Xia Feng looked along her fingers. Sure enough, she saw a big hole on the cliff. The hole was not too high. It was more than 20 meters away from the cliff. She couldn't see it above. It was very clear from below. It was useless to see it. It was more than 20 meters high and the cliff was very steep. In particular, the section below the cave was almost cut by a knife. How could it be possible to go up.

"Ah." Xia Feng touched his head and said exaggeratedly, "the master wanted to teach me the ability of flying and hiding. I said I was afraid to scare Wang Xiaoya next door. I didn't learn. Now I regret it."

Xu Ruoxue laughed and looked at him angrily: "I think you can't fly compared with sun monkey."

"That's not blowing." Xia Feng patted his chest and said, "I'm worse than brother monkey. Brother monkey is powerful. That's the look of his tail."

Xu Ruoxue was trembling with laughter.

"I love to laugh more and more." Xia Feng was happy: "it's still nice to laugh."

Two people went ashore and went to the river to clean up the internal organs of the fish. Xia Feng thought of one thing: "ah, there's no salt."

"How can there be no salt in the sea?" Xu Ruoxue can finally show it. When she went to the edge of the cliff and found salt from some cliff cracks, Xia Feng suddenly looked surprised: "how can there be salt in the cliff cracks? It's amazing. You're a fairy. Let me worship you."

Xu Ruoxue giggles. There is salt in the crevices. It is very simple. When there is a big wave, the sea water flows into the crevices. As soon as the water retreats and the sun shines, the salt condenses. Although it will be scraped away when the water rises again, there are always some left.

However, this kind of salt has some impurities and doesn't taste very good. There are also ways to solve it. Dissolve it with fresh water in the river and filter it again. However, it's not urgent at the moment. Make do with it on the first day.

Xu Ruoxue learned a lot about field survival on the Internet. After learning a lot, she finally used a move. She was also very proud. She explained to Xia Feng, and Xia Feng was full of praise.

"Ah, you're awesome... Really smart... Smart and beautiful... You can't be a little dragon girl." later, Xu Ruoxue felt numb and couldn't help kicking him: "go find firewood."

"How to kick people." Xia Feng jumped up exaggerated: "I know, you're not a little dragon girl, you're a mother worm."

Xu Ruoxue laughed. She is a cold and arrogant girl. It's hard for ordinary people to get close, but Xia Feng can miraculously cross this distance.

Xu Ruoxue doesn't know why.

Looking at Xia Feng who bent down to pick up firewood in the forest, Xu Ruoxue flashed a ray of confusion in her eyes: "nine childe said this guy is a strange man. I should be careful, but it looks ok."

Make a fire and roast the fish. It tastes good. Well, in fact, it tastes average, but this is the first day. It's still fresh. It's hard to say after eating for a long time. However, Xu Ruoxue is a tough person. She believes that as long as there are fish to eat, she can last.

As for Xia Feng, I don't know how long he is.

After eating the fish, I began to solve the problem of living and walked around the island. Except for the hole on the cliff, I didn't find any cave. This is some trouble. I really have to build a tree house.

The so-called tree house is also simple. Find several adjacent trees, pull their crowns together with vines, and then cut some wider leaves to cover them, which is similar to a thatched house.

Xia Feng is the main force. Xu Ruoxue cooperates and arrives quickly. In less than an hour, he builds a room. Xia Feng stands far away, appreciates it for a while and shakes his head: "it doesn't work. It can block light rain at most. I'm afraid there are still some leaks. If it includes heavy rain, it's completely useless."

What he said was true, but Xu Ruoxue comforted him: "it's OK for the time being. First, I'll requisition this one, and you can build another one."

"Really?" Xia Feng looked at her suspiciously.

"I really like it." Xu Ruoxue stroked her hands, a cold and arrogant beauty, but now she took advantage of her incarnation as the little sister next door.

"Then give me the money." Xia Feng stretched out his hand and said solemnly, "for the sake of acquaintances, three thousand a month."

"I also have a share to build, so I won't give you money." Xu Ruoxue ignored him, took her bag in, tried to sit down and nodded: "it's good, I like it."

Xia Feng was actually observing her. She was worried that Xia Feng couldn't hold on. Xia Feng decided that she couldn't hold on at the beginning. However, after reading her expression, she thought: "it seems that you have really made up your mind. I see you can hold on for a few days."

Xia Feng built another tree house on the side. She was supposed to be a little far away, but Xu Ruoxue didn't do it. She asked Xia Feng to build it on the side of her tree house. Obviously, she looks strong, but she is actually weak inside. On such a desert island, she is actually very afraid.

Although the tree house was simple, it was sweating. Xia Feng looked at Xu Ruoxue and said, "I'll go swimming. Will you go?"

Xu Ruoxue saw his eyes slip around in front of her chest. He was slightly ashamed, but he didn't shrink back. The main reason was that he was really uncomfortable and said, "go."

Among these underwear prepared by Wiener company, there is really a set of tight swimsuits and swimsuits. It is estimated that it is the survival of the island. I think we should swim.

Xia Feng also took a knife with him. Xu Ruoxue was surprised: "what are you doing with a knife?"

"I don't think there are big seashells under the cliff. If there are big seashells, there may be a night pearl, then you will be rich." after listening to Xia Feng's explanation, Xu Ruoxue was funny: "I can't see you're still a money fan."

"Of course." Xia Feng frowned, "girls are so expensive now. It's not easy to buy one?"

"What?" Xu Ruoxue said, "what do you think of women?"

"Well, I'm going to treat them as Bodhisattvas." Xia Feng looked serious: "buy them back and provide them well. They're so expensive that they don't dare to touch and fall."

Xu ruoshue smiled.

At the edge of the cliff, Xia Feng took a knife and dived. Xu Ruoxue also dived a little. She was short of breath. She could hold it for a minute at most. If she dared to be busy, she would come out of the water.

Xia Feng didn't come out for half a day, one minute, two minutes, three minutes, five minutes.

Xu Ruoxue checked online that the Marine Corps is qualified to hold their breath for ten minutes, but Xia Feng is not a soldier and has not received training in this field.

Xu Ruoxue was frightened and shouted, "Xia Feng, Xia Feng."

Thinking that the sound could not penetrate the water, he hurriedly dived from the place where Xia Feng dived.

The water in the open sea is completely unpolluted, and the sun is very bright and clear, so the bottom is very bright and clear. You can see at least more than ten meters away, but Xu Ruoxue looked around before and after, but he couldn't find xiafeng.

"Xia Feng." he dived several times in succession. When he came out of the water again, Xu Ruoxue was desperate, and he unconsciously cried.

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