Li Xixi still couldn't believe her eyes were clear. During this time, the new European standard pressed on her chest like a mountain, so that she could hardly breathe.

However, at this moment, all the pressure disappeared without a trace.

"It worked." Weibo was also extremely excited.

"Yeah." Lizzie hugged her fiercely.

Min Jianguo came over and held Xia Feng's hand in both hands. His eyes shone like a torch: "comrade, thank you."

I haven't heard the word comrade for a long time. Xia Feng understands that Min Jianguo misunderstood him, which is both funny and excited.

Of course, at this time, he will never explain. Let min Jianguo misunderstand. Some misunderstandings will make life full of sunshine and life more meaningful.

However, we should not celebrate this event. In particular, the microwave absorption technology stolen by Xia Feng originally belongs to wilway's research laboratory, and the production line bought by Dongqi factory is also wilway's.

The western countries have a very tight blockade on Huaxia technology. Some core technologies of core parts are not open to Huaxia. Wilway will send someone to repair them regularly, saying they are responsible for customers. In fact, it is a technical blockade. If Dongqi factory uses the technology stolen by xiafeng, wilway will find out sooner or later. Wilway will be very troublesome when it makes trouble.

Li Xixi is a shrewd businesswoman. She thought of this in advance. She only told min Jianguo about technology, and said that it was obtained by relevant parties. She asked him to keep it strictly confidential. Min Jianguo is a veteran and can be trusted in this regard.

In the evening, Li Sisi only asked Wei Bo to celebrate privately with Xia Feng. Both women were crazy. They were really happy. They were like women who went to prison. They were shackled and bound with iron balls. They were ready to sink to the bottom of the sea at any time.

As a result, Xia Feng was like a prince in a fairy tale, dressed in gold armor and riding a white horse. One by one, he easily rescued them and sent them directly to heaven. How can they not be excited.

Li Xixi gave Xia Fengjing a glass of wine and said, "Xiao Xia, I don't have much money now, so I can only pay you one million at most for the time being, or I can give you the shares of Dongqi factory. What do you think?"

One million, this number made Xia Feng jump in his heart.

He took Rondo 100000 euros this time, spent nearly 30000, and more than 70000, nearly 600000 yuan. He made hundreds of thousands in the first half of the year. With Li Xixi's million, he can go back and marry Qin wubai.

However, he just hesitated a little, shook his head and said, "sister Xi, I don't want money. I steal the technology of welway people, mainly because I can't stand the western's technology fraud against us, and I didn't want to sell money."

"Are you too few?" Li Sisi thought he was too few. No one wanted a million.

She was a little drunk, blushed, her eyes tilted, and her body shook.

"No." Xia Feng couldn't tell her clearly and said, "well, sister Xi, I have a request. Can you increase the purchase of spare parts in Teacher Yu's factory?"

"Of course." Li Xixi nodded without hesitation: "our old factory has an annual output value of 100 million, but the new factory has an annual output of 500 million. Their annual output, that is, 3 million tablets, we can eat them all."

"Really." her words made Xia Feng surprised and happy.

Yu Xinyu has two major difficulties: one is that it is difficult to get in debt, and the other is that Duan Yu refuses to place an order. Now Li Sisi has paid back the money, and then she eats all their annual output. Yu Xinyu doesn't have to pay attention to Duan Yu at all.

"Of course it's true." Li Xixi giggled: "I'm afraid their output is not enough for us. With the latest technology you get back, our products will sell well and our production capacity will be expanded in the future."

"That's great." Xia Feng raised his glass happily: "then I'll thank you for Miss Yu."

Wei Bo watched while she was drunk, but her mind was still clear and said, "Xiao Xia, where do you have many shares in her?"

"Shares?" Xia Feng was stunned: "no, I don't have their shares."

"Then you." Li Sisi looked at him incredulously: "if you think about them so much, you don't think about yourself."

Not only her, but Weibo also had doubts in his eyes.

Xia Feng smiled happily and said, "Yu Xinyu is my former teacher and is very kind to me. To tell you the truth, I'm not from her factory. I'm a salesman of duanyun company and a wine seller." he said and took out his business card to Li Sisi and Wei Bo.

"You are the wine salesman of duanyun company." Wei Bo opened his eyes and looked surprised. Li Sisi's expression was the same.

It's like a big monkey in a new house. It's called angry eyes and tongue tied.

"Yes." Xia Feng was also a little proud. He couldn't help laughing and said: "sister Xi didn't give me the money. Teacher Yu came to me and I came to collect the debt. To tell the truth, if sister Xi wasn't such a charming beauty and dared to rely on my account, I would do it."

Wei Bo both knew that he could do Qigong. He was an expert. When he heard this, he was stunned and couldn't help laughing.

"It's OK." Li Sisi patted Jiao Ting's chest: "I used to hate why I was a woman. This time, I finally got the light of being a woman."

Wei Bo also smiled, looked at Xia Feng and said, "what's the relationship between teacher Yu and you? You won't be a teacher-student relationship."

"No, No." Xia Feng shook his head hurriedly.

"Really?" Li Sisi also said, "I've seen manager Yu, but she's a real beauty. You help her so much..."

"Yes, yes," said Wei Bo.

"Spare your life, two sisters." Xia Feng hurriedly hugged his fist and begged for mercy: "don't I try my best to help sister Xi? The technology has been stolen back."

"You really are." Wei Bo and Li Sisi looked at each other and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Li Sisi also nodded secretly.

They are mature women. They roll around in this society and see too much selfishness. They have never seen anyone like Xia Feng.

"Come and drink." Wei Bo suddenly soared with pride: "Xiao Xia is an expert. I'll respect you."

Lizzie also raised her glass.

Xia Feng never refuses to come.

At more than nine o'clock, the two women were a little drunk. Wei Bo said, "you can't drink any more. You can only sleep in the hotel."

So he checked out. Wei Bo and Li Sisi drove in, but he couldn't drive back. Xia Feng was fine. He was also drunk, but once lucky, he immediately woke up again, so he drove Li Sisi's car, sent Wei Bo back first, and then Li Sisi back.

Li Sisi's family is also a villa, but no one. Xia Feng has heard of it and knows that Li Sisi's husband is engaged in technology in Silicon Valley in the United States.

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