Xia Feng was startled to see Li Xixi. Li Xixi looked haggard, had a big acne on her face and her mouth was dry.

"What's the matter with you, sister Xi?" Xia Feng asked urgently.

"It's all right." Li Sisi smiled bitterly. "It's just a little angry. By the way, bring me your bill over there and I'll report it to you."

She was really a good person. Xia Feng was moved and said, "is it about microwave absorbing materials? I can't do it here?"

"Yes." Li Xixi nodded: "during this time, I asked many universities and scientific research institutions. Wei Bo even found a relationship. They all said no. for the specifications of our factory, the best one has to be more than 50 dB and the European standard 30 dB. It's impossible. No matter how domestic microwave absorbing materials can't be done."

Xia Feng guessed it was like this, nodded, lowered his voice and said, "sister Xi, I'm over there and stole some technology. It's wilway's fourth generation technology. It seems that it can reach more than 20 decibels."

"What?" Li Sisi's eyes stared round: "really or not, how did you steal it?"

"Don't I know a friend, Lucy, who is the one you see. She is an international famous model. Then she has a colleague and a famous model. She found a boyfriend who happens to be a researcher at the Research Institute of wilway company, who studies microwave absorbing materials. Then I found a chance to enter their research institute and download some technologies in this field. There are several models , what wilway sold you is the third generation technology. They developed the fourth generation technology, which is only 29 decibels. There are two models that seem to be only 21 decibels, but they haven't finished yet. "

"Great." Lizzie was so excited that the whole person trembled: "where do you put it? I - I can buy it. I'm willing to pay a lot of money."

Xia Feng really didn't think about this problem. He stole technology. First, he was angry. Westerners openly engaged in technology fraud. Second, he sympathized. It's too difficult for Li Xixi to do industry. From beginning to end, he didn't think about selling money with this technology. Third, he was for Yu Xinyu. Li Xixi's factory is good, and her factory can be good.

"What to buy or not." Xia Feng shook his head: "I downloaded it in the U disk. I don't know whether it's OK or not. Sister Xi, try it first."

"OK." Li Xixi immediately found a man named min Jianguo, the chief engineer of Dongqi factory.

Xia Feng gave him one of the USB flash disks. What he downloaded from this USB flash disk is wilway's fourth generation technology.

Min Jianguo turned on the computer and looked at the technical data. He was so excited that he almost jumped up: "this is wilway's fourth generation technology. It mainly has made great progress in microwave absorbing materials. It can be used in our new production line. Just do a little technical transformation. Where did this technology come from?"

Xia Feng didn't say a word. Li Xixi said, "don't ask where you came from. Mr. min, find someone to trial produce a product and see if you can meet this index."

Min Jianguo took a deep look at Xia Feng. With excitement and admiration in his eyes, he nodded and said, "OK, I'll organize people to trial produce today."

"He probably thought he was from some special organization in China." Xia Feng laughed to himself.

When min Jianguo left, Xia Feng said, "sister Xi, don't be too anxious. You were a first-class beauty. If you were anxious, you wouldn't look good."

"Alas, it's hard to look good now." Li Xixi shook her head. "You don't know, the wind of our factory's technical transformation has spread. Now sister Wei is under great pressure. She has acne on her face like me."

Xia Feng can understand that the pressure of Li Sisi is great, and the pressure of Wei Bo will not be small. They are two grasshoppers on a rope. If they can't fly Li Sisi, they can't run Wei Bo.

"Especially the one surnamed Zhou, who dances very badly these days," said Li Sisi, gritting her teeth.

"That kind of villain, clean him up sooner or later." Xia Feng snorted and said, "don't worry. President Min has verified the technology, so he doesn't have to jump. I'll think of a way to deal with the acne on your face."

"Can you cure this?" Li Sisi was curious.

"I'll try." Xia Feng went to a florist's shop and bought a pair of flowers. He returned flowers and made them into flowers and mud. He brought flowers and mud to Li Qianqian, and said, "before you go to bed at night, you can make a mask on your face, and you should be ready tomorrow morning."

"Really?" the woman did not care about her appearance, especially the beautiful woman like Li Qianqian. She also believed in Xia Feng, so she ran to Wei Bo, where she was half of Wei Bo. Wei Bo heard that Xia Feng had returned, and she had stolen the latest technology of absorbing materials. She was also surprised and pleased. She also believed in Xia Feng. Before going to bed, she put flowers and mud on the mask.

The next morning, before Li Sisi got up, Wei Bo called: "the acne on my face has disappeared, and yours?"

"Really?" Lizzie cried, "let me see."

I got up and washed my face. As soon as I saw it, the acne on my face really disappeared. It was a pretty face, like flowers and jade, which seemed to be white and tender than before.

"Mine is gone," cried Lizzie.

"Xia Feng is really a little magical." Wei Bo said: "the wave absorption technology he stole back is also reliable."

"I'll ask President min later." Li Xixi didn't drop her voice. Her mobile phone rang. It was min Jianguo.

"President min called, let me ask." Li Sisi hung up Wei Bo and connected: "President min, how's it going?"

"Successful." Min Jianguo's voice, there is a strong suppression of excitement, although the voice is low, but with a tremor: "just tested, 29 dB."

"Really, I'll come right away." Li Sisi was so excited that she almost jumped up and immediately called Wei Bo. As soon as Wei Bo heard it, she also screamed, "I'll come right away."

Li Sisi then called Xia Feng. Xia Feng was still sleeping. Hearing Li Sisi's uncontrollable cry on the phone, he was stunned for a long time: "it's ready. It's so fast. OK, I'll come right away."

Xia Feng got up, got out of the hotel and rushed to Dongqi factory. Not only Li Sisi but also Wei Bo came. Wei Bo saw him and said, "good job, Xiao Xia."

Xia Feng laughs. This technique is really effective. He is also happy.

After entering the factory, min Jianguo and several technicians were waiting. It seemed that they hadn't slept all night, but they were all red and didn't see the slightest fatigue.

Min Jianguo took a deep look at Xia Feng. In front of Li Sisi and Wei Bo, he tested on the spot. The original products of Dongqi factory were 55 dB and the products of the new production line were 45 dB, while the fourth generation technology of wilway stolen by Xia Feng was only 29 dB after adding microwave absorbing material accessories.

For the three products, the tester clearly displays the data, which can never be wrong.

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