Wei Bo said here and explained by the way: "sister Wu is actually a very kind person, especially those who come to see her son, but there are too many liars. You are so young and I didn't make it clear in advance, so I can't trust you."

Xia Feng nodded: "understandable."

"Just understand," said Wei Bo. He was a little angry and gave him a white eye: "I really didn't know before. You have such a donkey temper."

"Sao Rui Sao Rui." Xia Feng only laughs to accompany her.

"Forgive you." Wei Bo snorted, "but you'll have a good look at Xiao bin later. By the way, his name is Cheng Dubin. President Cheng is their only son. His parents really have great expectations for him."

When she said so, Xia Feng looked positive and said, "yes, the only children are almost the same. Don't worry, sister Wei. I roughly know what's going on."

"Really?" Wei Bo was surprised, delighted and curious. "Do you know what's wrong with him?"

"Well." Xia Feng nodded, "there's a general direction, and you have to look at the details."

"Can you tell me something about it?" Wei Bo is a woman with strong energy and curiosity. There are so many Western and traditional Chinese medicine that she can't see anything wrong. Xia Feng hasn't seen it yet. She only heard her say something about her illness, but she can roughly know what it is. It's too divine. She can't restrain her curiosity.

"This is simple." she is a beauty and pleasing to the eyes. She is curious. Of course, Xia Feng is willing to say: "traditional Chinese medicine has its own unique theory. The human body is a whole. No matter what kind of disease, it is inseparable from Yin and Yang, five elements, meridians and Qi and blood."

The frame of his words was too big. Wei Bo blinked and said he didn't understand it at all.

"When it comes to Cheng Dubin's disease, he has a headache at 3:00 p.m., which is the disease on the bladder meridian. People's back brain to neck, mainly the small intestine meridian and bladder meridian. If it hurts to the hand, it's the small intestine meridian. If it hurts to the back brain, it's the bladder meridian." this makes it clear. Although Wei Bo doesn't know what meridian time, Xia Feng talks about the disease through the time and place of pain, At least it's not nonsense.

She nodded and continued to listen to Xia Feng.

Xia Feng said, "the attack time starts from three o'clock and ends at seven o'clock. The Qi and blood of the human body, from three o'clock to five o'clock, in the bladder meridian, from five o'clock to seven o'clock, in the kidney meridian, the kidney and the bladder, are inside and outside each other. Then you say he is restless after five o'clock, which means that it is the upward attack of kidney fire."

He said here and gave a summary gesture: "his disease is in the bladder and kidney. The pain is in the brain. Then, it's not the waist or the brain. It's the back of the brain. It can be injury or poison. What kind of disease it is, we should see the talent."

Xia Feng sorted it out one by one. Wei Bo was completely stupid. She really didn't understand it, but it sounded reasonable.

She looked at the man in front of her again.

Then regardless, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Cheng jinxun.

"President Cheng, I was having dinner with Xia Feng. He listened to me about Xiao Bin's condition and made a clear distinction. I think it's very reasonable."

"Really?" when Cheng jinxun heard it, his voice was a little higher: "I'll be right back. I'll be home at about 7:30. You must invite Xiao Xia home to have a look, or you can go home first. His mother is at home."

"I see. We'll arrive at 8:00 at the latest." Wei Bo wants to see Cheng jinxun. Wu Xiangjun doesn't want to see her. She can see that Wu Xiangjun actually doubts her, but she didn't say it.

But what if I doubt it? She is not afraid. What she wants to please is Cheng jinxun. Two years ago, Wu Xiangjun divorced Cheng jinxun. She was very happy at that time. If Wu Xiangjun really wanted to divorce Cheng jinxun, she might have a chance.

Of course, Cheng jinxun has a great future. Even if he gets divorced, a large number of aristocratic families will woo him and want to marry his daughter. Wei Bo has little chance, but she will seize as long as there is one in ten thousand chance.

Just like this time, Wei Bo must wait for Cheng jinxun to come back, and Xia Feng didn't go to Cheng's house directly, but contacted her first, which also made her very happy.

After hanging up, Wei Bo said, "we'll start a little more than seven and arrive around eight. President Cheng will be back at seven thirty."

"Everything is arranged by sister Wei." Xia Feng raised his glass.

"Elder sister leads your affection, and will never treat you badly in the future." Wei Bo also raises his glass. His eyes are watery and his style is intoxicating. Xia Feng can't help jumping in his belly.

Wei Bo has a good capacity for drinking. Xia Feng saw it last time, but she's going to Cheng's house this time. She only drank one cup and didn't drink it.

Smart, beautiful, mature, ambitious, but with strong self-control, such a woman climbed to this position in her thirties, of course, she sold some things, but her personal ability is beyond doubt.

After eating and drinking tea, Wei Bo drank fruit juice, so she questioned Xia Feng: "experts say that drinking tea immediately after words is bad for your health."

Xia Fengman doesn't care: "whatever it is, those bird experts, talking and laughing is better than crying, crying is better than laughing, walking a hundred steps after dinner and lying down after dinner. If you really want to listen to them, don't live that day. In fact, it's best to relax your heart and don't think about anything according to your usual living habits."

"That makes sense." Wei Bo nodded. In fact, she is grinding time. When Cheng jinxun returns, she gossips. At more than seven o'clock, she gets up.

Of course, Xia Feng checks out and men eat with beautiful women. This is the basic principle. Of course, the exception of soft food.

Wei Bo deliberately asked Xia Feng to treat him. She also took people's wrists. The beauty was coquettish and angry. Naturally, there was another meaning of seducing souls. Normal men couldn't stand it. Xia Feng was the same. He settled his account, took out the money and was happy. Don't say anything strange that she couldn't get a meal.

Then he came to Cheng's house and arrived at Cheng's house at more than seven forty.

This point is pinched very well. Cheng jinxun will come back and won't keep him waiting. Wei Bo pinches the fire very accurately, but Xia Feng doesn't know shit. He can listen to Wei Bo anyway. As long as he doesn't vomit, he is willing to listen to beautiful women.

Cheng jinxun got home. He was in his forties, medium-sized, with a big stomach and a thick neck.

Cheng jinxun had a round face and smiled a little like a Bodhisattva. Seeing Xia Feng, he smiled more friendly: "this is Xiao Xia. He is really young and promising. I have to ask you a lot about my son's illness."

Xia Feng said politely, "where is it? Let me see."

"Upstairs." Cheng jinxun said, "he is usually quiet at this time. After eating, he will study by himself."

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