Lucy herself is a model. She is also a model with her. Compared with Xia Feng, it is normal to be one head taller.

"Lucy." Xia Fengxi cried out. He thought about contacting Lucy before. Later, he thought that he came with Li Sisi. As a result, he went to meet a great western beauty. Li Sisi saw it and might have an idea, so he didn't call, but he didn't expect to meet him in the street.

"It's really you." lucy saw Xia Feng, screamed, rushed over, jumped directly into Xia Feng's arms, jumped up, hung Xia Feng's neck with both hands, and her feet around Xia Feng's waist.

And her flaming red lips kissed Xia Feng's lips regardless.

Li Sisi was on the side. Xia Feng was actually a little embarrassed, but Lucy was so enthusiastic that he couldn't push her away. He had to hold her hips and face her hot kiss.

They kissed like nobody else. Lucy's companions were surprised and giggled. Lizzie was stunned, blushed and curious.

Lucy's beauty is that as a woman, she is also a little jealous and appreciated. She can see at a glance that Lucy and her companions are international famous models, and who is Xia Feng? She is just a small salesman. Although it is an accident to know Italian, she should be just the most ordinary Chinese anyway.

However, it's incredible that the top international model is so enthusiastic about him.

Li Xixi was surprised and confused for a time. Looking at Xia Feng, she thought to herself, "it seems that she has lost her eyes. I'm afraid this person is not a simple salesman."

Looking at Xia Feng, thinking about it, but some want to laugh, because Xia Feng's little man holding Lucy is really very funny. People can't help thinking of a word: mouse carrying a gun.

Lucy kissed for a long time before releasing, but she still hung on Xia Feng and didn't want to come down: "Feng, why are you here? Don't contact me."

Xia Feng put her down and said with a smile, "I'll accompany a friend here to talk about some business."

Then she introduced Li Sisi. Lucy reached out and shook hands with Li Sisi. She spoke Chinese, which surprised Li Sisi a little.

Lucy also introduced her friend and boasted, "this is what I call Huaxia peak. It's omnipotent and powerful, both in bed and under bed."

The girl really dared to say that those girls also dared to listen. They giggled and looked at Xia Feng with hot eyes, which made Xia Feng really unable to parry.

But fortunately, Lucy speaks Italian, and Lizzie can't understand it, otherwise it will be more embarrassing.

Then she found a coffee shop. Lucy talked to her friends about her adventures with Xia Feng. Li Sisi couldn't understand it. Some Xia Feng helped translate, others didn't.

Li Xixi doesn't feel neglected. She is a strong woman in the mall. She is not a proud house girl. She sits quietly and smiles sometimes. Among Oriental women, she is not short, and she is more than one meter six or five. Compared with Lucy, who is generally one meter eight, she seems too petite. However, she has the unique quiet and serene temperament of Oriental women, Compared with Lucy, they didn't fall behind. If Xia Feng came to pick, he might prefer Li Sisi's temperament. Of course, it will be tangled, because Lucy's hot body is a fatal poison to any man.

Coffee alone is obviously not enough. Lucy took Xia Feng's hand and said, "Feng, you stay here for a few days. I don't care. Anyway, you have to accompany me for a few days."

Xia Feng was a little embarrassed. Originally, Li Sisi couldn't understand it, but Lucy turned around and said to Li Sisi in Chinese: "Miss Li, I want Feng to stay with me for a few days. No problem."

Li Sisi glanced at Xia Feng and saw Xia Feng's smiling face. She couldn't help chuckling and said, "of course there's no problem."

He said to Xia Feng, "Xiao Xia, if you have friends here, then stay for a few days and go back. The expenses here will be reported to you by the factory."

"Sister Xi, what about you?" Xia Feng asked when she said something wrong.

"I think I'll go back today." Li Xixi smiled slightly: "I've thought about it. It's meaningless to stay here. I'll go back and find some universities or research institutes to ask if there are new microwave absorbing materials and find ways to make technological transformation. Europe is our most important market, accounting for more than 60% of our export volume. If it's really stuck, we can't afford the loss."

What she said was reasonable. Xia Feng nodded, "well, I'll give it to you."

"No need." Li Xixi shook her head. She had come to the production line several times before, of course, and Xia Feng no longer insisted.

Then Li Sisi went back to the hotel and was ready to go. Lucy pulled Xia Feng's hand and said, "let's open a room."

Do you want to make such a public announcement? Forget the public announcement. She said to several of her companions, "who wants to see the power of the peak, you can go with me."

Xia Feng almost fainted, but she was also very excited. Several of Lucy's companions were all international famous models. They were hot and almost all evil. It was impossible to say that they were not attractive to Xia Feng.

But fortunately, Lucy's friends didn't mean to intervene. They joked with Lucy and left together.

"Come on." Lucy was even more anxious than Xia Feng. As soon as her friends left, she immediately took Xia Feng to the nearest hotel and opened a room. As soon as she entered the door, she hugged Xia Feng and kissed her hot lips.

Xia Feng couldn't help taking a long breath. It's too hot.

"But I like..."

Throughout the day, Xia Feng stayed in the hotel with Lucy. In the evening, Lucy pulled Xia Feng to eat, and then went shopping. Xia Feng was much shorter than her, but she held Xia Feng like a little bird, which attracted a lot of surprised eyes.

Lucy doesn't care. She is a model. She is shown on the stage. When someone looks at her, she is more energetic. When no one looks at her, she is boring.

Xia Feng is a little unaccustomed, but he is vaguely proud. He has a lot of face walking around with an international famous model like Lucy.

While walking down the street, Lucy's cell phone rang. She listened to it and shouted, "Anna, don't worry. I'll help you ask."

She hung up, turned to Xia Feng and said, "Feng, that man can't do that. Can you cure it?"

"Ah?" Xia Feng said strangely, "who?"

"A friend of mine is also a model. She found a boyfriend. She was very satisfied with everything else. That's not good. When I heard that you came, I called and asked me. They were quarrelling just now."

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