Wei Bo interrupted: "Xiao bin works very hard. Generally, he has to study after 11 o'clock. His grades are better than those of the students in the school. They all say it's a miracle."

Wu Xiangjun was a little annoyed with Xia Feng, but Cheng jinxun had another opinion and related to her son's illness. She pretended to be a smiling face and didn't speak, but she was still a little pleased when she heard Wei Bo's words.

Praising a child in front of a mother can't be wrong anyway.

"That's great." Xia Feng also boasted: "I can't read. What I admire most in my life is Xueba, and what annoys me most is Xueba."

"Why?" Weibo wondered.

"I admire them because their brains are so smart. I'm angry because every time my mother sees my grades and compares them with those of other children, she'll beat me up. Do you say it's annoying or not?"

His words made a room laugh, and Wu Xiangjun giggled.

The stairs were carpeted. When they went upstairs, Wu Xiangjun obviously lightened his steps. Cheng jinxun walked beside Xia Feng and explained to him: "the child can't be surprised. If he makes a little noise, he will be frightened. Then he sweats all over and can't sleep in the middle of the night."

"But he is in good health and never catches a cold, isn't he?" Xia Feng interrupted.

"Yes." Cheng jinxun nodded immediately, "Xiao Xia, how do you know?"

Xia Feng said, "I heard sister Wei say something about Xiaobin's symptoms. His bladder meridian is very hot, his kidney water is noisy, and he is young. Naturally, he separates all cold evils from the outside, so he doesn't catch a cold."

"So it is." speaking of Cheng Dubin's illness, Wu Xiangjun said: "in recent years, he said he was in poor health, but he really never caught a cold. I'm very strange."

"Well." Xia Feng nodded, "this is actually not a good phenomenon. He adjusted all the vitality of his body outside. Although he didn't catch a cold, he also consumed his vitality excessively."

"Ah." Wu Xiangjun was frightened: "what should I do?"

Cheng jinxun said, "what's your hurry? Xiao Xia came immediately. There must be a way."

Wu Xiangjun is a little proud, even to Shang Cheng jinxun. Now he nods repeatedly. Only the children can scare his mother.

Cheng Dubin's house was in the easternmost corner. Wu Xiangjun gently opened the door. She went into the house and said, "Xiao bin, mom invited an uncle to meet you. Don't mind."

It was made clear that Cheng jinxun invited Xia Feng in, and Wei Bo followed at the end.

This is a suite. There is a table under the window with a lamp on. A teenager sits in front of the table with books and a test paper in front of him.

The boy is naturally Cheng Dubin.

Xia Feng went in. He looked at Xia Feng curiously. His face was a little pale, but his eyes were very bright, like the midnight morning star.

It's normal for babies to have eyes like this, because the pupils are condensed by the kidney essence, but Cheng Dubin's face is so pale and his eyes are so bright. It's not a good phenomenon. It's forcibly squeezing vitality.

Cheng Dubin is 15 years old. He is not short. He is a little taller than Cheng jinxun. He is very thin, but his hair is very long. He is scattered behind his head and has been dragged to his waist.

"He refused to have his hair cut." Cheng jinxun explained, "we can't force him."

"HMM." Xia Feng nodded and walked over. Cheng Dubin looked at him warily, just like a small animal guarding against people.

Xia Feng did not look at him, but looked at the test paper on the table. His eyebrows immediately frowned: "algebra, my God."

He turned to look at Cheng jinxun: "President Cheng, I'm not afraid of you laughing. My worst thing is algebra. Now, I haven't studied for more than ten years. I often dream of doing algebra. Then the test paper was issued. I can't do a problem. I often sweat in a hurry and wake up."

"Ha ha." his words made Cheng jinxun laugh, but not the following kind of laughter, or Cheng Dubin's face also showed a smile.

Just then, Xia Feng suddenly stretched out his hand and bent his fingers to play in the middle of Cheng Dubin's eyebrows.

"What are you doing?" cried Wu Xiangjun, and his eyes stared.

Xia Feng ignored her and said, "do you have a razor? If not, a fruit knife will do."

"Yes." Cheng jinxun hesitated. He didn't know what Xia Feng wanted to do with the knife, and Wu Xiangjun shouted: "Xiaobin, Xiaobin, what's going on?"

It turned out that he gave Xia Feng a flick. Cheng Dubin looked straight and sat there like a fool.

"It's all right. I sealed his mind." Xia Feng explained, "it's convenient for treatment."

His explanation, coupled with his play, was quite magical, and Cheng jinxun was frightened and moved.

He had just listened to Wei Bo and made a judgment that Xia Feng might be a strange person, but when he met, Xia Feng really didn't look outstanding. The only thing that gave him a high look was that Xia Feng didn't flatter him in front of him, but others seemed ordinary.

Until this moment, Xia Feng's flick made Cheng Dubin lose his mind, which made him really realize the magic of Xia Feng. "Take a fruit knife." he immediately told Wu Xiangjun, "don't be surprised. Listen to Xiao Xia."

Wu Xiangjun was a little proud and worldly, but he was not stupid. Xia Feng also surprised her. He immediately turned around and asked the nanny to send a fruit knife.

Xia Feng took the fruit knife and walked behind Cheng Dubin. He actually helped him shave his hair.

Wu Xiangjun opened his mouth. When Cheng jinxun looked at him, Wu Xiangjun held back.

Xia Feng's behavior is too strange, but the more strange it is, the more it gives her a kind of psychological pressure, or hope.

Wei Bo also stared round and saw Xia Feng shave off Cheng Dubin's long hair.

In the blink of an eye, he shaved Cheng Dubin into a bald head. He couldn't help praising: "this boy's bald head is very beautiful."

Of course, he just liked it in his heart. He looked down at the back of Cheng Dubin's head, and Jin Xun nodded: "President Cheng, sister Wu, come and have a look."

When Cheng jinxun and Wu Xiangjun heard the sound, even Wei Bo followed and stood behind Cheng Dubin.

"What?" Wu Xiangjun didn't understand. She couldn't help it. Xia Feng thought Cheng Dubin's bald head was very beautiful, but as a mother, Xia Feng shaved her son's bald head. She felt very ugly.

"Look here." Xia Feng pointed to Cheng Dubin under his occipital bone.

Under the occipital bone, there will be a concave place. Of course, Cheng Dubin is the same. After shaving his head, it is particularly obvious.

In his occipital fossa, in the middle, that is, the deepest concave place, there is a black spot, which seems to be a little hair stubble, but it doesn't seem to be, because there is only a little hair stubble, but around the black spot, there is a big circle of small fingers covered with blue and black.

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