Xia Feng was stunned. After confirming that Xu Ruoxue was not joking, he nodded decisively and said, "yes!"

Originally, I felt too bored and wanted to refuse Liu Simin, but Xu Ruoxue actually wanted to make a target in person. Such a beautiful woman like flowers actually wanted to go to Shanghai Island to play the island survival experiment. It's too interesting.

Xia Feng is willing to witness such an interesting thing.

"I said this guy would go." Liu Simin smiled at Xu Ruoxue and said to Xia Feng, "that's a deal."

After dinner, Liu Simin embraced the United States. Xia Feng returned to the hotel. He called Yan Xiangxiang first, but no one answered. It seems that she was determined to reduce contact, so she contacted Guo Wenjia abroad. Yue Lei's injury was still not optimistic. After a few words of comfort, she hung up.

Then Xia Feng called Xiaoli and Liu Xiyan. Xiaoli told the company that he didn't need to worry about the company anyway. Liu Xiyan asked her how things were with Chen Xin's husband. Liu Xiyan said she was still waiting.

After chatting for a few words, Xia Feng hung up the phone, but he received a call from Lin Feiyang. He was urging Xia Feng to deal with min Aoxue. Xia Feng said that he was temporarily busy and had to wait another half a month.

Now Xia Feng's people are in the capital, and Lin Feiyang can't reach them. In addition, Yue Lei, who plotted with him, is unconscious. He doesn't know what to do. He can only give up.

The next morning, I flew to Macao and saw Scola, the strange president of Wiener company, a stout man in his fifties with hair all over his body.

Xia Feng took a look and shouted in his heart, "no wonder he likes living in the wild. This guy is a savage at all."

Xu Ruoxue seems to have this idea, but his face doesn't show it.

Scola personally asked Xu Ruoxue and Xia Feng, and then asked them to sign a voluntary document.

Yes, voluntary. This matter has nothing to do with Wiener company from beginning to end. It is a voluntary Island survival game. It is hung under the name of a tourism company. If something happens, it will be borne by itself. Of course, there is insurance. That's it.

However, there are still a lot of participants. Dozens of companies participate in the competition, because the benefits are obvious. Wiener is an internationally well-known brand. Xu Ruoxue estimated that it is only a sub agent in each province, and it can charge millions or even tens of millions a year.

This is a real golden cake. Many people want to eat it. Naturally, it can be understood. Xu Ruoxue doesn't want to take a bite. She is greedy, and so do others.

After staying in the hotel for one night, the next day, I got on a yacht. All the companies participated in the yacht and matched men and women, which is the unique requirement of Wiener company. It is stipulated that men and women must stick to it at the same time. If one of them withdraws, the whole company will withdraw.

"In fact, it's quite reasonable." Xia Feng smiled at Xu Ruoxue: "men and women match. It's not tired to work."

"This man is a pervert and likes to toss." Xu Ruoxue snorted coldly.

After seven or eight days, the yacht began to release people. They were all isolated islands in the sea. As for which company's players went to which island, it was decided by lot.

Something went wrong at the beginning. The first pair of contestants got off the boat. The female contestant cried and refused to participate, so she quit and replaced it with a contestant from another company, but the substituted contestants also looked bad.

Xia Feng shook his head secretly and peeped at Xu Ruoxue, but Xu Ruoxue noticed it and glared at him: "what are you looking at me for? Don't worry, I will never quit halfway."

Xia Feng smiled and didn't speak, but he could see that Xu Ruoxue was indeed a girl with quite a character.

After three days of sailing, it was Xu Ruoxue's turn to take Xia Feng and Xia Feng. The boat took them to the island and left two bags.

The bag contains three sets of clothes to change and wash. Of course, it includes both inside and outside, a knife, a rope and a box of matches.

Yes, including changing clothes, they were prepared by Wiener company. Of course, I reported the size first.

Then, there is another mobile phone, which is also a special mobile phone prepared by Wiener company. You can only dial the number designated by Wiener company, and other numbers cannot be called. It is basically similar to a walkie talkie. If the contestants want to quit halfway or encounter an emergency, they can dial the number of Wiener company.

Of course, once you apply for rescue, it means giving up.

"Hey, Mr. Robinson, come out to pick up the guests." when he stepped on the beach and put his bag on his back, Xia Feng suddenly shouted to the island. He came to the competition with a game mentality, or a mentality of wanting to see Xu Ruoxue's jokes, so he was very relaxed.

Xu Ruoxue is a little nervous.

She didn't have any experience in survival in the wild. Although she checked a lot of data during this period, she seemed confident. As soon as she stepped on the desert island, her heart was suddenly empty. She involuntarily asked Xia Feng's idea: "Xia Feng, what do you say we should do now?"

"I don't know," Xia Feng said. "Why don't we go for a walk? First look at the island and find out the terrain."

"OK." Xu Ruoxue nodded.

She is a very independent person in her daily life and work, but in the face of a new subject such as desert island survival, she chose to listen to Xia Feng's idea more - because Liu Simin told her that this is a strange man and has some strange skills. When she went to the island, she asked him more opinions, and Xu Ruoxue herself, just stick to it.

She still believes in Liu Simin. There are small peaks and forests on the island. Xia Feng walks along the beach first, which has two advantages. First, the size of the island can be preliminarily measured. Second, fresh water can be found. If there is fresh water on the mountain, there should be a small river into the sea, and water and food are the two necessary factors for survival.

"If there are mountains and forests, there should be rivers." Xia Feng made a judgment. In fact, his judgment will not be wrong, because the wild is the world of magic eyes, and so is the desert island at sea.

Only a few hundred meters away, I saw a small river with gurgling streams, reflecting light in the sun, such as a clear jade belt, plunged into the sea.

"There really is a river." Xu Ruoxue cheered. She read the information on the Internet for several days and knew the importance of fresh water.

Xia Feng looked old: "the mountain man has a clever plan. He will never be wrong."

Xu Ruoxue smiled and didn't refute him, but Xia Feng came: "why, you're not convinced, don't you, benefactor, if you have any problems, just ask, and the mountain people will help you solve your doubts."

He shook his head, Xu Ruoxue chuckled, and the tension in his heart was relieved. He said, "can we get the agency this time?"

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