After Xia Feng's words, the dark horse looked at him for a while and nodded. He bent his head and ate the drafting materials. He ate in a big mouth and ate half of the trough before long.

"It really ate, storm it really ate." the riding boots girl was surprised and happy, almost incoherent.

She was just a pure surprise, or surprise, but Liu Simin was extremely surprised.

If the last time she talked to the boar king, she was surprised and uncertain, thinking that maybe it was the cat that met the dead mouse, then what happened this time?

Another dead mouse?

Is there so many dead mice in the world?

But if it wasn't, how do you explain?

Can Xia Feng really talk to animals, that is, to the boar king or to horses.

The language of horses and pigs should be different. If one is Chinese and the other is at least English, does Xia Feng understand all?

It's incredible.

"You can really talk to a horse." although it's hard to believe in your mind, Liu Simin still asked this sentence: "and the last boar king."

"Boar king that time." Xia Feng stopped halfway, but Yan Qing slipped in front of Liu Simin's chest.

Liu Simin suddenly had a layer of goose bumps. That time, he became the king of wild boar. The feeling is still fresh in his memory. Xia Feng must have thought of that scene when he stared at it.

Liu Simin was angry and annoyed for a time. If someone else had changed, she would have kicked it up, but Xia Feng was so strange. She snorted and said, "what's the matter with the boar king?"

Xia Feng felt her anger. In fact, Xia Feng was intentional at all, or half intentional. It was intended to stimulate Liu Simin. The stronger Liu Simin was, the more interesting it seemed to be to stimulate and tease her.

But he wouldn't get Liu Simin angry. He made a ha ha and said, "the boar king was a little lucky that time. My brother estimates that I look handsome."

He said and touched his face. Liu Simin almost made him angry and happy: "this time, the horse thinks your face is long?"

Her words made the riding boots girls laugh and giggle.

Xia Feng raised his thumb: "he is worthy of being the ninth childe. He really has a good eye. As the saying goes, Ma doesn't know how long his face is. He really doesn't know how long his face is. So when he sees my face, he feels that BEI'ER is long and BEI'ER is kind and willing to communicate with me."

Liu Simin was so angry that he knew he was bullshit, but there was no way to take him.

She nodded and said, "you seem to have good Kung Fu, don't you?"

"Average, the third in the world." the tone of Zhou Xingxing, a classmate of Xia Feng's school, and the riding boots girl smiled again. The girl looked like Liu Ruyan. She was also pampered in a greenhouse. She was a little naive and felt funny about everything.

"Well." Liu Simin nodded, "I just have itchy hands. Go boxing with me."

It seems that Xia Feng is so angry that he wants to beat him. It doesn't matter if Xia Feng can be angry with Liu Simin. He feels very happy and laughs: "OK."

"I'm going." the booty girl jumped.

"Then go change your clothes and hurry up." Liu Simin slapped a board on the little ass of the riding boots girl. This action was very masculine. Xia Feng looked interesting and his eyes slipped around Liu Simin's ass.

Liu Simin noticed his eyes and frowned, but there was no attack.

Xia Feng is the first man who makes her feel helpless for so many years.

Of course, it's not that she can't deal with Xia Feng. If Xia Feng is really her enemy, she has to have means and manpower. The problem is that Xia Feng can't be said to be her enemy. Although it's a little annoying, it also attracts her - Xia Feng is too strange for her to figure out.

Xia Feng's crazy strength, in some ways, also made her appreciate it.

Not long, the riding boots girl changed her clothes and came out. She was wearing a short white skirt. Her waterfall like black hair hung naturally behind her head. She didn't have any jewelry. She didn't seem to have makeup, just a natural and fresh taste.

"It's really a fresh flower, but it's a pity to follow the ninth childe." Xia Feng shook his head secretly, but he didn't feel sorry, but thought it was interesting.

"Follow me." Liu Simin's car led the way, and Xia Feng followed. After driving for half an hour, he entered a manor like place.

Get off and go in. It's very big. It's like a fitness club, but there are no people.

"It can't be her private gym." Xia Feng was surprised.

Of course, there are waiters in the gym. Liu Simin can afford to build such a large gym, and naturally he can afford to hire several waiters.

In fact, when it comes to spending money to play, those who play football are really willing to spend money. A gym like Liu Simin is only a drop in the bucket compared with playing football.

Of course, it's not that Liu Simin's financial power is not as good as those who play football. It's just that everyone plays what bird.

Liu Simin probably won't like football. Xia Feng led the waiter and changed into a suit of blue sports shorts.

Then it was led to a big room. Liu Simin was already there. Xia Feng almost gushed nosebleed when he saw it.

Liu Simin is also dressed in a short dress. Her upper body is a tight vest, showing her boss's small waist. Below are sports hot pants of the same color. Her slender legs can blind people. This body really shows Liu Simin's good figure. Xia Feng has passed through several women. If the figure is perfect, no one can compare with Liu Simin.

Lucy Liu Simin is very popular, but as an oriental, Xia Feng prefers Liu Simin to be honest.

However, Liu Simin was angry. She was a woman among women, but she hated others to treat her as a woman, especially a man.

She had put on her fists and hit each other with both hands: "come here."

Xia Feng woke up and put on his boxer. Liu Simin went to the boxing ring. He was very polite. He approached and touched Xia Feng's boxer.

The light in the boxing room is very strong. Xia Feng can see more clearly at the distance of one arm. His tights are tightened. Xia Feng can't help staring. Suddenly, Liu Simin punched him.

Xia Feng raised his hand in a hurry.

Liu Simin's punch was very powerful. Xia Feng was caught off guard and took two steps back.

Liu Simin stepped forward and hit her fist like a storm.

Xia Feng beat her back and forth for a moment. He protected his face with his fists. He didn't hit his face. He was hard on his chest and stomach.

After Liu Simin finished a set of combined boxing, he stepped back and gasped a little. He stepped back and looked at Xia Feng coldly: "pay attention this time, come again."

Then he attacked again.

Xia Feng is the same as before. He protects his face with both hands. He is free in other places.

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