Xia Feng certainly won't refuse. She went to the restaurant with Lucy. Anna and Rondo have come. Today's Rondo is much more enthusiastic than yesterday. As soon as she saw Xia Feng, she immediately came to shake hands and said enthusiastically: "Feng, your medical skills are so divine. I'm all right and stronger than before."

Xia Feng apologized, sat down and said, "Feng, what's the charge for your treatment?"

Xia Feng has a certain understanding of Westerners. He knows that Westerners are very direct and have to say everything in the open. If you are polite to him, it's not worth a little money. He may not give money, and he won't thank you much.

So he wasn't polite, but he didn't think about how to collect the money. He thought about Rondo's microwave absorption technology all day.

He thought for a moment and said, "Mr. Rondo, how much did you spend on this disease?"

"I don't have statistics." Rondo frowned and thought, "five or six years ago, I drank a lot of wine, called a few girls and had a carnival all night because of a technological breakthrough. Later, I found this problem and saw a lot of doctors and hospitals. It cost more than 100000 euros."

"Well." Xia Feng nodded, "well, you can pay 100000 euros. What do you think of the price?"

"Very fair." Rondo nodded his head without hesitation, but asked, "is my disease completely cured? Will this phenomenon occur in the future?"

"I don't know later." Xia Feng didn't make such a ticket: "but it must be good now. Didn't you just try before you came?"

When he said this, Rondo blushed, but Anna on the side was surprised: "you know that?"

"Really?" Lucy asked in surprise.

"Yes." Anna nodded, "he just took a bath after work. He was excited at once. However, Feng, how do you know?"

Xia Feng smiled and didn't answer. Seeing this, he was sure to be right. Of course, he wouldn't answer Anna's question.

There is no payment for Alipay and WeChat, but electronic transfer is still very convenient. Xia Feng has an account, and Rondo has turned one hundred thousand euros into his account.

100000 euros, almost 800000 yuan, which is also quite good.

After drinking, it didn't end until about ten o'clock. Lucy was a little drunk. Relying on Xia Feng, she would only giggle. She went back to the hotel, took a bath together, and then threw it on the bed. Lucy giggled: "honey, come up..."

This kind of ocean horse is really cute. Of course Xia Feng won't be polite. After a good meal, Lucy was drunk and excited and went to sleep. However, Xia Feng massaged the acupoints behind her head to make her sleep more dead.

Then Xia Feng changed his clothes and jumped out of the window. He had called bees to spy around the hotel. There were cameras at the front and rear doors of the hotel, but not elsewhere.

I went to the Research Institute in Rondo, advanced in the forest, found some spore plants, let them grow rapidly on my hands and face, and made myself a very strange vegetable.

In this way, no one can recognize his face, but he has no fingerprints. His hand is pressed on the window or table, because his hand is covered with spore plants, and his fingerprints will not be left.

In fact, Xia Feng thinks a little too much. The Institute in Rondo is a very ordinary Institute. The guard is not strict. After work at night, the gate is locked, and there is no guard. It is impossible for anyone to find him.

After all, this is the Research Institute in China. Although they guard against it, it is not strict, and the microwave absorption technology is not a top-notch technology.

But Xia Feng made more preparations. It's impossible to say what's going on in this world.

Outside Rondo's office, there was a tall tree. Xia Feng climbed the branches and jumped directly into the window.

Inside, he didn't turn on the light and directly turned on Rondo's computer. He was a little nervous. Would he change his password.

In fact, he thought too much. How could Rondo inexplicably think of changing the password? Enter 1314 and open it immediately.

After turning on the computer, Xia Feng was not nervous and looked at the folders slowly.

Rondo's technical house deals with the mess of daily life, but in scientific research, he is extremely rigorous. He writes very clearly about his own research. Although Xia Feng doesn't understand technology, Rondo writes clearly. He can read it, at least the conclusion.

After looking around, I found several technologies of microwave absorbing materials. Several technologies have been used. Wilway sold them, but they are only used in European and American companies, strictly limiting takeout. There are two other technologies of a higher generation. Rondo is still studying and has not produced final results.

Xia Feng doesn't care. Insert the U disk and download it all.

After downloading, Xia Feng turned off his computer and quit the same way. His computer technology is not good. If Rondo is on guard, someone touched the Institute in the middle of the night and downloaded the file. Rondo can find it.

But still, Rondo didn't have much defense at all. The wilway Institute is really too common in China. It's impossible to take special precautions. Therefore, although Xia Feng left many flaws, Rondo can't find them.

Back at the hotel, Lucy was still sleeping. Xia Feng went to the bathroom, separated the spore plants on his face and hands, rushed out of the sewer, took a bath, went to bed, held Lucy, closed his eyes and slept until dawn.

Lucy was fine the next morning. When she woke up, she had a good morning exercise. She was lazy until ten o'clock, got up to eat, and then went shopping.

Women love shopping, whether Chinese or foreigners, white or black, no exception.

Xia Feng generously bought Lucy some clothes and a gold watch of more than 10000 euros.

Any woman or beloved man will be happy when she buys something for her. Lucy accepts the gift, hugs Xia Feng on the spot and presents red lips.

At this time, Xia Feng knew that Lucy and boss Qian had broken up. They were just playing. Xia Feng was not particularly surprised.

Now Xia Feng's task is completed. When he comes back from shopping, he says that the company still has something to do and is ready to go back.

Lucy was worried when she was in a hurry. She pestered him and asked Xia Feng to accompany her for a few more days. She said that they were going to Paris next week and let Xia Feng go at that time.

Xia Feng couldn't refuse such a passionate beauty. Although she was eager to test Rondo's technology, she rolled in Lucy's arms and forgot it.

She stayed for another three days. On Thursday, Lucy and her model team were going to France, and Xia Feng came back.

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