The Italian talked to himself like an ordinary drunkard. Anyway, he thought others couldn't understand. I don't know Xia Feng listened.

Xia Feng's face changed color. Previously, Li Xixi said that because the products of Dongqi factory were backward, it spent a lot of money to build a new factory and imported two new production lines. As long as the products come out, they will sell well in Europe and America,

But if, as the Italian said, there are new standards for environmental protection in Europe, it's over.

Li Sisi didn't understand Italian. She turned to Xia Feng and said, "Xiao Xia, you know Italy. You communicate with him, scare him, and say that the hotel should call the police. Our Dongqi factory guaranteed him. I hope he won't make trouble, work hard and debug the production line as soon as possible."

She was still painstaking, but Xia Feng could only smile bitterly and said, "sister Xi, you may have been fooled."

"What was deceived?" Li Sisi was puzzled, and Wei Bo looked at Xia Feng with some doubts, because Xia Feng's words suddenly made people completely confused.

"Guess what the drunkard is talking about?" Xia Feng pointed to the Italian. The Italian was half drunk and half awake. He talked to himself. He didn't notice Xia Feng coming in. Instead, the young man came in. He also knew Li Sisi and accompanied a smiling face.

Li Sisi wondered, "what did he say?"

"He's saying that the production line you sold to you is not the most advanced, but the elimination technology they don't want. The European environmental protection summer vacation is about to announce the latest noise standard. The noise of the products of the new production line of Dongqi factory is far higher than the new standard and will not be exported to Europe."

"It's impossible." Lizzie's face changed greatly. "Did he really say that?"

Wei Bo also looked at Xia Feng suspiciously.

Xia Feng knew that Li Xixi's capital was too big to believe for a moment, so he went over and grabbed the Italian's hair. He slapped his ears and shouted in Italy: "you are a fool. You are so shameless. You cheat people with eliminated technology, and then you want to flirt with our girls. I'll catch you and sentence you to death."

The Italian slapped Xia Feng in the face and woke up. Then he listened to Xia Feng's Italian, and was a little confused. He stared at him with drunk red eyes, and was a little silly.

"Don't you believe what I said?" Xia Feng continued to frighten him: "you cheated first, which made us lose a lot. Now you bully our girls. It's too much. I promise God that you will never go back to Italy and will be in China's prison until you die."

The Italian was still a little confused. The young man next to him was frightened and cried, "I told you not to mess around. What do you do now?" he stammered to Xia Feng in Chinese: "he was drunk and didn't succeed. Please forgive him."

"Even if you can forgive him when he is drunk today, what's the matter with you selling us the elimination technology?" Xia Feng's eyes were sharp and stared at the young man with a big curly hair like a poodle.

The young man with big curly hair was frightened by his eyes, shook his head and said, "it's none of our business. We're just technical workers at the lower level. We don't know about the upper level."

"What do you know?" that is, he was a soft persimmon, and Xia Feng pointed to him and pinched: "explain what you know clearly and say it in Chinese."

The young man with big curly hair was frightened by the fierce light in his eyes and dared not resist, saying: "We just heard a little wind that Europe should implement the new environmental protection standards. The noise of small appliances such as Dongqi factory must be less than 30 dB, while the products from the new production line of Dongqi factory are 45 dB. Although it is much lower than their previous products of 55 dB, it is still much higher than the new European standards, so it can not be exported to Europe at all."

"What?" he said in Chinese. Although she stammered, Li Sisi still understood. She couldn't help screaming. Her body shook and her face was pale: "is what you said true or false, 30 decibels? How is it possible?"

"We can do it." Da Juan Mao nodded: "although the price of similar products produced by Japanese manufacturers is twice as expensive, the lowest noise is only 30 dB. The reason why we sell this production line is because the products are backward and the new standards for environmental protection are about to be implemented, so..."

"But you said before, said before..." at this point, Li Sisi couldn't go on.

She has understood that she was deceived. She thought she had picked up a big leak and got the latest technology in Europe. Since then, she has sold well in the European and American markets, because the environmental protection requirements of the United States have always been lower than European standards. As long as Europe can live, the United States must give it.

But I don't know. The cunning Italians have heard the wind for a long time. They know that they will implement the new environmental protection standards. They don't have smooth information and deliberately sell the production line to her at a high price.

"As soon as production falls behind, 30 million US dollars, most of which is loans..." countless ideas flashed in Li Sisi's mind. She suddenly opened her mouth and vomited blood.

"Sissy." Wei Bo was surprised and hurriedly held her, but Li sissy vomited blood again.

Xia Feng found something wrong, hurriedly grabbed her hand, went behind her elbow and found hemp tendon to play a few times.

Li Xixi spits blood under strong stimulation. The blood does not return to the meridians, and the numb tendon behind the elbow belongs to the heart meridians. Playing with this meridians for a few times can make the heart meridians unobstructed. Of course, if it is an ordinary person, such a few times will have little effect, but Xia Feng input a aura at the same time, and the blood gas tumbling in Li Xixi's chest calmed a lot in an instant.

"Sissy, don't be too excited." Wei Bo advised: "it's already like this. It's useless to be too excited. You'd better make things clear first, and then think of a way to see if it can be remedied."

Li Sisi nodded and said to Xia Feng, "Xiao Xia, you tell them to give them a week. If you can't debug the production line in a week, I'll settle the accounts with them."

Xia Feng nodded and said this. That big curly hair actually knows some Chinese and can speak and listen, so don't say it. He nodded while Xia Feng said two cruel words. Then he came out with Li Xixi and Wei Bo.

Outside, he talked to manager Ma again, comforted the waitress, and promised to compensate the waitress for 5000 yuan. Then he calmed down.

After everything was settled, she got out of the hotel and went to the car. Li Sisi suddenly cried out: "sister Wei."

Wei Bo hurriedly comforted her: "don't worry, make things completely clear, and then maybe it's just a rumor to implement any new standards."

Speaking of this, she took out her mobile phone and said, "Europe is just at work now. I'll call and ask."

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