Xia Feng said modestly, "it's average."

Lin Zheng said, "if Murong Du doesn't come, the matter will be solved for the time being, but Lin Feiyang and Lin Yue won't give up. What if they find another doctor?"

Xia Feng said, "let's go abroad for a while. Can you make time?"

Min Aoxue said, "I can take annual leave."

Lin Zheng said, "I can't leave now. What should the company do if I leave? Can't Lin Feiyang control them casually? I'll be late when I come back."

Xia Feng exhorted for a moment and asked, "what's the situation with your father? Can't you come forward? I heard that he came to your house last time. Since he can come, it means there's no problem!"

Lin Zheng sighed, "my father can walk well with the help of my mother, but he is a little confused, and his mental state is not very good. He is not suitable to come forward."

"What if your father's illness gets better?" Xia Feng said.

Lin Zheng said: "if it gets better, it's better. Aoxue and I can go out and hide for a while. My father is staring at the company, but it's unrealistic. Many famous doctors and big hospitals have seen it and there's nothing they can do."

Xia Feng said, "let me have a look! Maybe it can be done!"

Lin Zheng was overjoyed when he heard this. He remembered what Chen Borui said. Xia Feng's medical skills are very excellent. Although he didn't see it with his own eyes, he can make murongdu accept him as a disciple. Therefore, it can be inferred that his medical skills must be outstanding.

"If so, that's really great!" Lin Zheng hurriedly said.

Xia Feng nodded and said, "but it's best to treat it secretly. Lin Feiyang can't know!"

Xia Feng is now regarded as a double agent. Lin Feiyang doesn't want to turn over, so he has such a request. It's normal for him to see Lin Zheng, but if Ti Linzheng's father cures his disease, Lin Feiyang will be angry if he knows.

Lin Zheng nodded and said, "I'll arrange it!"

Xia Feng left Lin Zheng's house and remembered that there was a garden nearby, so he went over and stood at the door for a while. In fact, he was very happy at that time, especially when he met the whiny Liu Ruyan.

Thinking of Liu Ruyan, he also knows how the girl is now. It's a pity if his garden is so deserted, but he doesn't have much time to deal with it here.

Xia Feng sighed, turned and was about to leave. Suddenly, his eyes brightened, a faint fragrance came from his nose, and then a whiny voice came: "Xia Feng? Is it you? You're back? I thought you were missing! How can you say to go!"

Before Xia Feng reacted, the owner of the voice rushed over and hugged Xia Feng.

Xia Feng's nephrite in his arms was also slightly stunned, but he soon returned to his mind and said, "Ruyan, why are you here?"

Liu Ruyan hugged more tightly and said, "I'll come and see you every day. I hope I can see you! I didn't expect you to really come back! Won't you go this time?"

Xia Feng gently pushed Liu Ruyan away. He couldn't stand holding him like this. He said, "no, I just came over to have a look. I don't have time to take care of the garden now."

Liu Ruyan was disappointed and said, "well... Hey, where are you now? What have you done?"

Xia Feng said, "I worked with my friends to open a factory in the development zone."

Liu Ruyan asked, "really? You are rich now. My little aunt has been saying that she doesn't understand you. You must not be a flower seller. In this way, what she said still has a certain truth!"

"How are you doing?" Xia Feng asked.

Liu Ruyan said, "I'm fine too. I just miss you a little. What's the name of your factory? I'll go to see you with my little aunt later!"

Xia Feng didn't hide it and said directly, "Dingtian company is in the suburban development zone. You can know it when you go."

Liu Ruyan nodded and said, "OK! I see."

Xia Feng said with a smile, "see you later."

"See you later!" now that I know where Xia Feng is, I'm not in a hurry to say goodbye to Xia Feng.

The next morning, Xia Feng took a taxi to the west of the city, then got on a black car, went to the north of the city, got off, took a taxi to the east of the city, finally got on a white car and drove slowly outside a villa.

Xia Feng took his hat, lowered the brim of his hat, followed the driver into the villa, and saw Lin Zheng inside. Lin Zheng hurriedly closed the door and said, "Mr. Xia, is the road going well?"

Xia Feng nodded and said, "well, where are you?"

"Don't worry about me. Several waves of people have been found. They are all sent by Lin Feiyang. I've driven them away. I've watched the nearby surveillance and destroyed them in a moment. No one knows you're here!" Lin Zheng said.

Xia Feng said, "good. Where's your father?"

"It's upstairs in the bedroom." Lin Zheng takes Xia Feng upstairs and enters a bedroom.

I saw a thin old man lying in bed. Although he was awake, he was in low spirits and his eyes were muddy,.

Xia Feng looked up, took his pulse, looked at his pupils and tongue coating, and finally said, "your father's disease is actually very simple, that is, he has been poisoned by heat!"

"Heat poison?" Lin Zheng didn't understand.

Xia Feng said, "well, in fact, to put it bluntly, it's just that you eat too much fish and meat. Later, you make a big tonic. Over time, there is excess nutrition and squeeze the heat in one place, which forms heat poison!"

"How can we treat it? We have seen many doctors and there is no treatment plan." Lin Zheng hurriedly asked.

Xia Feng said, "I'll give him acupuncture and moxibustion, and then write a prescription. I'll take one dose every night as required. If my diet is lighter, my spirit will be much better tomorrow, and I can go to the company to deal with affairs in three days!"

After hearing Xia Feng's words, Lin Feizhang asked feebly, "is it really so magical?"

Xia Feng nodded and said, "yes, it will work in a short time anyway! Then you will know the effect."

Lin Zhengxi said, "if that's the case, you'll be the Savior of our family! Be kind!"

Xia Feng waved his hand and said, "it's still too early to say this. Wait until it's really cured."

Xia Feng injected the needle immediately. Lin Feizhang's physical foundation is actually good, which is one of the reasons why he can recover quickly.

After acupuncture and moxibustion, Xia Feng wrote another prescription. Lin Zheng wanted to keep Xia Feng for dinner, but when he thought about it, he came secretly and didn't want Lin Feiyang to know, so he asked him to leave through the back door. It was specially sent by the driver and tried not to let Lin Feiyang know.

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