asked, "who is your master?"

"My master is not famous in the medical school. His surname is Xiong," Xia Feng said.

"There's no problem with your injection, but you need to change it. That's blocking first and then dredging! You can't keep up with it when you dredge at the beginning," murongdu said.

Xia Feng said, "do you mean to separate the twelve regular veins from the eight odd meridians?"

Murong Du deliberately studied Xia Feng and said, "tell me your thoughts in detail."

Xia Feng said: "Human body and mind, lung, spleen, liver and kidney are the five internal organs plus pericardium. These six are Yin: stomach, large intestine, small intestine, gallbladder, bladder and triple energizer. They are the six internal organs and the six are Yang. The five internal organs plus pericardium are the twelve regular meridians. Ren, Du, Chong, Dai, Yin dimension, Yang dimension, Yin Qiao and Yang Qiao, these eight meridians do not belong to normal Yin and Yang, and there is no cooperation between the outside and the inside. Don't talk about strange things. They are strange meridians Eight meridians. After isolating the regular meridians from the strange meridians, the cold in the five zang organs and six Fu organs can't interact with each other. Is that right? "

Murong Duxi said, "you can teach, you can teach! Your boy is really good!"

Xia Feng frowned and said: "Next, do you moxibustion the Yunmen and Zhongfu acupoints on his shoulder, and then moxibustion the Tianfu, Xiabai, chize, Kongzi, Liewei, Jingqu, Dayuan, thenar, Shaoshang acupoints from his arm to his thumb? These 11 acupoints belong to the Taiyin lung meridian of the hand, which can slightly reduce the cold in his deep lungs? But in this way, isn't it very painful to attack the cold with heat?"

Murong Du even had the impulse to accept his disciples at this time, but he held it back and said, "the pain is painful, but the effect is still very good."

Next, murongdu and Xia Feng talked about Foot Yangming stomach meridian, hand Jueyin pericardial meridian, etc., and also talked about some Chinese herbal medicines. Xia Feng talked to murongdu about the parts of acupoint meridians. He had learned medical skills from Mr. Xiong, and the magic eye has miraculous effects on plants and animals. In fact, he knows the principles of some herbal medicines without a teacher. In addition, he can remember everything he sees In my heart, this is also the reason why he can speak several languages, so he has seen a lot of medical skills, so it comes in handy at this time.

Xia Feng is involved in medical theory, which is what he likes to cooperate with Murong Du. Hu qingniu talks incessantly. Unconsciously, the time is even in the evening.

Xia Feng stood up and said, "excuse me, elder, I'll go first."

Murong Du hurriedly said, "don't worry, don't worry! Let's talk again!"

Xia Feng certainly didn't want to go. When he heard this, he naturally stayed. Murongdu called the front desk. After a while, he sent some dishes and two bowls of rice. They ate.

After dinner, the two sat down to discuss medical skills. At this time, Xia Feng felt that the time was almost up, so he said, "Mr. Murong, do you have an apprentice?"

Murong Du was delighted and said, "I do have disciples, but I haven't had disciples for more than 20 years. Now I also want to recruit a closed disciple to take over my mantle. The previous disciples have been finalized, have no future and won't make any breakthrough!"

Xia Feng asked, "I wonder if master will accept me as an apprentice?"

Murong Du smiled and said, "are you willing to worship me as a teacher?"

Xia Feng's medical skills can be said to be amazing. He is young and can remember so many things, and they are all reasonable. Murong Du really likes him. If he can take him as an apprentice and give him everything, he will have no regrets in his life.

"Of course I do. It's the younger generation's lifelong wish to worship you as a teacher!" Xia Feng said sincerely.

Murong Du said with a smile, "good! Good! Good! But thanks to me as a teacher, you can't be so hasty here. I want to find an auspicious day and an auspicious time to hold a banquet and announce the world!"

Xia Feng nodded and said, "it should be! But I'll start calling you Shifu now?"

Murong Dushu smiled and said, "of course!"

"Master!" Xia Feng shouted.

Murong Du said, "ah, good disciple! It's good. I didn't expect to know you such a talented boy in my old age. God treated me well!"

Xia Feng said, "God treats me really well. Being able to be a teacher by you is a blessing I earned in my last life!"

After being polite for a while, they chatted again. From ancient times to the present, from herbal medicine to blood, and from traditional Chinese medicine to western medicine, they really talk about everything. Xia Feng has his own opinions no matter what he says. It's really too late to meet each other.

Murong Du was still in high spirits and did not feel tired when he talked about the latter half of the night. Xia Feng deliberately looked at the time and hurriedly said, "Oh, it's delaying master's rest!"

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