The next day, Xia Feng watched Guo Wenjia drive to her brother's school. Instead of calling Cheng jinxun, he called Wei Bo.

The reason for this is Wei Bo. Wei Bo obviously wants to please Cheng jinxun. If he leaves Wei Bo and goes to Cheng's house alone, there will be nothing wrong with Wei Bo. Wei Bo will be angry afterwards.

Although Xia Feng is not afraid of Wei Bo's anger, Wei Bo is different from Cheng jinxun. Wei Bo is a beautiful woman. He always looks at the beautiful Xia Feng differently. If he doesn't vomit, he is always willing to give the beautiful woman more face.

There was a quick connection. Xia Feng said, "sister Wei, I don't know when you're free."

Wei Bo gave him a toss. He almost hated and loved him. He hated because this guy was too bad. He loved because Cheng jinxun spoke highly of this guy. He said that strange people are rare. As long as you can get to know him, you must not miss it.

And she has a personal experience. Xia Feng does have real kung fu. In addition, Cheng jinxun's words, she takes a higher look at Xia Feng. Such a strange person is in her hand and can be used at any time. It's not only that she is fine in case of something, but also a Golden Bridge to climb the relationship.

So although she hated Xia Feng to bite her teeth, she said half angrily and half resentfully as soon as she received Xia Feng's call: "you're finally back. Won't stand me up this time."

Xia Feng smiled and said, "sister Wei's little white pigeon, I just want to hold it in the palm of my hand. Where can I be willing to put it."

With a little ambiguity, Wei Bo bah: "I'll come in the afternoon and go to President Cheng's house in the evening."

"Great." Xia Feng exaggerated, "I'm really flustered when I go alone."

"Bah." Wei Bo directly bah: "you're still flustered. You won't be flustered in front of the heavenly king Lao Tzu."

Xia Feng laughed. At five o'clock in the afternoon, Wei Bo called again: "where are you? I'm coming. You'll invite me to dinner later, but don't say any strange words that you can't get a meal. You must invite me today."

Xia Feng smiled and made an appointment at Jiangnan restaurant. Wei Bo arrived in about half an hour.

She wears a white embroidered Chinese cheongsam, flesh colored silk stockings and red high heels, which is both intellectual and sexy.

Such a woman is the most attractive.

"Really a beauty." Xia Feng saw it, secretly praised it and greeted it: "sister Wei."

Wei Bo also saw him with bright eyes, like anger and resentment: "I didn't know you were so busy."

Actually, you are a stubborn donkey.

Xia Feng laughed and snapped his fingers. Suddenly there was a white rose in his hand: "I'm sorry, I made a special apology to sister Wei today."

He wore a T-shirt and showed his two arms. Wei Bo couldn't imagine how his white rose came out. He cried with surprise, took the white rose and smelled it in front of his nose. It was just urged by Xia Feng. It was fragrant.

"Oh, it's delicious." Wei Boxi shouted, "you can also do magic."

"I wouldn't have. I would have seen sister Wei." Xia Feng smiled.

"Hum." Weibo shrugged his nose. "Now he's slippery."

When he went to the restaurant and ordered food, Wei Bo said, "do you know childe nine?"

"I know you." Xia Feng nodded and thought of scratching the ninth childe that day. The corners of his mouth couldn't help glancing up.

"How did you know the ninth childe?" Wei Bo was curious.

She originally looked down on Xia Feng. Even if Xia Feng helped Li Xixi steal back the technology, Xia Feng was still just a salesman in her eyes.

But Xia Feng actually knew the ninth childe and was very familiar, which really impressed her.

She is a woman keen on power and a woman who desperately wants to climb up. Holding Cheng jinxun's thigh and even sacrificing herself are just a goal and want to climb higher.

Now, the grass-roots Xia Feng in her eyes actually knows a stronger nine childe. How can she not be curious and have a different mind.

Xia Feng said indifferently, "if you don't fight, you won't know each other."

"Don't fight, don't know?" Xia Feng's question and answer made Wei Bo more curious: "did you fight with Childe nine?"

"Yes." Xia Feng said, and finally couldn't help laughing: "that night, she asked me to go, and we had a fight."

"Do you really fight her?" Wei Bo always didn't believe it.

"Of course it's true." Xia Feng said carelessly, "do you want to be merciful?"

This answer made Wei Bo feel like he was swallowed by rice balls. She swallowed her saliva: "do you know who the ninth childe is?"

"Woman." Xia Feng again stuffed her with a big rice ball: "but it's really beautiful. That waist, tut tut."

This time, Wei Bo was really going to die. He had to drink red wine and swallow it forcibly.

But she still didn't give up and said, "it's said that the ninth childe has a big background. Do you understand?"

"I don't understand." Xia Feng shook his head flatly: "I only know that some parts of her are very big."

Then his eyes slipped around Wei Bo's chest.

"That fake childe is really a woman among women. His figure is too good and he has too much meat." Liu Simin secretly praised before Xia Feng's eyes.

Wei Bo couldn't talk to him completely. He looked at him, bowed his head and ate vegetables. After a while, he said, "President Cheng's son has a strange disease. He is afraid of wind, light and people. It's a little similar to my disease, so I recommended you."

"HMM." Xia Feng nodded. When it came to his illness, he was serious.

"He also says pain, but it's not a pain in his body, it's a headache. Sometimes he talks nonsense and says he's a monkey king with a hoop curse on his head," Wei Bo continued.

Xia Feng asked, "do you usually talk nonsense?"

"No." Wei Bo shook his head: "he usually gets sick in the afternoon. He gets sick at one or two or three o'clock. As soon as he gets sick, he shrinks into the black room, closes the door tightly, and nobody is seen. But at five or six o'clock, he opens the door, doesn't wear clothes, walks and barks. He'll be all right at seven or eight o'clock. He's very quiet, just like normal people."

Speaking of this, she stopped for a moment and said, "it's strange that he is very smart. He was 15 years old this year. He got sick on the first day of his 13th birthday. He didn't go to school. He asked his mother to take the teaching materials back for self-study, and then he also took the test paper back every year. The test paper scores first every year. This first is not the first in the whole school, but the first in the whole district."

"Such a cow." Xia Feng can't read. What he admires most in his life is Xueba.

Wei Bo said: "so, his strange disease is not a mental problem, and his body can't find anything. He has seen all western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, as well as Qin Le, eminent monks, witches and gods. Anyone who is a little famous will be recommended. His mother broke her heart for him."

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