"Well," Xia Feng said affectably, "I'll take off my shoes first."

Xu Ruoxue wondered, "why do you take off your shoes? Be careful to prick your feet. It's really troublesome."

"Don't you mean pinching your fingers." Xia Feng began to argue solemnly again: "almsgiver, it's a little difficult for you to pinch your fingers. You have to pinch your toes."

Xu Ruoxue understood and laughed loudly. She was born very beautiful. This smile was like a flutter of flowers.

"She smiles pretty." Xia Feng whispered.

"Then you pinch it slowly." seeing Xia Feng in a daze, Xu Ruoxue blushed slightly: "I'll go up the mountain first to see how big the island is."

She walked up the hill along the river, and Xia Feng followed.

The mountain peak is not high and the forest is not very dense. It is mostly low shrubs with few tall trees. Occasionally, some fruiting shrubs can be seen.

In about half an hour, the two climbed to the top of the mountain. They were all disappointed.

The island is very small. Standing on the top of the mountain, you can see the whole picture of the island. The island runs from east to west. It grows a little more than two kilometers. At the widest part, it is about five to six hundred meters. The trees are limited. There are no animals anywhere you look.

There are no animals, especially no large beasts. The safety seems to be guaranteed, but without animals, where does the food come from?

Xu Ruoxue was worried and said, "Xia Feng, what do you think we should do?"

She began to ask Xia Feng's opinion again.

"Cold mix." Xia Feng shrugged: "fortunately, there is plenty of sea water, which is cool enough."

Xu Ruoxue was not satisfied with his answer. She bit her silver teeth, looked at the west of the island and said, "there seems to be a cliff over there. Maybe there are seabirds."

"Roast seabirds? That's good too." Xia Feng agreed immediately.

In the wild, he can't be hungry, but he just wants to see Xu Ruoxue's joke. If everything is arranged, he can't see the joke.

They went down the mountain and went to the west coast. It was indeed a cliff, very high, close to 100 meters. The strange rocks were jagged and the waves beat the shore. It was very felt, but they didn't see the imagined scene of a large number of seabirds nesting. To put it cruelly, they didn't see any signs of life on the edge of the cliff except the waves.

"No seabirds build their nests here." Xu Ruoxue's voice was obviously disappointed.

"Feng Shui is not very good here." Xia Feng is still the same oil. Maybe ruoshue doesn't want to laugh anymore. She frowned, thought and said, "there may be sea clams on the reef. We can catch them and make Chinese food."

"That's a good idea." Xia Feng agreed.

They went down from one side to the beach, on the reef and in the shallow water. There were molluscs such as sea clams. Maybe ruoshue just wanted to cry when she held them in her hand.

Imagination is romantic, but the phenomenon is cruel. If she is the daughter of a fisherman and grew up on the beach since childhood, it is not unacceptable to eat sea clams raw, but she is not. She is an inland urban girl. The romantic sea clams in the novel are actually extremely ugly in her hand, and it is unimaginable to eat them.

Of course, it would be romantic if there were candlelight and red wine to match in a high-end restaurant, but now you can only roast it, not to mention red wine. You have to say whether you can roast it or not.

She finally set her eyes on Xia Feng.

Xia Feng wanted to see a joke, but seeing her like this, she suddenly felt soft again.

This is a enterprising girl. It's really meaningless to see her laugh, to see her cry and insist, or finally cry and can't insist.

"Forget it, give her a hand. She actually looks good when she smiles. It's boring to cry." after changing her mind, Xia Feng took off her shoes, stepped on the reef, looked around, came up, took a short knife, went to the forest and cut a branch, about one meter and five long, with a thick thumb.

He sharpened one end, returned to the reef, stood half bowed, and the branch was raised above his head.

This position is to fork the fish?

Xu Ruoxue was surprised and happy. If Xia Feng could really fork fish, the food would not be a problem at all. Such a large sea, with food and fresh water, and firewood in the woods, the problem of survival would be completely solved.

"Can he fork the fish?" Xu Ruoxue clenched her hands in front of her chest and was very nervous, because her eyes were clear. It was all rippling waves. Even if there were fish in the water, she couldn't see clearly, let alone fork the fish.

Can Xia Feng see the fish in the water? Even if you can see it vaguely, the fish is swimming. Can you fork it? Liu Simin said he was a flower seller, not a fisherman. He should have no experience in this field.

Xu Ruoxue doesn't know that if Xia Feng wants to eat fish, the fish will jump into the pot by themselves.

In Xu Ruoxue's wishful thinking, Xia Feng suddenly shot out a wooden stick in his hand, which was very fast and powerful, and even brought a whine.

Xu Ruoxue's eyes closely followed the stick, but then he shouted bad, because the stick completely disappeared at the bottom of the sea. Even if he forked the fish, it would be useless if he couldn't catch it.

Xia Feng stood there without moving, but there was a look of joy on his face. Xu Ruoxue was stunned: "did you fork the fish, but..."

In her doubt, Xia Feng bowed and raised himself again. The stick was already in his hand. On the head of the stick, there was a big fish, at least seven or eight kilograms, and his tail was still swinging.

"Fork to the fish, really fork to the fish." Xu Ruoxue was surprised and happy. She couldn't help jumping up. Because she was nervous and worried, she was standing on a reef. At this time, she forgot her form and the terrain. She turned her foot and immediately slipped into the water.

"What's the matter? Is it all right?" Xu Ruoxue said she could swim and won some medals in the college games. Xia Feng wasn't worried about her drowning. Xu Ruoxue leaned against the reef, but she was there with her legs. Xia Feng came in a hurry. Xu Ruoxue said with a painful face: "her feet are twisted."

"Let me see." Xia Feng asked her to lean against the reef and hold her feet up.

Xu Ruoxue's feet are very white and beautiful, especially when she comes out of the water, there is a kind of amazing beauty of lotus water.

"Your feet are so beautiful." Xia Feng couldn't help praising.

Xu Ruoxue's face was red, some ashamed and some proud. He said with a red lip: "what?"

"It's true." Xia Feng was a piece of brown sugar. Seeing that she didn't look angry, she stuck it. Hehe smiled, looked around in her hand, and said, "it's beautiful. It's really beautiful. Our ancestors said in a poem that Hibiscus comes from clear water. It's natural to carve and decorate. It's just right for your feet."

"What, that's Li Bai's poem. OK." people twisted their feet. He came and pulled crooked poems. How can there be such a person? Xu Ruoxue was a little ashamed.

"They are all ancestors." Xia Feng had no shame on his face.

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