Xu Ruoxue was in a hurry when she suddenly heard Xia Feng's cry: "Hello, manager Xu."

Xu Ruoxue was ecstatic, but when she looked around, she didn't see anyone. Was there something wrong with her ear? At this time, she heard a cry again. She looked at the sound and her mouth opened for a moment.

Xia Feng is not in the water, but stands on the cliff. No, it's not on the cliff, but the hole in the cliff.

Isn't he diving? How did you run up the cliff? Xu Ruoxue only felt that her brain was completely short circuited, and she couldn't understand it at all.

"Xia Feng?" she called in some doubt.

Then she saw more surprised that Xia Feng was putting down a rope ladder. The rope ladder was very long and hung down to the sea.

"Swim over quickly." put down the rope ladder and Xia Feng waved.

This is really amazing. Xu Ruoxue didn't have time to ask more. He swam to the bottom of the rope ladder and took a look. It is indeed a modern rope ladder, not woven by trees and vines or seaweed.

Can he not only do magic, but also a Doraemon?

With curiosity, Xu Ruoxue climbed up the rope ladder to the hole. Xia Feng stretched out his hand and pulled her into the hole.

"Aren't you diving? Why are you on the cliff? Is there a dark hole under the water." Xu Ruoxue had guessed a little, and couldn't help looking back at the bottom: "it's so high."

"Are you afraid of heights?" Xia Feng asked.

"Not afraid." Xu Ruoxue shook her head.

"Really?" Xia Feng asked with a smile, suddenly grabbed her shoulder and pushed her.

"Ah." Xu Ruoxue screamed and subconsciously hooped Xia Feng's neck, but then he reacted that Xia Feng was joking. For a moment, he was very angry and beat Xia Feng twice on his shoulder: "you bastard."

Xia Feng took advantage of her beauty. She was soft and felt very much. However, he was afraid that Xu Ruoxue was really annoyed. Hehe smiled and said, "I found the cave of Alibaba and the forty thieves."

"Really?" this statement successfully attracted Xu Ruoxue's attention.

In fact, she was a little ashamed, but she didn't really have much anger. She followed Xia Feng into the cave and couldn't help crying out.

The hole is very big, about five meters high and wide. When you go in for three or four meters, you can see a huge hole in front of you.

This hole has a unique shape. The middle is empty, but there are circular walkways on both sides, just like that kind of Chinese villa. The middle is a atrium, and there is a corridor on the second floor.

At the end of the corridor, there is a huge platform. The size of the platform makes Xu Ruoxue open her mouth for a moment, because its top height is nearly 100 meters, and its length and width are hundreds of meters.

Just imagine the situation outside. The cliff outside is just a layer of shell, and the inside is completely hollowed out. It is equal to how high the cliff outside is, how high the hole inside is, and the hole extends to the whole island, so it is very long and very wide.

The light in the cave is also very good, because the cave on the cliff absorbs the light, while in the middle of the cave, there is a secret passage leading to the water surface. The sea water forms a mirror in it, reflecting the light introduced from the cliff into the whole cave.

With the rippling of water waves, the hole is not dark, but glittering, with a dreamlike feeling.

In addition to this large hole, there are many small holes, and light also comes in. The cliff outside seems to be blown into a sieve by the wind.

Xu Ruoxue followed Xia Feng from the corridor to the platform, and then she knew how Xia Feng came up. On one side of the cliff, there was a slope that could lead to the underground river below.

"You came up from here." Xu Ruoxue asked, pointing to the slope.

"Yes." Xia Feng smiled: "unexpectedly, I dived down and suddenly saw a hole in the cliff, and there seemed to be light inside. I swam in and found the big hole."

Of course, this is nonsense. Magic eye has long found it, but Xu Ruoxue believes it.

"It's amazing." Xu Ruoxue couldn't help nodding. She looked at the underground river below and led to the deep mountain. She said, "I'm afraid it's very deep."

Xia Feng also looked down and nodded: "it must be very deep. You can know by listening to the echo, but no matter it, there is a unique cave on the upper platform. You see, I think it may be the nest of Alibaba and the forty thieves."

"Pirates." Xu Ruoxue finally woke up and changed his face.

At this time, she finally saw that there were things piled up everywhere on the platform. It was obviously human goods. It could never be floated up by rising water or animals.

"Don't worry, there are no pirates for the time being." Xia Feng certainly saw it and comforted her.

Xu Ruoxue put her heart down a little and stroked her chest.

Xia Feng looked greedily for fear that Xu Ruoxue might notice and said, "you can't see the hall outside. Come with me to see the small hole inside."

He walked forward, but Xu Ruoxue grabbed his hand. It was obvious that she was afraid.

Xia Feng didn't expect such treatment. Xu Ruoxue's tender little hand reached into his palm. It felt really good. Naturally, he held it firmly. Xia Feng had a rough look at it before. Now Xu Ruoxue followed in. There were dozens of holes on both sides of the original huge platform, large and small, on the left and right. On the side near the sea on the left, many holes had light through. The cliff was indeed a sieve.

That is, the caves here are all dead caves against the cliff. This situation is really like a villa. There are living rooms outside and large and small rooms inside.

It's really a room, because Xu Ruoxue looked all the way. At least seven or eight holes had beds and stacked all kinds of supplies, including one or even the kitchen. What's more, there were one or two cans of liquefied gas, a set of kitchenware, pots, pans and bowls.

"This is the pirate's nest?" Xu Ruoxue's voice was astringent. Watching pirate movies was very romantic and novel. When she really saw the pirate's nest, she was afraid. She took Xia Feng's hand and leaned her body close to Xia Feng.

Xia Feng only wears a pair of swimming trunks. Xu Ruoxue is also a three-point style. He is so close to his body, his skin is smooth, with a trace of coolness. With a gentle touch, Xia Feng almost wants to fly.

"It should be the pirate's nest." Xia Feng tried to control himself, which was too tempting.

He led Xu Ruoxue in: "you see, these messy clothes, empty bottles, and here, this is a kitchen. Rice, biscuits, cans, ha, old godmother all have them. Tourists won't prepare these things. They take liquefied gas with them. It doesn't make sense."

The two cans of liquefied gas were the most convincing. Xu ruoshue's face turned white: "it's really pirates. What shall we do if the pirates come back?"

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