Speaking of later, Xu Ruoxue's voice has trembled. At this moment, the cold, gorgeous and arrogant urban professional white-collar completely turned into a little woman and leaned closely against Xia Feng. It seems that he just wanted to squeeze into his arms.

"That's not certain." although she was very dependent on Xu Ruoxue, Xia Feng didn't want to scare her too much. After thinking for a while, she said: "It's certainly a pirate's nest, but I feel that pirates should not come often. I think it's just a stronghold of them. If they sweep it strictly, they come to hide, or tie up meat tickets and catch it here. They shouldn't live here at ordinary times. Look at these ashes. No one has entered the hole for at least a month."

He was very persuasive. Xu Ruoxue nodded: "there is ash on the suitcase and bed. It should be that no one has come for a long time. They won't give up or be destroyed."

Girls are always romantic, which is good. Xia Feng heard it funny and didn't hit her. He said, "it's better to be destroyed. This hole is ours, but I don't seem to see the treasure."

At the moment, Xu Ruoxue had a dream of making a fortune. Xu Ruoxue gave him a big white eye. In this case, the beauty was coquettish and angry, but it was very ornamental. Xia Feng smiled, stretched out his hand and hugged Xu Ruoxue's small waist.

"Don't move." Xu ruoshue grabbed his hand, but didn't take his hand away from her waist. Obviously, it's OK to hug her. Maybe it's more reassuring for her, but if she's careless, it won't work.

Xia Feng didn't move. His waist was thin and elastic. His skin was greasy and cold. He was quite satisfied to hold his waist - it was worth it.

All kinds of holes are messy. There are light coming in and beds. Obviously, there are people living in them. There is no light. They are usually piled with sundries.

Xia Feng turned around with Xu Ruoxue. One of the big suitcases was opened, but it was a box of women's clothes. Now Xu Ruoxue was happy. Xia Feng was not allowed to turn over again. Jiao Chen said, "I'll see later."

Xia Feng was unwilling. He saw a lot of underwear in different colors and styles at a glance. He smiled and said, "don't I check it first? Be careful there are mines."

"You are the mine." Xu Ruo looked at him, and finally noticed Xia Feng's thief eyes glancing at her chest. His face turned red and said angrily, "go out first."

"Why?" Xia Feng protested, "I found it first."

"I've requisitioned it." the protest was invalid. Xu Ruoxue pushed him out directly. There was no door to the hole, but Xia Feng couldn't stretch his neck to look in, so he had to explore in another room.

On the left side of the cliff are all dead caves, which is equal to large and small rooms. On the right side of the platform, there are more than a dozen caves, but most of them are live caves, leading to the hinterland. Some caves are also piled with things, most of them are not, but they are dark. Xia Feng is not interested in exploring.

Once the spiritual power is swept away, there are no creatures, so it doesn't matter.

"What are you doing?" Xu Ruoxue came out.

Xia Feng turned back and his eyes brightened.

Xu Ruoxue changed into purple clothes and trousers and added a yellow ribbon around her waist. She was tall and lined the long clothes and trousers like a violet.

Xu Ruoxue noticed Xia Feng's eyes, his face was slightly colored, and turned a circle: "how about it?"

"Not much." Xia Feng shook his head.

"Hmm?" Xu Ruoxue said.

"Really." Xia Feng smiled, "it's better than the previous three-point style."

"Hate." Xu Ruoxue beat him and said curiously, "what were you doing just now?"

"I'm trying the depth of the hole." ruoshue looked, dark and couldn't help but be afraid. She immediately leaned against Xia Feng and said, "this hole is so deep."

"Some are not deep." that is, she leaned up by herself. Of course, Xia Feng was not polite. She stretched out her hand and hugged her waist. The clothes were made of hemp yarn, with a unique texture.

"But some are very deep. It may lead to the hinterland of the mountain, and." Xia Feng stopped for a moment: "it is estimated that it leads to the underground river below and to the sea."

His words made Xu Ruoxue have infinite imagination. His body trembled, squeezed tighter in Xia Feng's arms, and said, "will there be any sea monsters?"

"Not at all." Xia Feng smiled, "you'll have it when you come."

"Why?" Xu Ruoxue stared at him. She was afraid. Xia Feng wanted to scare her, so she was angry.

"Because you are so beautiful." Xia Feng smiled: "the Third Prince of the dragon king knows you are coming and will certainly come to offer you flowers. If the little dragon girl knows you are coming, she will certainly come to compare with you."

"Nonsense." Xu Ruoxue beat him.

The beauty was charming and angry, and the temptation was endless. Xia Feng suddenly impulsively hugged Xu Ruoxue with force in her hand. Xu Ruoxue gave a soft cry, put her hands on Xia Feng's chest, and saw Xia Feng's eyes shining. She was frightened. If Xia Feng had a big animal hair at the moment, she would never be able to resist.

But Xia Feng didn't use strong, but said in a soft voice, "if snow, you are so beautiful."

This made Xu Ruoxue turn from fear to shyness. Her pretty face was slightly red, her head was bowed, and her hand supporting Xia Feng's chest was soft and weak.

If Xia Feng kisses down at this time, she won't refuse.

But Xia Feng didn't kiss, but suddenly turned his head and yelled at a hole.

"Ah." Xu ruoshue was frightened. Instead of holding his hand, he buried his whole head in his arms. It took a long time to lift it up and said angrily, "what are you doing? I'm scared to death."

"I'm warning the Third Prince of the Dragon King. The famous flowers are in charge. Don't come up, or I'll kill him." Xia Feng smiled.

"No." Xu Ruoxue smiled and pushed him, but only gently. She didn't really push him away or refute his words.

"Xia Feng, this is really a pirate's nest. What do you think we should do?" Xu Ruoxue smiled and worried all the time.

This time Xia Feng stopped joking and said, "take a look first and look more carefully."

Holding Xu Ruoxue's hand, he basically looked at the holes on both sides of the platform.

In the hole on the left, there are seven beds. They are those Simmons mattresses. I don't know whether they were robbed or bought. There are several boxes of clothes and two mobile phones. They are all bad, at least there is no electricity. There is also an apple computer, which is also bad, or there is no electricity.

In the hole in the kitchen, there are five bags of rice, a bag of 50 kilograms, and all kinds of canned dried vegetables, meat and vegetables. There are also more than a dozen boxes and all kinds of spices.

At this time, Xu Ruoxue noticed something and said, "there are 19 small stainless steel bowls. This is a rice bowl. Does it mean that there are at most 19 of them?"

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