Liu Simin was not polite. He pounded more than a dozen punches on Xia Feng's stomach.

Liu Simin was quite satisfied with his fist strength, and then retreated again. Xia Feng put down his hand to protect his face, but it seemed that there was nothing wrong, that is, he didn't cover his stomach and fall down, and didn't beg for mercy. It seemed that there was no pain on his face.

Originally, she beat Xia Feng up. Liu Simin was a little relieved, but she was annoyed to see Xia Feng as if nothing had happened: "why don't you fight back? Can't you afford me?"

Xia Feng wanted to fight back, of course. He had thought about it before, especially when Liu Simin beat him in the stomach, his upper body was empty, but Xia Feng glanced at the crack of his fist and didn't do it in the end.

At this moment, he heard Liu Simin ask. He looked at Liu Simin with a smile or not and said, "that's not true."

"Then why?" Liu Simin stared.

Xia Feng also stared at her and looked up and down: "I fight back. Where do I fight?"

This doesn't seem to be a problem. When you go to the boxing ring, you can fight anywhere except that you are not allowed to fight.

But this is another problem.

Because Liu Simin is a woman.

Moreover, Liu Simin remembered that Xia Feng punched at the reception that day. Although she stopped halfway, the boxing style really scared her out of a cold sweat at that time. Across her clothes, it made her feel that her skin wanted to crack.

This guy's fist strength is extremely strong.

If you really want to punch him, that's great.

Therefore, Xia Feng asked, looking at her face, she immediately subconsciously responded: "don't hit the face."

Although she hated having a man all her life, in fact, she was very satisfied with her daughter's appearance.

If this face is damaged by Xia Feng, it's OK.

Xia Feng wanted to laugh or not. His eyes moved down and fell on Liu Simin's chest.

"No," Liu Simin almost blurted out.

Xia Feng really smiled and looked at each other. Liu Simin blushed a little and was a little annoyed. She kept saying that she was a man, but when she really faced a man, she still had to treat herself as a woman. There was no way. These places really can't be beaten.

At this time, the girl in riding boots on the sidelines mended her knife: "it's hooligans who hit a woman's chest."

Xia Feng ha laughed, but Liu Simin really blushed. However, she didn't correct the girl's statement of the riding boots girl. After dealing with her for so long, she found that Xia Feng was a little crazy and wild. If she said it casually, this guy might really fight.

Liu Simin used to be very confident in her boxing. If someone else changed, she would fight. She may not be afraid. She believes she can stop it.

But Xia Feng is not only crazy and wild, but also mysterious. There are many inexplicable places, which makes her not too confident.

Xia Feng's eyes finally fell on Liu Simin's belly, and the part was relatively lower. Liu Simin was immediately angry. Where did he look? He must have a mess in his mind.

"Look at the fist." Liu Simin rushed forward in anger and hit it. Xia Feng suddenly shouted, "I'm going to fight back."

Liu Simin was surprised, missed a punch and hurriedly put on a defensive posture.

But Xia Feng didn't fight back, just looked at her with a smile.

Liu Simin knew that he had been molested. He was so angry that he shook his left fist and suddenly started to sweep his legs to Xia Feng's waist.

Xia Feng hurriedly flashed. Liu Simin stepped forward and another whirlwind leg swept over. Xia Feng flashed again. Liu Simin said hey, step up and lift his leg high. This is a split leg. Chop from the head down.

She was taller than Xia Feng and had long legs. Such a white long leg was split from the air. It was white and tender. It was really beautiful. But impulse is impulse, and you still have to hide. Liu Simin's boxing is actually average. Anyway, she is a woman with small arms and insufficient muscle strength. She only hits her body with her fist.

But her legs are different. No matter how thin her legs are, they are thicker than Xia Feng's arms. In addition, they are still so long. If she splits down in the air, she can drink a pot of Xia Feng's head or shoulder.

"In fact, her leg Kung Fu is much better than her fist." Xia Feng thought secretly. Seeing Liu Simin scolding and the Phoenix eyes becoming powerful, he secretly shouted: "it seems that he really wants to teach me a lesson. OK, let me have fun for her."

At this time, Liu Simin started her leg technique and made a series of sudden cuts. This should be the leg technique in Taekwondo, which can give full play to the power of her long legs to the greatest extent.

Xia Feng flashed a leg and saw Liu Simin coming again. He suddenly took a step forward and caught Liu Simin's foot with his shoulder.

This foot was not light, but Xia Feng was prepared and took a step forward in advance. Liu Simin failed to wield the greatest power and didn't split Xia Feng. A long leg was put on Xia Feng's shoulder.

Liu Simin was surprised and hurriedly wanted to close her feet, but Xia Feng was on her shoulder and grabbed Liu Simin's ankle with one hand. Liu Simin couldn't take back her long leg. She couldn't stand stably on one foot, jumped and punched Xia Feng in the face.

But her legs are too long. In contrast, her hands are too short. Xia Feng doesn't want to block at all. She just tilts her head back a little, and Liu Simin's fist can't hit him.

Liu Simin was surprised and angry, and his legs were closed twice, but he put it on Xia Feng's shoulder and caught his ankle. He couldn't put it down at all.

"Let go," she snapped angrily.

"You guess, I'll let it go or not." Xia Feng smiled and slid the back of his hand along Liu Simin's calf to his thigh. He couldn't help praising: "it's so slippery. I really want to take a bite."

He said with a slanderous look on his face: "I said, you can bite. No, it's not allowed to bite in the boxing ring."

He really wanted to bite, and said, who is this.

Liu Simin screamed, "you dare."

The riding boots girl on the side shouted, "ah, you want to bite. You're not a girl."

Xia Feng was happy and turned to look at her: "can girls bite?"

The girl in riding boots shrugged her small nose and said, "I don't bite."

The girl was funny. Xia Feng laughed, but Liu Simin was furious. She earned twice and said, "let go."

Xia Feng said with a smile, "I said I would fight back."

His hand has been sliding on Liu Simin's leg, trying to feel it.

Liu Simin felt goose bumps all over him, but there was a strange itching feeling. He just felt numb in his heart.

"You're playing a rogue," she cried.

"Well, I'll give you a unique skill of the book." Xia Feng smiled, suddenly reached out, took off Liu Simin's shoes and tore off her socks.

Liu Simin was shocked and shouted, "what are you going to do?"

The riding boots girl also shouted, "what do you do?"

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